Brigitte will finally be balanced!

I don’t understand. Could you elaborate please?

A glimmer of light after a long dark night, but we are not there yet. A couple more adjustments will be made further down the line.

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Still, it will be quite weird. So she will be able to walk through shield, but bashing it won’t be possible.

What’s next? Doomfist punch? xd

Only people against brig nerf are the ones who abused her to climb and now they will fall back to where they belong

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I guess this is what happens when people complain enough… :confused: .

Nerfs happening regardless of game balance. They’re also already arguing to have melee blocked by barrier too…

So what about Doomfist? Can he still go through barriers like they don’t exist?

I do love whiners like you

Friendly reminder that Rein himself can still stun through barriers

Brig IS balanced right now as she is. This change is a freakin double standart because they make the same mechanic work differently for different heroes (doomfist still will be able to stun Rein through shield).

They should fix Rein problems via balancing Rein, not via destroying Brig.


people always complain about brigit being useless, so lets nerf her and destroy the stun rein+ earth shatter !

That woild be consistent

I’ll take it you have no idea what GOATS is and why its a thing?

Goats? Are you talking about a team comp that completely countered by PharaMercy, Junkrat or even by decent Mei alone?

Well I’ll be damned. You just found a solution. Quick! Go tell the pros who clearly were too blind to see.

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That used to be the solution. The reason it stopped being so in pro play is because Ana is effective at shutting down Pharah, and Mercy’s healing isn’t as powerful. Pharmercy was the primary reason why Classic GOATS (the Moira version) never had the same hold over the meta that Ana GOATS does now.

Gaaawd, I hate all these whiners, let my Brigitte alone! She had enough nerfs just because people hate her. I hate Tracer and Genji, did they ever got a gameplay relevant nerf (Tracer Ult Ok, but nobody plays her because of her ult)?
Just deal with Brigitte and play around her. I never ever had issues against a Brigitte, she does not annoy me, she usualy never kills me, she usualy never comes even close to me. :stuck_out_tongue: OK, I don’t play suicide close combat DD’s but who does anyways.
I demand shield bashes through shields because everything else is unlogical. Brigitte is supposed to annoy Reinhardt, both are more or less equal in combat, Rein can annoy Brigitte too. When brigs Shield bash does not longer go through Rein Shield, then Rein has advantage over her because she can’t do anything anymore against full shield groups, including Orisa.

The inherent problem is Brig is too easy to play and too powerful for that ease of play. Someone has to be exceptionally pitiful to perform poorly with Brigitte or playing it into a stacked composition like bastion, orsia, a sniper, and a pharah for example.

She really does unbalance things at the lower tier since even her counters are not often the most ideal heroes or the things that should go even with her do not because people can’t aim at plat and lower.

Brig getting a shield thing is honestly a minor buff to characters like Orsia and Winston and Rinehardt and really no one else.

I don’t agree with this nerf. Not because of Rein, but because of Winston. Brigitte is supposedly the counter to dive. Now, a Winston bubble could stop it if the Winston is half decent at shield dancing. This is an indirect buff to dive, something I was hoping to stay out of the meta for eternity.

I also think this is a good nerf for her considering this will make GOATS less prominent. Now GOATS has one less option to take down enemy Reins.

I think that she herself, individually speaking, doesn’t need a nerf. She hasn’t really been broken recently. It’s just that she gives a lot of value to GOATS as a team comp, but she isn’t broken on the individual level.

I think in total, this nerf is more bad than good in my opinion.

Idk, I’m afraid she’ll become useless. There are many heroes i don’t like playing against, Brig, Sombra, etc etc, but i never want them to become useless or very niche.

Pretty normal for Blizzard judging by the previous bandaid fixes. Beat around the bush and don’t solve anything.