Brigitte Shield Bash Nerf is a MUST

Guys, you all seem to be forgetting one thing: Brigitte is a SUPPORT character.

That means she’s supposed to have a supporting role, yet she can arguably tank more than some tanks, like Zarya, and she has one of the best ways to burst someone down.

Now, the tank issue can be somehow accepted, as she’s meant to be a support-tank hybrid, but her combo…

Let’s go back in time. Back when Hog’s damage was nerfed, the devs said something along the line of “a tank character is not meant to have this offensive power”, which is why they intended to keep Scatter Arrow alive, because Hanzo is a DPS character, meant to have offensive power through the roof. So, from a developer point of view, it was acceptable for a character to have a hit-kill combo as long as it was a DPS character. We have Doomfist’s Rocket Punch on the same basis. Even so, they are also removing Scatter Arrow from the game.

So how come it’s okay for a SUPPORT character that can already flex to a TANK role to also have a DPS-only capability?
And let’s also add, Roadhog and Zarya are essentially bruisers (Zarya actually is classified as a Bruiser in HOTS), which are tanks meant to deal damage instead of directly protect their allies, so that makes Roadhog a TANK that flexes to a DPS role. And still that wasn’t enough to let him keep a hit-kill combo.

And let’s be reasonable, her combo is the easiest one to use by far. Pretty much no aim required, hardly any map awareness needed, and you don’t even have to go hunting for kills because you’re a SUPPORT.

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We’ve reached an interesting point here.

People aren’t actually reading what others have said, which is clear by the numerous replieds of “chill, she’s been nerfed on PTR”, after it’s been stated several times that the PTR nerf is not the nerf we want, nor the nerd we need. The point being, we’ve addressed the PTR nerf, and people keep bringing it up like it’s a new hot topic.

The same seems to remain true when it comes to other hero abilities that can stun. It’s been discussed many times now.

In the end, I think we had more than enough heroes before Brigitte came along that had the ability to cancel abilities or ultimates. I do think her shield bash is low risk and difficult to avoid whenever she’s attacking, or whenever she’s on the point (the prime place to use your ultimate). It’s too easy for her to close a gap, even when ulting from a distance, and pounce on you, wrecking your ult. I do not think that a higher CD will complete destroy this hero.

Blizz has a history of cranking out new heroes that are OP at start and then scaling them back shortly after. Not every hero is like that of course (I know some of you are already scrambling to point out the lackluster of Sombra and Orisa at launch), but it has happened enough times by now that I’d be more than willing to believe the same is true for Brigitte.

The only way we ever get the changes we want is by letting Blizz know. I think that if this ability is going to remain in the game, it needs at least a 8-10 second CD, or take away the stun ability, swapping for a different affect instead.

I think that the distance and speed of her shield bash should be toned down.

Hey! Remember when you kept trying to tell me Brigitte wasn’t OP? That she didn’t need a nerf and that people just needed just needed to… what was it?

Well here we are, straight from Geoff Goodman himself.

Oh, and my absolute favorite part!

Oh snap! :smiley:

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You necromanced this thread just to say ‘‘I told you so.’’

That’s pathetic.


So is your commentary, which keeps my post in the spotlight.

Sure, whatever you say bud

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I want the bash distance nerf, not cooldown nerf though

There’s hardly any way to misuse Shield Bash.

You were absolutely right all along, Brig is just unfun and unnecessary in the game. Should low key be removed.

And another Nerf, we the best music

Are we just trying to necro threads today?

All in an effort to be given a necromancer character.

Shield bash can be missed and shieldbashing requires target priority just like any other ability. At the time of the original posting I said let’s see how the nerf settles. Bash went up another second (cool, I’m fine with it) and shield is now being lowered to 500 (a nurf which I think is warranted). If she’s nurfed further I think her self healing is next

She is a required counter. If she gets nerfed to uselessness, they will have to release another hero just like her.

And then we have 2 Bridgettes

Last time I checked, Brigitte has to be in melee range to hit people with shield bash. This makes her a giant, slow moving target for things like melee from tanks, beams, and splash damage.

Last time I checked, melee goes through her shield. Last time I checked, beams can hit her around her shield. Last time I checked, splash damage hits her around her shield.

Oh, and last time I checked, her shield can and will get bursted down pretty quickly if she’s focused during a team fight, and, last time I checked, it’s generally a pretty good and widely used tactic to focus down healers.

Have a good one. :slight_smile:


yes and nerfing shield bash does what exactly? oh yea, remove something that punishes your mistakes. Shocker that people want it removed.

How about instead of gutting/removing something without thinking of the indirect consequences. We think of an ulterior way.

Doomfist, brig, sombra, ana. Cc has become meta in ranked and thats obvious, you cant just nerf CC directly tho, thatd bring back dive and mobility creep, probably even stronger than it was previously, and i really dont think thats a wise idea.

So, introduce anti cc. Cleanses, Cc reduction, more cc immunity. This indirectly nerfs cc and if done properly doesnt make cc worthless, while also not making an anti cc creep. makes cc more fun to fight as now theres counterplay, without overwhelming it.


I guess being within melee range of the enemy team with a tiny, one direction, shield and zero mobility isn’t being at risk at all?

Well last time I checked, I’m clearly right because Brig not only received a nerf to her CD after this post, but is getting another nerf soon, minus 100 hp to that shield :slight_smile:

Apparently being on or near the objective is a mistake.
Oh look, it appears you currently main Brig in comp, much more than any other characters. I wonder why that is. Mayyyyyybe it’s because you know she’s too powerful right now, and is well deserving of her nerf.

being in brigs 7m bash range instead of your tank when her bash is usable is a mistake yes. Last time i checked its the tanks job to take in CC, while dps and supports can stay farther back.

and my ranked stats arent accurate. I havent actually played ranked since s10. I am a tank player at heart and only learned brig due to being a character i was interested in as she reminded me a lot of rein.

you also ignored the rest of my point where i did give some helpful ideas. But no, youre probably one of the same people that complained about hog when you get hooked when hog wasnt garbage.

Brig is not the problem. CC is, nerfing CC itself directly is very bad for balancing, to help with balancing and more fun(counterplay), add more anti cc.