Brigitte Still Is Stronk, Just Rightfully So

Tells me to stop lying, but uses Wikipedia as a source of information.

I almost respect you for getting so angry you uploaded an image to a forum.

Shield Bash the RP, both knocked down, allies clean up the bashed trash.
Genji has to end the SS at most 7 meters away from Brig (with perfect positioning); we’re using radius here.
Tracer’s face really wants a Whip Shot and Brigitte’s Shield really wants to soak 499 damage. Also armor. But before all of these things, you know opponents still respect the bash and that might as well keep people 16 meters away from Brig anyway, allowing her control of needed objective space.

Edit: I never lie.

If you consider that anger, i’m not sure there’s any use continuing this conversation. You’re just going to strawman.

and all of this is basically the opposite counter play to the counter play, which is perfectly healthy for hero’s that have little to no counter play.

actually only tracer can realistically bait the stun

genjis ‘quick’ mobiltiy skill is his dash but he cant exactly waste it on somthing like that. doomfist has wind up on all of his abilities so theres noooo way hes getting out if he uses any of his skills to get in.

tracer can do what she can do because shes so aim intensive, this means if u miss you do no dmg. so they gave her more mobility then the rest of the dps

many think this makes her op, but what makes her op is the skill of the player not the kit. the fact theyre nerfing brig this much shows they realized there mistake in forcing such a hard 1v1 counter.

also tracers effective range isnt 11m, maybe vs a huge tank. she realistically plays in the 5-7m range and even then sometimes has to get in real close to do good dmg vs some hitboxes (she has really wide spread on her gun, plus ppl dont have 100% accuracy. best ur gonna see is 50% so that 240 non headshot dmg drops down to 120 dps really fast. on big headhitbox heroes, the best your gonna see is 200dps total assuming the person aims for the neck).

and while genjis primary fire has no drop off, it does have a limited range in how it works. its a slower moving projectile shot out in a volley pattern…hes basically a tracking projectile player lul and ofc once doomfist rushes in with his fully charged 22m ‘dash’ he has to uppercut+slam to escape. depending on the situation (and im speaking pre nerfs to brig and doom) he can just wind up his fist after the 4 seconds and slam brig into a wall.


his dash puts him immediately behind brig.

he has wind up to rp. both shift and e have animations, but not wind up.

This is laughable. 11m 240 damage in a cone. Game sense is more a Tracers forte, knowing when and what to engage.

I’m not sure you can say this in good faith with blizzards track record and nerfing things the community is outraged over.

at 11m, she can 240 body shot. Her

Is to maximize spread on critbox. which comes out to 480 damage.

God damn man, thank you for adding in your insight, really helps add realism to this unreasonable stat war I’ve been laughing at. That might be reason enough to get experience in more heroes than just Symmetra.

It always helps to get an outside perspective in a discussion, but when that perspective actually knows their Schnitzel. Nice.

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this was my initial thought as well

I’ve maintained 3300-3600SR across 5 separate accounts solo Q, with varying heroes. There is no luck or dice rolling involved. The system gets you to where you should be if you play more than a handful of games.

almost everything you said is wrong

240 dmg is her max body shot dmg

this is what youd expect on say a roadhog or a TRAINING BOT which is where most people get there idea of how tracer plays.
realistically, tracer has to aim for the neck to get some headshots to help make the shots that you miss less noticable.

further more, her spread is fairly large. so trying to shoot ppl at max range (pre fall out) is going to have you doing all of 20 dmg

a tracer plays in the 7meter range, thats roughly a blink. they do this for multiple reasons

  1. spread means she needs to be closer to do good dmg

  2. shes in range of blink+melee

  3. any closer and it becomes harder to aim vs moving targets

people who say things like “lololol 11m 240 dmg” have never played tracer

they picked her a few times in comp, got a few ez kills said “lul ez hero” then stopped

tracers only easy aim with if your smurfing. otherwise you need top tier aim for your rank to be viable

the real issue is, alot of players dont know how to position themselves or how to move. so someone stands out in the open tracers attacks them so they walk in a straight line and die “OMG TRACER OP” when all you had to do was make your movement a little random and stand near a wall.

yes she was a bit abrasive at the GM/top 500 level. but those players very rarely post on forums

the majority of us here are diamond or lower, and most are gold or lower

also genjis dash puts him directly behind brig…who can turn around just as fast and stun him…

you have to be trolling no ones that oblivious about these heroes at lvl 800

Yes, it is. and 480 with headshots.

Yes, and one clipping isn’t a thing in Overwatch… Oh wait.

