Probably even her role changed to Tank or DPS. But what Blizzard is doing with this character is… a meme at this point. I just can’t believe that they are not realizing this, or they are just too lazy to actually do it? She is a bad design, since day one. But if 25 more health that she had for 2 week makes character too good, this screams bad design! They basically took away from her what used to make her a character that she was and what separated her from other Supports with constant nerfs since day one. It’s pretty clear by now that they don’t care about this character, they just want to nerf her to the ground untill she is a niche pick and not viable.
I personally want Off Tank Brig. She already is literally a peel centric off-tank. Give her 1 charge of Repair Pack with armor, buff up her barrier, HP, and change inspire to something else.
Giving her lots of healing was a mistake
Wait for OW2. They should start with reverting. Revert her self heal to 10HPS, buff her health to 250HP, remove 2 repair packs and made them add 25 or 50 armor.
But they got quite better with Echo - she doesn’t do everything like Brig, Baptiste, Sigma.
“Wait for OW2” Why should we wait for OW2? I paid for OW and i am playing OW, why should i wait for OW2? They had and have plenty of time to give her a rework that she deserved a long ago!
So something like this?
- Moved to the Tank Role
- 50 damage, up from 5 damage
- Range increased to 10m, up from 7m
Repair Pack
- Does not heal, however instantly provides 150 temporary armor for 4 seconds.
- One pack, on a 7 sec cooldown
Barrier Shield
- Increased to 450hp, up from 250hp
- 20% move penalty, down from 30%
- Barrier deployment speed doubled
- 200hp, and 125 Armor
Self Regeneration Passive
- When outside of combat for 5 seconds, Brig selfheals at 30HP per second.
- Does not heal teammates
- Provides the usual benefits to Brig
You bought a game that is continually being patched and updated, and you agreed to that experience when you bought it. All that’s being explained to you here is that if you’re expecting a big Brig rework, it probably won’t happen until OW2 gets released.
And the fact is that this nerf isn’t ridiculously uncalled for. It’s a fast revert because the pros were immediately finding Brig to be too strong. It was a test, and it didn’t go as expected – can you all just, for a few seconds, chill out for a little bit? I can’t think of anything less childish honestly, getting this up-in-arms over a video game character going through balance itterations. You can’t even say Blizzard is ignoring the problem; they’re literally actively working on her! Clearly! They just updated her two patches in a row, I think it’s obvious to anyone looking at development that Blizzard is trying to work Brig into a healthy place.
It’s obviously a concern for them, hence why they’ve adjusted her so quickly. Do you genuinely not see the difficulty in balancing her?
I just don’t get the emotion behind this. I can understand some frustration for some amount of players, that it’s a little annoying to see a character go back and forth like this, but the reality is that her effectiveness is quite different depending on rank. And when Blizzard has openly stated that they’re balancing the game around top level professional play… well… what do you expect then when a seemingly minor buff turns a hero into the center piece of the pro meta? Again?
Yeah and that’s why it was like just yesterday that they gave her a free buff to her health pool, no compensations anywhere. Because they just wanted to nerf her later. Yeah that definitely seems right – if I want a character to be intentionally weak, what I’d do too is give them more health, and then change literally nothing else about them. Goodness sake, you guys.
I think I’d be fine with that…hmmm it’s late so I’m not sure but it looks pretty solid
I don’t want to see her role changed and absolutely feel she should remain in support
But I 110% agree that her design is poorly implemented and she desperately needs a rework that addresses some core design issues.
This entire post was beautifully said. Bookmarking this.
Who are these pros?? Is it a DPS main Samito and few other sweaty whiners??
They balance around data centered around Overwatch League and Contenders professionals, as well as the general Top 500/Grandmaster scenes. The fact you think it’s just Samito and “sweaty whiners” being listened to really puts a dent in how much longer I can continue this conversation with you.
Here’s another one if you like:
She was the lowest played Support and does nothing in lower ranks. And yes i do believe that it’s Samito and few others. It’s pretty clear by now.
I like that post
Especially this part:
Because I totally agree. I LOVE Brigitte Lindholm. She’s amazingly cute and sweet, I wanted her to become a hero ever since I saw her in Rein’s cinematic.
Today my friend who had just bought OW loaded into a game with me, and our Brigitte started speaking some voice interaction, and my friend was like “Omg this character is THE CUTEST” and it pained me because she’s probably the most hated and controversial/broken hero in the history of the game.
I can’t wait for her to be in a state where she’s balanced and fun and people can fall in love with how cute she is rather than making memes about how much she terrorizes and ruins the game. Because as much as I love her, I have to agree with that sentiment.
I feel selfish for wanting this. You could remove 4 or 5 things from this and I’d be content.
But also really, they stumbled on the magic formula for a solid meta that Pros/Streamers are proud of. After 4 years of struggling. They aren’t gonna mess with that too much until April.
They are just gonna coast off of that, and then focus on nailing OW2.
And then when OW2 comes out, reworks and massive balance changes will suddenly be the norm for a while. So I really don’t anticipate Brig being bad by this time next year.
Just realized devs basically got about 5 working weeks left before February 19th BlizzCon.
I’m exciteddddddddd
I’m apprehensive. Not sure if devs are going to be able to solve Queue Times before OW2 launch.
I mean, they’ve done a good job improving them. But compared to typical FPS queue times, waiting 10 minutes for a “Good Queue Time” is just asking them to uninstall.
Tbh I’m hoping (and am guessing they are too) that the simple influx of players at OW2 launch alone will drastically help queue times. That in conjunction with them releasing multiple new tanks + supports is probably their plan.
I wouldn’t mind them doing some more tank changes though