Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

there you go

thanks i just corrected

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I was referring to the comment you quoted. I wasn’t considering my older posts. So yes, I admit I was wrong on stating you lost previously with an older post.

HOWEVER, My argument still holds - you can’t prove a point about her shields when you are using a weapon that ignores shields.

I feel pretty dominated when I get Shield Bashed, then Flashbanged, then Seismic Slammed, right before getting grabbed by a Roadhog hook. It’s pretty demoralizing sometimes.

and your suggestion?..100 less health? 200? 300?

You forgot the Rein charge, and Ana sleep dart!

And the Hanzo arrow to my manly Reinhardt face.

If you find yourself in a 1v1 situation versus a full health, full shield Brigitte, you’re SUPPOSED to lose.

Her shield exists to help her close distance, but the problem is that people just don’t even bother shooting at her if they know they can’t kill her. I know I’m going to have a GREAT game as Brigitte if an entire team lets me walk up on them without even making me worry if I’ll have an escape.

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You know what else? Dying is so annoying man, like, yeah shield bash, rocket punch and flashbang is annoying, but dying like you have to wait for 10s to respawn? Like thats way more frustrating than everything else.

Heres a suggestion, lets just nerf everyone and give them 1 ability. Push. Thats right, its on an E ability and you have to push everyone off the payload or point to win. No CC no dying, and no any upcoming unfun new heroes we would get because we would know that they can only push you and thats it.

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We should turn Overwatch into Rocket League. Just flying hero bodies everywhere hitting balls around. Upgrade Lucio Ball. Except now we’re cars.

I think lowering her barrier HP to 300~400 would be the best way to bring her in line, raise her skill floor out from underground, make Bash less oppressive, and keep her from handling almost every 1v1 with her eyes closed, without ruining Brigitte.

I mean, at this point with everyone complaining about every ability in this game, might as well. You think shield bash is unfun? No worries, now Brigitte can just push you. To make it fairer, you get to push her as well, so that you have an equal ground.

Its not like every ability besides CC is annoying in one way or another and that gutting something you dislike would mean your heroes ability should be gutted as well because someone else found it unfun because of fair ground.

everyone gets Lucio boop as every single key binding

If Brigitte wanders on her own to either chase kills or disrupt the enemy team with stun, she has used her only escape. When I do anything that stupid, the enemy team immediately makes me pay for it. Case in point, I mentioned in a previous topic that Rein players have become smart enough to know that if I’ve used my Stun, he’s free to Charge me to death.

That sounds more like the enemy team not punishing Brigitte than Brigitte playing poorly.


Well, it is wbhat it is. I think 600hp shield is just fine -

  1. she is melee, so you can easily destroy her from afar.
  2. Overwatch is a team game, you should play with your team, no matter if you are Genji or whatever.
  3. You shouldn’t definitely 1v1 if you can’t win, you should teamwork to destroy whoever (not just Brigitte) is giving you trouble…

Did I say anything about free range solo roaming Brigittes? No. If a Brigitte is playing smart the windows in which she can be punished is very small.

It’s getting tiring reading these hypotheticals of Brigitte bots. If she was being punished to the same degree literally every other hero since launch has, she would not have her ridiculous win rates for over a season now.

Buff hitscan and Brigitte becomes a non-issue. The biggest issue is the characters that are meant to counter her are victims of the “aiming is overrated” power creep that started with junkrat’s buffs.

Brigitte isn’t the problem, buffing niche heroes was. When breaking dive became the number one goal, the game became less about fun and more about Esports. There’s too many low skill floor characters that do too much, so the answer is to make the high skill floor characters more effective and more worthy of putting in the time to learn to play them well.

Well, hitscans are getting the falloff damage buff. soooooo

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Please let’s not act like Brigs shield is hard to hit or break. If you have trouble hitting a shield the size of a character there are deeper problems at work.


The only question I have is when the shield is broken, does she get it back too fast. It takes it 3 seconds to get back, and I feel like Brigette should be punished more in that scenari.