Tracer is literally the reason one clipping is a thing in Overwatch. Because it’s entirely possible for a Tracer to one clip a hero with all body shots. or roughly 40% of a clip in headshots, or a combination of both.

Funny you just went on to explain one of the ways I’m right then.

Lol No. Either you have no clue what you’re talking about or your being disingenuous on purpose. Tracer’s spread is not nearly as drastic as you’re trying to make it out to be, especially in her effective range, before falloff at 11m.

No. Tracer plays at what the situation requires, to say anything otherwise as absolute is just flat out lying. Tracer’s effective range is anywhere between 1-11m. This is the range in which she excels at. End.

Don’t try to act like Tracer’s highly dependent on aim, 40% of a clip is all it takes for her to 1 clip with crit. On a gun that has cluster pattern. And only a 1 second reload.

Yeah, that’s the issue. Not the fact she’s been effective in every meta ever in high elo and pro play before Brigitte came out. It’s the players that are bad. I’m glad you cleared that up for us.

Do you even remember your argument for this?

Like every point you’ve made about this has pushed the goalpost further and further. I said Genji’s range is rangeless, and dash is 14m. You said he cant waste dash on Brigitte. Ignoring the fact he would absolutely use dash on her if she’s low health, he would also use it to get close enough to right click her knowing it’ll finish her off.

And here you are trying to set up some kind of weird scenario where a Genji would actually try and take a 1v1 against Brigitte. Great job on those strawmen I guess.

I really don’t think you can say this in good conscious after that reply.

Counterplay is in her distance, this is a game where almost every1 has an effective range longer than Brigitte’s and if you don’t exploit that then it’s your fault and you should die.

It would be like standing still in the open when you know there is a Widow aiming at you.

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What would you expect from a Genji main other that mindless typing am I right? :man_shrugging:

I don’t know that she’s better than Lucio. He’s still very good in capable hands and has solid utility. Brigitte? I think with these changes she’s the worst support and a throw pick outside of Goats.

Okay then, lets get rid of any DPS with high mobility, utility or too much burst. DPS are supposed to do damage only… See how dumb that sounds when you generalize what heroes should do by role.

No it’s not. That only describes Mercy. She literally has nothing self sufficient in her kit. Every other support has more for good reason.

The inspire buff is nothing. Goats ability to sustain comes from main healers like Ana, Moira or Mercy. AoE healing can be powerful but tanks are huge targets and need strong sustained or burst healing in that comp.


Oh my god why are you still performing necromancy on this thread?

Do you enjoy covering your ears and yelling loudly at others?

You have to let it go, you have to learn new strategies with new Brigitte.

Only she lost was safety. That’s not a bad thing.

She was only tanky because of her shield/armor and ability to do some burst damage.

Shield was significantly nerfed, bash was significantly nerfed, damage was significantly nerfed and heals which she was the weakest was slightly buff.

She’s wasn’t that good to be nerfed that hard.

It’s clear they are going to slowly buff her again, adding some damage back to shield bash and things like that. She’s still going to be a super niche hero while useful in lower rank games.

I’m not a Genji main. xD

Edit: I’m a 4.3k Lucio main who very reluctantly flexes to other heroes when needed.

You realize someone replied to me first, right? I was simply replying back to them, not necroing a 4 day old thread, which to be honest I never got the problem with Necroing threads. The forum would be a lot less cluttered if people used the search function more often.

The funny part about this nerf is that so many think Brigitte actually needs the Shield Bash damage for anything ells then eliminating Tracer. Even with this change, Brigitte will still be able to deal 110 damage with Shield Bash, and often lead with one more hit, making it 145 damage. If you’re not running away after losing 3/4 of your health as a dive hero, you’re pretty stupid. Also, Repair Pack will still save any support hero you’re trying to attack, and they’re going to be dealing damage to you as well.

one clipping as tracer stims from a combo of headshots and body shots. its only possible on 2 types of targets

  1. targets with large hitboxes but low health (like a zen or mccree)

  2. targets who decide to stand still for too long (like a scoped in widow/ana that isnt paying attention)

the max of 480 dps that tracer can do is unrealistic. youd have to be point blank and track perfectly (which almost no one can do) to maintain that level of dmg

the average is 80-100 dps so you 2-3 clip a target. if your experiencing more 1 clips then average, then you fit one of if not both of the types of targets that tracer can 1 clip.

Did the ability to track your targets just stop existing? Specifically how easy it is for a mobile hero like tracer to track a non mobile target.

That’s why I said up too.

it only takes 40% accuracy of one of tracers clips. That’s body+head mix.

Do you have a source for this by chance?

or the one you just completely neglected to mention that i did above.

and really. 6 days later? come on.