Brig/reaper will be the largest winner of patch

I’m thinking brig will be the largest winner of this next patch. Reaper is already up there with tracer sombra and not getting nerfed

Escape options for support are being nerfed and dps

Armor isn’t being changed.

Brig will likely be best option against dive tanks

And reaper in general is all ready overtuned…. Tracer was honestly the best counterplay to reaper imo since he could already bait cass nade with fade

Does it sound fun to everyone to lock brig reaper all season?

Reaper overtuned?
In what universe?


I gotta agree with this.

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Ya he’s already really good. I see the killcam all the time…. Reaper mains in your face every game missing half their shots….still putting up insane value

Hes really boring so dps don’t want to play him and will fight and will try and tell you he’s not good….

Then you convince a tracer god to go on reaper even though it’s boring and they melt your face off.

Also every time I swap off cass, tracer ect and go reaper into reaper…. The reaper main always looses… they actually become scared….so there is some aim skill there

Awkward a support main hopped on reaper and made it to top 500……

The hero is incredibly overtuned… the players maining him are not
In general the reaper main player base is really bad… put more aim intensive players on this hero and hes unstoppable until you boost your sr by 500 and are stuck on reaper every game going 50 50 bc you cant play anything else


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Hot take but I’m ok with Reaper not being meta because I bet it’s going to lead into a high sustain-low aim meta where everything takes forever to die, which I’m pretty sure it did before. I’d rather burst characters like Genji were meta because they’re more interesting to play into/against.

How is Brigitte a winner? Does she do more damage, faster ult or getting more hp?

She currently has to run away shrieking from them. Will she run away slower?

Brig went from A tier to C-D+ tier over the course of a few seasons in my opinion