Bring back BCRF charity event in Overwatch 2

That is if Blizzard collab with BCRF again, that is a big “IF”, however, if Blizzard does a new charity event that is not featuring BCRF, then Blizzard can not simply bring back Pink Mercy.

I wouldn’t say it is obvious just based on the Twitter screenshots, but how I perceive the message was more so a thank you to Blizzard for the wonderful opportunity, we are still in contact with Blizzard, please feel free to support BCRF via donating through our website and other collabs with other future games. That is what I got from those screenshots, but again that is how I perceived it, in which it could be different from other’s perspectives.

I am going quote what people have been saying on here and other Pink Mercy-related threads, “Things can and do change in terms of people and company/ business do say one thing, and years later do the complete opposite.” We do not know when that Twitter screenshot was taken into account as in terms of the date and year. This is all just speculation as again we can only go via through factual evidence, but we do not know if BCRF is still in contact with Blizzard ever since the whole legal situation that occurred amongst those who work within Overwatch that impacted the company in a negative viewpoint or even now in the transition of Overwatch 2. We simply do not know, as businesses can and do change.

Blizzard/those who work for and/or close to the development team have stated that they have no plans to return Pink Mercy or the Icons.

As many stated, this does change, but this goes for both parties in terms of Blizzard and BCRF. Blizzard can simply change their mind and re-release Pink Mercy and collab with BCRF again, or BCRF can simply change their mind and cut ties with Blizzard while still thanking the company for a wonderful opportunity and wishing the company the best of of luck in the future.

It would be nice, of course. Just how it would be nice if Blizzard stops the monopolization and micro-transactions, charging skins that were once free in OW1 to now charging those very same skins for $15+

It would be nice for Blizzard to collab with another charity event as such TCAF (Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation) featuring a new hero or Childhood Cancer Awareness Foundation, as there are over 43 types of cancer awareness that can feature other heroes that are associated with other charity foundations company as BCRF is not the only awareness company. Not saying that you personally think that BCRF is the only one. Just think of the possibility of a supportive system Blizzard can do in terms of funding many new cancer awareness foundation companies for the many different types of cancer that feature new heroes and future heroes.

Every single limited time OWL skin has returned to the game other than Alien Zarya. I know this because I’ve keept track of every single skin that has returned to the game since Blizzard first started “unvaulting” skins. There were 1 unvaulting event in the end of 2021 and one in the end of OW1. In the start of OW2 the rest of the OWL that were not unvaulted yet got unvaulted. I recommend to search up “Overwatch 1 unvaulting events” on Google for more info if you wonder.

OW1 Unvaulting event 1:

OW1 Unvaulting event 2:

Skins returning in OW2:

I’m not here to argue whether or not is IS coming back, but whether it SHOULD. I have no idea of they’ll bring it back or not, I just think it would be nice if they did.

Which isn’t a flat ‘no, it’s never coming back’ BTW

Yes. I have stated multiple times already in this thread (idk if it was to you or not, but) that it would be fantastic if we got another skin for a different hero. But if possible, they should bring back pink mercy too to make more money for charity.

I don’t know whether it is coming back. I refuse to argue about that. I just know that everyone arguing it SHOULDN’T come back is wrong.

I remember Mercy/Lucio and skin has been re-released. So I was correct in terms of

Which the only skin that has not made a return is the

  • OWL Alien Zarya Skin
  • OWL Clockwork Zenyatta Skin (I beileve)
  • Should it come back, solely for a good cause, yes. If only for those who just want the skin, then no.

    I see both sides to this topic, and the more I read, the more I understand that the people are not arguing for it not to come back, but more so some are using the excuse to donate to a good cause if only Pink Mercy is released. If it does come back or not, the option to donate is still there 24/7. Quite honestly even if someone who just wants the skin donates to obtain the skin, the money is still going to a good cause, so one’s objective should not matter per se.

    It is more so that certain individuals are disputing the other party’s demands and vice versa. Whether it should or if etc. of the return of Pink Mercy is up to both BCRF and Blizzard, but both have stated that is no longer available, while on Blizzard said has stated that there is no plans on returning.

    I always say the likelihood of Pink Mercy returning is the same likelihood of Mercy’s Mass Ressecrtion as her ultimate, returning. The good ole days.

    This kind of thinking ignores the point of charity. I don’t care if you don’t think highly of people who just want the skin. I honestly find it stupid if you assume anyone who asks for the skin just because they want it, or doesn’t reassure everyone that they want it to come back for the good of charity when they ask, are doing so because they don’t care about charity.

    And even if they don’t care? Why tf should we not take their money? Genuinely, is it tainted or something? Would it not help people? There is no reason other than petty, holier-than-thee discourse, that doesn’t belong in this discussion.

