Bring back “Heroes Never Die!”

I checked and it appears you do have a decent amount of time on Mercy, but you’re kidding yourself if you think you have the most hours on Mercy on the forums. Your last known SR is also Gold at 2449 from what I can find, which means you really have no perspective to be talking about how Mercy plays in higher tiers like you’ve been doing.

I play in Masters (and have since before the rework), and while I have less time specifically on Mercy than you, I am still a Mercy main and have more hours in total across all characters which means I have a better understanding of the game as a whole than you do.

Glad you’re enjoying the current Mercy, but I think that the game would be healthier and that everyone would be happier with a rework that included Valkyrie as an E and Resurrect as her ultimate. Or in other words, building upon a revert.


I am too. Then what ?

I don’t feel no longer having to care about who to heal is proactive.
I don’t feel no longer having to strive for your life is proactive.
I don’t feel having to wait 1.75s while beeing stuck in place to use my “e ability” is proactive.

What are you protecting your team of ?
Torbjörn’s hammer ?


I am 95% sure that they will never revert her. Knowing it’s Blizzard. So I’m still having fun waiting for the cries to die down 1 year from now. Like D.Va, I rarely see any of her fan come here to ask to revert her to 400 armor 200 health anymore.

You can see in this post, I am completely ignoring Arcalias and Toni and only talking to you. But they kept replying to my talk with you like they want to get a word in. Their desperation is shown clearly. Reading it then ignoring it are fun to do.

And well, I don’t use my experience in Gold to say that she was not used a lot in GM. I read it in CompetitiveOverwatch and other tracking site.

Go there and have a look at the stats. Make sure you select “Last 6 Months”, “Competitive”, and “Grandmaster” options and then have a look at the pick rate trend. Keep in mind that because of the way Overbuff calculates pick rates per-slot instead of per-team, you need to multiply the pick rate by 6 to get the actual chance of having that character on a team, and there is a very slight overestimate in the numbers due to another technicality, but said error is consistent among all heroes’ data. Now… let’s examine this data.

Mercy’s rework patch went through on September 19th, 2017. Just before that date, her pick rate was just under 50% in GM, which is almost ideal given that there were four healers and GM teams almost always have two healers. That was a great number. It was balanced.

On and after that date, Mercy’s pick rate jumped up to nearly 100% in grandmaster and stayed there until she was nerfed. You can see the nerfs clearly in the graph. After her first major nerf her pick rate continued to climb back up as people realized that she was still good until it was back to 100%. And then, her Valkyrie was gutted and we were left with what Mercy is today, with a pick rate below 18%.

Mercy now is picked less than Mercy before the rework. The Valkyrie rework, contrary to your belief, did not help Mercy’s gameplay at Grandmaster levels… it made it worse, now that she has been nerfed. She was used in pro play before the rework. It was the patch that gave her invulnerability during Mass Resurrect that first made her viable in pro play, not Valkyrie.


So how about fixing the Pharah / Mercy pre-game interactions that you said you would fix in October.

OF 2016?


THANK YOU!!! That’s great!!!

Because ignoring is easier than counter arguments. lol k enjoy your flying moth mode.

YES THANK YOU. This is the best answer, and it’s amazing.

Let him enjoy the flying healbot mode. But im sure the majority of Mercy players don’t agree with him and we are a big community, we have voice and we’ll make them fix her. Reverting or not.


He’s so petty that he made an edit to his post just to insult you. That’s impressive.


Valkyrie breaking the game is a fact, if don’t wanna see that it broke the game for 6 months then I can’t do sht. Ignorant people being ignorant I guess. lol

Her no longer being able to counter ults is the biggest slap in the face from Valkyrie. The two rezzes helped with that, but now they are gone, and I can’t help but loathe Valkyrie.


I genuinely feel that winged victory’s ultimate line should be the “Onwards, to victory!”


I want Mercy fun, even if she isn’t used in higher level play. I’ve played her since beta and had no issues playing her or having fun with her until the rework.

And I think it says something that people used rez during Valk when the rezzes were instant because that is the value they saw in Valkyrie. Rez, not her healing that can’t counter ults.


I thought the same thing!

Exactlyyy! (characters required)

If you think four stacked nerfs is somehow refined tuning… they gave up after trying to balance her for six months.

Ignoring us literally reveals to everyone you just ran out of any argument and refuse to see the truth.
We just wanted to have some discussion with you, to proove your points were wrong, but acording to you, we are not allowed to talk.
The only desperation I see is yours.

Now I have one last thing to tell you.

Grow up.

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there should be a rare voice line where she references this in spawn

Perhaps this is the first step in getting Mercy an ult that allows her to actually save lives.