Brigitte's Shield Bash was nerfed as well

That sward moves so quick I’ve never had a chance to measure it.

That’s what she… said?.. Yeah that works.

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I cut meat for a living, yes that works :+1:

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Well it is a 5 second ult cancelling ability that puts off the likes of Rein more than dive (it’s intended purpose) so only hurts comps that aren’t dive.

This will help actually zone out support heroes when a tank is nect to them. I tend to hit the tank even though my cross-hair is on the ana

I played Rein against her a few times and haven’t had much an issue. I have not seen a Brigitte stop my ult yet and generally most of them will back off from me if I fire strike them unless their team is about to jump me which my team would intercept.

Seriously, she’s fine. They are trying to make it less rough on the tanks with these changes.

* Grabs Popcorn :popcorn:*

I didn’t think they would nerf her too much before season 10 comes along. I would of thought they would have at least wanted until they have statistics/ data from competitive.

It’s not gonna be less rough on them though, for the same reason that Ana prefers tanks. They are easier to hit. It’s also still wide enough to hit non-mobile heroes that overextended.

The only thing it’s gonna do is make her less consistent against flankers and more consistent against everyone else. And the consistent against flankers was the main reason to pick her in the first place.

Between her nerf and Hanzo’s buff, I feel like she’s gonna already be in bad shape when it hits live. But we’ll see I suppose.

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I would argue she wasn’t in the best shape already as her healing in my opinion is trash but this nerf is not immediate F-Tier levels of bad which I am okay with.

I want to see her in comp before they make any more changes to her.

Speed boost of off wall jump was reduced.

I dunno. The only real data we have to go by is QP data and she was already falling in usage in QP prior to any changes.

Because her existing counters are pretty hard for her to bypass.

Like I said, we’ll see. But I just think that nerfing her at the thing she was supposed to be good without addressing at all the things she’s bad at, or why it had been particular bad for tanks, seemed like the wrong way to go about fixing the issue.

Look at my stats lol, I was mocking the general forum style of, as you say, scapegoating.

Exactly, I’m pretty sure everyone’s just fine with this change haha I mean when I’m trying to bash someone there always right in front of me anyway.

This change just adds the proper counterplay of they aren’t in range. 100% fair. I like the change

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This is the forums people will always complain and a reason to complain isn’t needed for them to do so

Hi, love playing Brigitte, don’t care for the nerf.
It’s a good fix to be honest- dodging it is not hard, but also not easy, so this’ll give some leeway for mistakes and add more skill to her bash as a whole; regardless of the 5s cd.

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People need to stop equating negative adjustments with nerfs.

A nerf is a change that complete invalidates a game mechanic’s usefulness.

I doubt the cone angle will change the bash’s usefulness after peeps have time to get used to it. Ie: learning to aim with it.

It’s smaller than the size of the shield, so it’s going to be less consistent than it ought to be even if the shield connects.

Not really. Just tested it in practice range. You can still stun the training bots as long as the edge of the shield touches.

I saw clips of it missing even with the outside edges of the shield touching the training bot.