Brigitte's Shield Bash was nerfed as well

Lucio also had a small nerf on top of his buffs as well.

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this is the tracer mains fault! :rage:


I can’t tell if you’re serious and that hurts me. :frowning:

I’m assuming you’re not lol

sure its not like her stupid hitbox hurt tanks

It was less of a nerf and more of a fix. Just like Genji’s deflect hitbox.


They corrected her hitbox is all, which is fair.


Winky face
Winky face
Winky face
Winky face
You’re sending messages too fast…wait 5 seconds…

I’ve just got one thing to say about this…


Blizzard is on fire today :fire:


omg that is a huge nerf!!11!!!11

r u kidding me? bring the big nerf hammer now

Nice, it was pretty undeniably silly.

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Eh maybe people can finally stop whining about Brigitte being ‘‘OP’’ and ‘‘oppressive’’ now.

Ah who am I kidding people will still whine.


wait whats the lucio nerf I want , no need to hear it.

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Hey, I’m actually for this.

I openly advocated for a fix to all these bizarre hitboxes. And honestly, sometimes I shield-bashed people I didn’t even want to shield bash.

This is actually a really good change for both sides IMO!

The only thing is…on PTR, she locks after using repair pack so you can’t use abilities, attacks, or do anything other than walk around and jump. So I can’t say how good the changes are in motion yet :joy:

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No it’s not. Christ, you people need a scapegoat for everything.


From my experiences in the PTR so far I am okay with the nerf, doesn’t hinder her too much.

Only fair; they went to fix Deflect so I have no qualms about them fixing the Shield Bash hitbox

If they didn’t fix Deflect though…

I would NEVER play this game again


My god, Overwatch with fair and consistent hitboxes that also match their animations?? Pigs are flying and hell has frozen over.


So that leaves what

Rocket Punch, Swift Strike, and Dragon Blade?

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Yep, we’re so close!

Okay, let’s think. They could give Doomfist a comet effect in front of him to show just how big his hitbox is.
Something similar for Swift Strike but maybe just warping the air around him, and for Dragon Blade they either need to make it not 5m or give him a giant sward? As they are nerfing Deflect I’m going to go with a whopping great sward.