I miss him, we all do.
New devs messed everything up.
They disabled the main menu all chat, made heroes that do not follow the fundamental the other do.
Weird pay to win skins.
They made it 5v5 when the whole concept, gameplay and maps are designed for 6v6. They destroyed doomfist, widow, orisa, and more.
Put auto voicelines when taking a kill so the hero wont shut up.
Put the ârevengeâ indication, which realy is stupid, considering many kids will consiously or subconsiously will start morphing their playstyle based on that.
Changed the heroes looks (for worse if you ask me)
Changed the music that is slightly less fit to the overwatch identity.
Removed the SR system, witch was fine and now you dont even know where you at withe those stupid cards.
Made the push map which is some BS.
Removed many cc and shields. Which is basicaly why overwatch is overwatch and not just another FPS game.
I am soooo dissapointed. OW was my only favorite all time game with a huge gap from the opthers. I was putting money on it not for the skins, just to support it. But now that they made everything pay to win, i am so disapointed, i guess PapaJeff had a reason to leave Blizzard.
He was about making the game to have fun, and if you want to support it you can support it. Now its completely monetized.
Bring back Jeff.