Brigitte makes playing Reinhardt awful

Doomfist punch/Rein charge has enough force to send Rein flying and the shield does not make him heavier. So it should still work.

Genji blade should be stopped like this, physics wise.

I’m only asking this for Rein, because he is the only one that needs to pray to the matchmaking gods that his team kills his enemies before they get past his shield.

Orisa/Winston can do something about it
Rein just stands there and takes it,
or drops the shield and lose someone to widow.

No one else feels that Powerless.
Maybe not with my suggestion, but we need it fixed.

The amount of CC on Reinhardt just needs addressed as well.

I’m confused, is Reinhardt a flanker? I keep hearing that only flankers complain about other heroes.

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Here’s how I see Brig and Reins interaction. Brig keeps him on the top of the meta, while also pummeling him. It’s like getting run over then being forced to get back up and get run over again.

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Brig has been out for 7 months already???

Honestly Brigitte and Pharah make play playing tons of heroes awful.

I’ve been playing a lot of rein lately and I find Doomfist far more annoying than Brigitte… at least Brigitte has to get close to me to get a good opportunity to stun.

I think you should still be able to walk through it but abilities shouldn’t affect the rein if they go through it. So if a Brig shield bashes it, it won’t do anything, and if a Genji dashes through you, It would only dmg the shield not the Rein. I like the idea over all but him having an almost permanent Mei wall seems like a bit much.

This thread is seven months old, folks. Nothing to see here.

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Brig wasn’t need in overwatch. She broke the game. We already had Sombra and McCree, but devs decide to kill Rein. Fell sorry for brig and doom were released.

Rien cant kill brig?.. hold on let me lol… Hes like her best counter. /thread

Fixed. Sorry you had a bad typo.

This for sure.

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Lol did u get rekt by Doomfist

Nope has nothing to do with anything but the fact that he is single handedly destroying the game.

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This can be said about any hero

IIRC this post was made when Doomfist was considered basically a trash pick due to his bugs so I didn’t really feel annoyed at him. He’s always been really annoying though, even since launch (especially when he had a punch hitbox the size of the bus on numbani)

it is
it makes her a must pick

You know what I see in that clip?

A D.Va on the other side of the payload Matrixing god-knows-what while the enemy team deliberately focuses her Rein. Watch what happens. That was a calculated team play. Brigitte dropped the shield, Zen discorded him, and then the entire team focused him. Rein’s D.Va off to the side wasting her Matrix on nothing when shielding him for those two seconds would have kept him alive.

It is. For example, if I walk towards a Rein and he Firestrikes me before I’m in Bash range, I lose a third of my health right off the bat. If I continue to attack him after that, I have no armor and roughly the same health as a Tracer. Even IF I Bash Rein, he will officially win the war of attrition.

“But what about Brigitte’s team?” What about Rein’s team? If I’m not playing Brigitte and see her walking towards my Rein, I punish her and save him as best I can. But going into more detail is impossible without talking about specific comps and specific circumstances.

We did it boys. It took 8 months, but… thread closed. Its done. The nerf she needed is probably going to PTR.

Praise Jeff Geoff.

Now Rein will make playing Brigitte awful. You got what you wanted.