Brigitte's hair got updated (Beta)

So when Brig’s new look was first seen in a ad for OW2 she was missing her two side hair tails. I cannot speak for everyone but most did not like her new hairstyle without them. Me personally I thought it made her look cute as well as unique. As oppose to just the boring ponytail in the ad.

However in the beta they are present. Which to me either means they took the community feedback and added them or they were removed just for the ad.

Either way, I think her new look is now perfect.

Here is her new look if anyone is curious:


Honestly I still prefer OW1 Brig appearance-wise.


Those 2 hair strands were iconic to her look so I’m glad they listened to feedback


I like that they gave her the side strands back.


She looked better without them because they keep glitching with her armor.

They did this look well.

I like it. I also feel like that cut’s iconic for her, like Wolverine’s hair spikes, lol.


Wish they would take that into account for Moira jacket+ the colour they choose for her

doesn’t sound like my nerd in the “shadows” would be wearing light grey


Perfect, now they just need to remove the blue off of dva’s mech. In my opinion it just looks tacky

Skirts and long hair in a battle. Clearly this was made by men. :rofl:

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I can’t believe it; I’m so happy :sparkling_heart:

*Ahem* OK so like, this was actually one of my main gripes with OW2, and now it’s been addressed. I may now hype even more. Huzzah~ :partying_face: I wonder if they really did listen to the feedback about it?

Sidenote, her redesign is lookin cool; I can totally get used to this. Love the jacket thingie :sparkles:

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The hair still looks worse than in OW1
The upper part lacks any volume.

am not a fan personally i dont if it the women in heavy and bulky armour are hot kink in me that preferring her 1st classic or the yellow coat thing being too much.

but i am glad they put those strands back on if only there was enough outcry to dragoon mercy the spray here. seriously blizz makes great skins and the number 1 factor that ruin them if either the beard or hair

is just just me or the yellow thingy is too plasticky ??? it feels like she’s a butcher wearing the yellow apron ! (nothing wrong with being a butcher)

I really love how much more detailed her outfit is than in OW1.