Brigitte is viable. Brigitte is still OP... At least in gold

For me, Brig has been the only hero I can get good heals on (other than mercy of coarse) And the recent nerfs only increased her death rate by a smidge, so… IDK what people are talking about when they say “brig is bad” or “she needs buffs cus’ she’s worse than symetra” No… Also, Symetra isn’t even that bad. People just don’t know how to play brig and symetra.

Also, I’d like to add that I get gold heals 80% of the time*

*totally reliable stats :tm:

Edit: I think she should give extra healthpool from repair packs again

She situationally works at anti dive and keeping Inspire up with Whipshot, but if you’re playing against double long range DPS, good luck brawling on point.


In gm she is trash

and no offence, gold is nothing like gm imo


Sometimes, If my team Isn’t garbage, The other team will be too focused on our tanks and I can get behind the enemie healers and DPS and just farm ult and kill them :v: :smiley:

I do think she needs more base HP to be armor if they’re going to keep her at 200 HP

If it’s actual Dive she won’t live long. The lack of coordination in ladder keeps her alive a tiny bit longer because the other Dive tank generally flys off to distant lands.

Which is why I said situationally. If they aren’t coordinating their dives, Brig can still exploit that.

Let’s face it: What DOESN’T work in gold!?




Almost anything works in Gold

You can play Sym or Torb, and have your turret do allllll the work for you

It’s not that she IS garbage, it’s that she FEELS like garbage.

She’s slow and fragile, and her Repair Packs are boring and often don’t make a difference. She used to be able to reach out and save someone from certain death while duking it out with the rest of them, standing on the frontline with her team rather than staying in the backline and praying someone gets into Whipshot range.

She has a lot of room for improvement.


You’re absolutely right. GM players don’t know how to play Symmetra.

There’s a reason they don’t balance around gold players.


Tell that to the complaining Reinhardt I had yesterday when I was playing her fairly well in placements.

I had to go Ana so he would shut up. Otherwise I’m basically a Moira one trick these days, but someone took her so I had to pick someone else.

Sym is one of those heroes who relies heavily on cheap tricks and cheese strat to surprise people. Once they figure it out she’s toasted.

This was a weird champ post

11 months later…

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A year ago it wasnt…

Ohhh this comment didnt age really well did it.

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I like Brig against certain heroes (Winston, Ball, Reaper, Genji, Doomfist), and on certain map points with good cover where I can get more efficient healing, but she is almost never my first pick.

Weird thread to necro… but people also complain about duplicate threads as well… So you can’t make any one happy.

That said Brig is okay at mid to low ranks mostly due to her AoE healing works well with a disorganized team with a lot of flankers. She’s basically the only healer that can try and keep up with Genji’s, tracer, Roadhogs, balls etc running around and not sticking together.

It also requires the enemy team to not be smart enough to focus Brig down. As she tends to die pretty quick if they do.