Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

Ok but it’s so annoying that his mains are quitting the game over it. My brother doesn’t want to play overwatch anymore just because Brigitte can stun through barriers.

It’s area is as big as her own body. If you can’t hit the shield, you cant hit Brigitte. Go practice aim.

Why didn’t he quit when McCree just throws them above the barrier, or when Doomfist stuns through barriers and always has? Every single dash in the game goes through barriers. Every single stun in the game causes Rein to drop his barrier. Shield bash is both. Anything other than what it does right now would be a break in consistency.


No, but you were the one who assumed I lost 1v1 to her because of shield when it has been literally a non-issue for me because shield doesn’t protect you in a brig mirror fight.

That’s why I called you ignorant.

Exactly. Her little personal shield only soaks damage that would hit her, unlike all the other shields. Then you LOS, utilize your main tanks shield, etc, and the thing never breaks. Then you can go aggro chasing kills or disrupting opening up opportunities for your team to capitalize on, and you have the cushion of 600hp that can’t be head shot to buffer you from being punished for playing poorly.

The shield health should be dropped.

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But she just straight up can’t it drops for all of her attacking animations unless you meant bash.


If shield bash consumed 150-200hp of the shield, she’d be fine.

It’s not that her shield can’t be hit, it that is gives too much protection.
If you hit the shield, you are not killing her. And most of the biggest damage dealers are projectile characters, who need to get in close. Her counters are largely ineffective against her. That is why her shield NEEDS to be reduced. She is at this point not an off tank, but a straight out tank.

First off, I didn’t say you lost any fight. I said you were having trouble with a 600 hp shield. If you do not think it is difficult to deal with, then you shouldn’t be asking for it to be reduced.

Secondly If you are fighting with a melee weapon, shield doesn’t matter, thus irrelevant to the conversation.


They aren’t though? Her main DPS counters are Junkrat, Pharah, Widowmaker, and Hanzo.

Junkrat and Pharah explosive radius goes around the shield, and if she ever drops her shield it’s not uncommon to see her take a random arrow or rifle to the eye socket.


Bash gives her a stun, and thus free reign to dominate the battle. She should not be able to dictate every 1v1.

No it is not, because its not just “break the shield”, but break her aswell, so 850 hp while she does a fair ammount of damage at the same time.

Oh really.

Willful ignorance at this point. I’m done with you.

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Utilize your mobility to evade and then shoot her?
Edit: I should say I was really just confused on what you meant by she could attack with her shield up as it was untrue but I can see you intended to say she can attack more safely after a bash.


450 would be a good number, I think.

If this makes her too weak, then I also wouldn’t be against buffing Inspire. She is weird in that she doesn’t heal consistently enough to even be an off-healer most of the time, so she’s played like a DPS where healing is an afterthought. It’s weird.

Here’s a better idea. Don’t 1v1 her in close quarters.


Most fights are 1v1 by map design.

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You know what is weird to me is that sometimes 1 second is a huge amount of time on the forums as a lot can happen in 1 second in overwatch but now the nerf is getting kinda glossed over because people want to see less Brigitte like in 1 second a boatload of damage can come through and erase any one in that extra second of time during the bash or when she is swinging she can die before she even starts healing.

Depends on the situation but I think dropping the health just mean she’d die more and then Tracer and Genji and other flankers go back to being largely unchecked in most situations.


I thought most people team fought?


Even though I think she’s mostly fine, I wouldn’t mind a shield health nerf.

Though I don’t really think it’d stop people from complaining about her. You all will just keep doing that until she’s actually trash tier.


Exactly please Blizzard if you want an esport game answer the demand of the community