Bring back downvotes

It would be better if it was just like YouTube or Voat. Have a separate dislike and like. It’s not a good system with either agree, comment, or move on.

Edit: I didn’t mean reddit. Someone else pointed out that it would be more like voat or YouTube videos.


Before you could Like or Dislike. We could see liked ideas, hated ideas, and polarized ideas (both liked and disliked) at a quick glance.

Now all we can see is a quick glance liked idea. Which is not good.


I have to down vote this down vote to the OP’s suggestion.

Hey, this might be more fun than we thought it would be.



Rather than a -infinite < 0 < +infinite it is simply a 0 -> Infinite scaling.


Stand strong my friend. Never let them hear the end of this until we reach our resolution! :revolving_hearts:


Agreed. Why can we express approval, but not disapproval? Makes no sense. Inb4 “Hurr durr downvotes hurt people”.


Think it was because things were being down voted based on people’s feelings and the topics weren’t discussed in a civil manner instead. For example: people saying “Genji is fine, here’s the reasons why (Besides deflect hit box)”, would be down voted because a lot of people seem to not like Genji, even though the person’s reasoning’s were valid.


I agree. Upvotes should be removed.


Found the math major lol


Please don’t bring back downvotes!!


I’d give you a like…

If I had one.


You might be thinking of Voat. Reddit is a one sided political and kinda one generational place. You overall score still puts you at bottom. Voat shows the overall score, but actually shows likes and dislikes below that, which is great because you can actually see controversial and contested comments easier.


Nah. Downvotes only promotes people only to follow the echo chamber or be downvoted to oblivion. I’d rather read why you don’t like a certain opinion than taking the lazy way out and downvoting the post.


Just use the poop emoji. :poop:


To be honest, I didn’t really like the Downvotes most of the time. You were usually silenced for having an unpopular opinion which defeats the entire point of having a general discussion. I found it kind of unfair that you were boycotted by everyone for just contributing to a discussion and it ends up becoming a circle jerk. (AKA Mercy nerf and everyone celebrating it)


The fact that I’m seeing people say they’d downvote if they could and explaining why with COMMENTS

Is exactly why we’re better off without downvotes.

This is a discussion forum. I’m here to discuss and read discussions.

You dislike something? Cool. Use your words and discuss why.


I heavily agree.

The fact that there is no downvote or upvote vomparison will only encourage blind posting and spamming of said post. Not to mention there will really be no engaging conversation going on as to maling a case or explaining one’s own ideals.

In order to even see this how the public is responding to said posting one person would need to read an entire novel just to understand if their ideas held true with the rest of the community.

In my eyes the forums are less engaging due to the lack of freedom one can show by a simple click of a button. Instead they took a simple to use system and butchered its other half just to keep people happy.

Well bad news it that bad posts and bad ibfluences might reign over now over logical conversations that might teach players a thing or two. It was already difficult due to Blizzard intentionally separating the playerbase via one trick and flex. Casual and comp. And the like.

But now those who really had issues with something will be left in the dark for a sheep like mindset in the forums are posters will now flock on senseless ideas without placing much thought into it.

A good example of posts raging wild is the LGBT posts. Others may be mocking the repprting system Blizzard has without much defense to the copany itself.

Right now this is a step backwards anf looks more like damage control rather than a revamp of a forum. Players should always have the freedom to voice their opinions. The dislike button hid a lot of the vulgarity that other players mght spew out. Now players have no choice but to argue and speak in such ways to display their dislike. Which only opens up a whole new can of worms.


So you’d prefer pages and pages of negativity rather than a hidden dislike functions? And you have to skim through all of that before you get to the good posts.


The purpose is not to silence your disapproval. It is to create an environment where actual input is valued over a simple clicking of a downvote icon.

You can still be heard. However, in order to participate in the conversation you must now formulate an intelligent response. Think of it as having skin in the game.


Still don’t get the “Silence” BS when you could literally click on the post to see it. Instead of that there’s now flag trolling which is honestly even worse. Even then most posts that managed to hit 50+ downvotes usually made it there for a good reason.