    Alien Zarya is the single only OW1 OWL skin that hasn’t returned. Clockwork Zenyatta is a OW2 OWL skin.

    You completely ignored what was said. Let me put the full response, as again you ignored literally everything that was said.

    Please refrain from assuming. You state that your whole concept and principle of “arguing” is not whether Pink Mercy is coming back or not, but more on the line of that IT SHOULD RETURN, for the sole principle of donating to BCRF. Is this correct? In the previous message you discuss a counter-argument saying

    My question to you is Why does the Pink Mercy Skin have to be tied with the charity event? I understand the concept that it is a demanding skin for those who do not have the skin, which is understandable, it is like this with every hero who does not have a skin “typically”. If raising money for BCRF is the main goal, and Overwatch has a “large platform” to do so, why not start small and new and release a new skin for a new cancer awareness foundation? Again, this will open up venues and opportunities for other new foundation companies that need the exposure, while helping Blizzard with the company’s endorsement.

    Who knows, later in the years, Blizzard and BCRF might do another collab that may feature Pink Mercy again. “Wishful thinking”, but just reading a majority of the replies for those individuals that advocate for the return of Pink Mercy, anytime someone mention the legal requirement on why Blizzard can not just simply return Pink Mercy Skin, then it gets dismissed. Anytime someone mentions why not do a brand new charity event with a brand new hero, then not only does it gets dismissed, but follows up with a reply as such “Why can we not have both, or Pink Mercy is already made therefore, it can be re-release and sold in a bundle”

    I remember seeing someone suggesting let’s release a Pink Roadhog Skin, and that got dismissed with the following saying “Roadhog is not as popular as Mercy, therefore would not sell/ make that much compared to Mercy”. IF the sole principle is to raise awareness of BCRF and help fund the foundation of Awareness of Cancer, then why does it matter? Why does Mercy, due to popularity should be attached to the event itself?

    On a business level, I get it, sell what you know that will sell, in which since she is popular, many may buy, but that is not always true. Look at it now, Mercy is popular, yes, therefore, you think she would have got a mythic skin- but she hasn’t just yet, which I think she will be next honestly hopefully.

    That is correct, I just looked it up as it was released on October 05, 2022. Though there are still some exclusive- limited-time skins that still have yet to be released, not only just skins- but some spray, icons, emotes, etc. still to this day, and haven’t ever since limit-time exceeded. One can hope, right?

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    It doesn’t HAVE yo be but we know of no good reason it shouldn’t be. People want it, so why not?

    I know this might be innovative and scary, but as I’ve already stated, we can do both! Sell a new skin for the people who have pink mercy, and allow people who weren’t around the first time the chance to buy it now.

    Well, I am not them and disagree with their take. I would love a pink roadhog, or better yet something for Sigma or Tracer.

    Every single type of skins (other than charity and Blizzcon) has returned. Weekly challenge, hero challenge and OWL.

    There’s not many limited time emotes from OW1 for my knowledge but a Junkrat one returned in OW2.
    Icons do not return it seems. Even though every single OWL skin has returned (other than Alien Zarya), and even some of the hero challenge ones, the icons has not returned. There’s also limited time sprays that you earned from watching live streams and they haven’t either returned.

    Legal reasoning…

    That is only IF, Blizzard partners with BCRF again. Then yes, but if it is another Foundation company, then Blizzard needs permission and has to go through agreement terms with BCRF to re-release the skin, icon, and spray. Blizzard can not simply just re-release it since it was a collab with BCRF. Therefore it is not innovative and scary, just on a business level- not saying BCRF would, but could take legal actions if Blizzard decides to push further without the permission of BCRF…

    Never once I stated that you were one of them, but yes, a Pink Reaper would be meme-worthy, but all going to a good cause.

    Yeah, there are special emotes for Tracer and Torb that are exclusive for a limited amount of time. I believe skin as such Widow Ker-Skin has yet to make a return. Symmetra Tyrda Skin and I believe Genji’s for pre-ordering Diablo have yet to make a return to my acknowledgment. Also, Reinhardt space skin as well.

    As we both said, some limited-time made a return, while others have yet to make a return.

    This is what happens when you dont understand the point that pink mercy was a literal charity skin and was a one time thing and is trying to stop a devastating disease that kills millions of people, chronically online :skull:

    It’s a charity skin, that is why it’s not coming back.

    Again, I’m not trying to argue if it will happen. Im saying it just should happen.

    You can stop telling me this. I understand they might not do it and ffs I’ve already said I’m not interested in arguing it. It’s not a reason to not bring it back, just a possibility that might prevent it. There’s nothing to debate.

    Why does it being a charity skin mean it shouldn’t come back?

    please go touch some grass its literally a skin

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    No arguments, just insults :person_shrugging: take your own advice

    you only want it because of the skin not the actual donation you are so stupid LOL

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