Bring back cyber demon genji

Bring back cyber demon genji


So, if I’m reading this correctly… buff Roadhog?

Nah thanks


Cyber demon Genji?

More like

stinker deeznuts weebsauce
I’m sorry, I just do not care at this point, and the skin is honestly not worth a better sham of a joke.


It might get re-released. We don’t know when though

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It will get re-released. Blizzard won’t pass this opportunity.However be ready to fork some money for it.
And not with coins , real $ babyyyy.
But later.Much, much later.
Imo in about 1-2 years.

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In the future, I do expect some kind of mythic shop like the one in League of Legends for mythic skins.

How it will work really depends on how greedy will Bliz be.

I’m hoping it’ll be this year. Around the time cyber demon genji was released or a little before that.

demons are soulless. a so called hero roster of demons and androids isn’t a hero roster, it’s a villain roster.

last thing we need is more genjis so nah

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A villain is often another man’s hero. You have to be genuinely irredeemably evil to be shunned by everyone.

In our current roster, there is no morally pitch black, only shades of grey.

hmmmmm. there’s nothing heroic about being demonic. also androids posing as human like is deviant and unholy.

They’ll probably re-release it at some point.
Missed our S1 Mythic skin? No worries. You can now get it by visiting our shop (pretty plz???). Only 50 $. Bundled with a useless souvenir and an ugly icon.

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cyber genji was the worse mythic IMO

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I’m almost 100% certain it will return in the future. It will however be interesting to see how much it will cost when legendary skins already costs $19 lol.

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