Brigitte Questions/ Overall Issues

Why is her shield bash cooldown so low when the rest of the characters have longer cooldowns for their stuns?

Why does her shield bash cancel basically every ult, but sombras hack does not. Dont you think thats a little odd?

Can we rid the game of self-damage if a shirtless man doesnt have it? I mean a woman in a mech suit has self damage…

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I don’t know about why the cooldown of it is so low, but I suppose it’s for protecting herself and a teammate?

Her shield bash doesn’t cancel every ult, it’s just a basic stun, like McCree’s, Doomfist’s, (Not Ana’s because hers it’s a sleep) and you can cancel only the abilities that these heroes also can cancel, a.k.a interrupt.

Sombra’s Hack isn’t a stun, it’s a hack, it dissables heroes’ abilities and some passives, so, it won’t cancel as much ultimates, it can’t disable transformation ultimates because they already took effect.

I think self-damage is only for projectiles that have splash damage just so the user thinks more wisely about shooting.

This is my point of view, greetings! :3

Read my post on how to fix Brigitte:

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yeah i know how the characters work…its still short imo. and i know how her hacks work, that does not mean theyre not flawed…tbh its not about how its SUPPOSED to be, its how it functions in game that matters and unfortunately the shield bash is just too strong. not meaning to be fickle btw

i agree that her bash is way too strong. i don’t know about other ults, but moira’s coalescence is completely canceled by brigitte’s stun. it has happened to me quite a few times, so i’m sure i’m not imagining things. sombra can’t hack the tech behind moira’s coalescence but brigitte can make her forget she was ulting with a single shield bash? just… why though? coalescence was already lame enough, now that every match has a brigitte i don’t even see the point in ulting anymore.

edit (11/04/18): not half an hour after i added to this thread, i used moira’s coalescence and sombra hacked me shortly after, the ult got interrupted. i stand corrected. but the point remains: brigitte needs a longer cooldown. i have almost 60 hours on moira, and only now i figured out that sombra can hack her ult, and i have known brigitte can stun her ult since she first went live, because she does it EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Make Rein and other shield-holders immune to Shield Bash and all of a sudden she is balanced.

Other characters have longer cooldowns for their stuns because they can do considerably more followup damage even without allies, and do more damage in general.

Stuns and Hack cancel the same ults. Please rely on facts.
What you might mean is that a stun is usually more effective even on transformation ults? This is kind of a non-statement, it’s like saying that shooting someone in the head is stronger than shooting them in the arm. Working as intended.

Every mechanic in the game disregards realism in favor of other gameplay factors, self-damage included. In Junkrat’s case, the argument goes that his purpose is to fight close, in tight spaces; and his bombs have a random nature. Other characters with explosives keep their distance and/or their shots are precise and predictable.