Bring back lock-on sym for a desperately needed niche

emphasis on it being lock-on beam for a support symmetra concept. not a dps sym

niches shouldn’t exists.

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No reason for that badly - designed, frustrating to play against mess of a weapon to return.

Unless, of course, you want to Nerf Symmetra even more by bringing back the lock - on with 100 DPS max level 3 chanrge (as it should had been from the very beginning), that is.

It’s how you create heroes that can do everything with no downsides

Looks at McCree, Ashe, Tracer, Echo, Hanzo, Brig, Sigma

Niches is why characters play and feel different, it’s creates interest in the OW, all reworks except Symm 2.0 were mistake , they only made game more generalistic

what’s the point of having 32 heroes when everyone feels like Soldier ?




St… Stop it hahahahahahaha

I didn’t play her in 1.0. I play her now. 1.0 I absolutely complained about, entirely because of the beam break lag. Yep, you couldn’t even break line of sight on that ridiculous beam, no Sym player who loved 1.0 ever wants to remember that for some reason.

Right now, she’s good. She rewards creativity when you use TP either for bombs or for clever offangle tricks, and if you know enemy has grav, it can literally save your team.

But no, Sym doesn’t need another bugged beam when they can’t get Orisa’s Halt or Hog’s Hook to be reliable.

…do you know the difference between skill floor and ceiling?

I don’t think that’s what Sym needs to be effective against flankers like she used to be. I think that she either needs a higher base damage or faster ramp-up time for her beam, and maybe a buff to her beam’s length or width. Her turrets are made of glass and her burst damage orbs are next to useless against hypermobility.

If she is to be capable against flankers then she needs to be a serious threat at short ranges. Her beam takes way too long to charge up, her orbs are inconsistent, and even her escape tool takes a whopping 2 seconds to cast. She either needs to do more damage from the get-go or have her kit speed increased so she has less downtime. A slightly-better Moira beam that requires good tracking isn’t going to cut it when a halfway competent flanker is on top of you. She doesn’t need a lock-on gimmick, she just needs her barrier-to-entry removed.

Her slow placement of her turrets and her extremely slow charging secondary fire and her flying pancake that spawned too far from her body was what held her back. Her primary fire and her shield generator were perfect.

Flankers already suck why are we making another counter to them?

Doomfist icon worried about sym. what part of this change doesn’t let you slam uppercut combo sym into the shadow realm?

Sym has zero value against any hero that chooses not to play on her terms. Not only does she do nothing outside of where she sets up static buildables, she’s hard countered by just diving her so hard her beam never gets to half power.

Because I only play Doomfist and Genji Sombra don’t exist and don’t dive supports yup.

From what I can tell, you are attempting to make her a counter to flankers.

Not the change in particular but maybe the enemy zarya bubble hog hook cree flash sombra hack ana sleep brig bash?

I mean you say “counter to flanker” as if they don’t have enough and when I bring it up you act like you didn’t say that

Why though? Right now she has more range than it used to and it does way more damage and it is extremely wide. Tracking with her is very easy and I don’t think this is really going to help her at all. What would actually do her alot of good is extending the range of the beam to atleast Zarya’s level. But I also think Zarya’s stretches too far.

Or making the charge down decay alot slower. It takes ages to charge it and decays at 2/3’s the speed it takes to charge it. It’s ridiculous.

Please try and hit any stun on tracer and let me know how that goes 90% of the time.

Stuns are the devs go-to to solve flankers which is a backwards concept that only counters slow frontline/melee heroes.

Sombra is an EMP bot that is a throw pick without good communication and GM playstyles.

Doomfist is clunky and easily punishable because all of his attacks are telegraphed and any interruption will kill him.

Genji is similar to Sombra: near useless outside of ult and has a terrible base kit otherwise would be SS-tier.

Echo and tracer harass backlines and farm tanks, they’re what I would consider to be what happens when it’s too hard to punish flanking playstyles.

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So this change is assuming flankers don’t have their current problems, so we have Symmetra doing this? Ok, that sounds a lot better to me, I thought you were adding this change in the current state of the game.

I don’t think that it’s a mess, by any means ~ but I also don’t think it needs a charge up, and a standard flat damage rate would be absolutely fine. I think they only wanted it to be a ‘charge up’ weapon because if you make it something like 100, she gets pretty strong with her first hit, but if you make it a static 60, or 40, to give the enemy time to ‘react’, there’s really not much oomph in the gun at all and it becomes weak overall.

So, if 100 was not too strong of a gun and people still had time to counter at least once, I’d be fine with it. I’d have to see it in actual practice, though.

And if you can’t remove yourself from the situation with the very close range noodle beam or counter her with that first opportunity, like getting her with flashbang and shooting her in the head, then she deserves to get that kill. A lot of more powerful heroes have more punishing abilities; do you get a ‘second chance’ with McCree? no, he just stuns and kills you and it’s a respected combo. You gotta admit that Sym deserves to be lethal too, or admit you’re being unfair to her.

I still thank lock on beam should come back but instead of ramp up over time ramp up based on how close you are to your target, if you’re in closer to the enemy flanker you deal more damage if your not you deal less, it puts pressure on both players and the positioning in 1v1s with sym would be more dynamic between both her and the person she’s fighting.

What’s the point of having 32 heroes when 85% of them are niche and never played because the other 15% just do everything and do it all better?

Maybe its a problem then ?

There basically were no " all in one " heroes before Brig release, then Devs decided to make heroes like her everytime

So now we have Brig , Sigma, Baptiste, Echo

After some balance changes also McCree, Tracer, Ashe, Hanzo

Maybe if mobility had actual countermechanics in the heroes that were supposed to counter mobile targets, we could buff flankers instead of nerfing everyone around hitscan feelies.