Brigitte is the worst balanced hero in game

Atm, I think Brigitte is the worst balanced hero in game. She is worse than Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Mei, Torb, Rein, Hog, DVa, etc. I could go on and on.

I love Overwatch, but the balance has always been a hot mess. I dont understand why, because the game CAN be balanced, but Ive kinda just accepted it at this point.

But Brigitte needs to be fixed. Now. Not 6 months from now. On the next PTR, this month, she needs to be fixed. Before she even goes into comp. Ive made suggestions on how to balance her in the past, but again, I feel the need to say how badly she needs to be fixed.

Great job on the hero, I love her, but terrible terrible balance choices with her.

EDIT: Previous suggestions to fix her


i am going to wait around a month in comp before i come to any conclusions, that said she does kinda destroy roadhog with 2 different abilities but only the armour pack ability concerns me hugely


I don’t agree with this. However, I can’t really give a rebuttal to points that haven’t been made. What exactly do you think is unbalanced about her, and how would you go about fixing it?


I agree, so overpowered. I can’t even swing a torb hammer without hitting a brigette main. Cosplay has been drenched with brigette since the update and it is ruining my larp days. Valve, please nerf.


Since you are going to say that she needs a nerf but provide no feedback or suggestions, or reasons why she’s broken, I will also say things and leave no evidence.

You are wrong. Very wrong. She is not broken, she is not that hard to counter. She probably counters your favorite heroes and that is why you are upset.


Here is my post on how to fix her:

You’re over exaggerating.


Actually, I dont even play the things that she counters the most. In fact, Brigitte is in MY hero pool. I am a support player.

Even when I play her, I can still smell the bull and it doesn’t feel fun.

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Well, that’s your opinion. Which is cool, and all…but when you state your opinion as if it’s undeniable facts, it makes me respect your opinion a lot less.

I think she okay. I have had little trouble taking her out by switching to certain heroes. Even as a Tracer, I haven’t had much trouble with her.


Thank you! You should edit that into your OP so that newcomers see what exactly you think is unbalanced about her. The former point you made is one I haven’t seen quite as often, for instance.

Personally, I still can’t quite agree. Brigitte relies on a good team composition where her effective healing output can be utilized to its fullest. I’d have to find where the post is, but someone made an excellent write-up on how her potential healing is actually higher than Lucio’s, making her a viable choice with the added versatility of her kit.

Regarding her stun, I would say that it’s necessary within the context of where she is right now. Were it nerfed, another part of her would have to be buffed, and replacing her CC with additional healing would make her directly competitive with much of the current support roster.

She is, as it stands, a hero with many viable counters. She has an effective dueling capability that shuts down flanking heroes who were previously left without much in the way of a counter. But she is also useless in certain team compositions, which–in my opinion–makes her only as situationally effective as the selection we have now.

I’ll try to find the graph I referred to earlier in case you’d like to see it, but I can’t promise anything. It was a part of some Reddit post, so I’ll have to dig.

You dont agree with me. I dont agree with you. It happens. I dont respect you less because I dont agree with you.

And it comes down to the players too. Its a factor to consider, if that person is even good with said hero. You can stomp on a bad Brigitte, or get wrecked.

I am saying that the tool kit that Brigitte has is too much for what she should be capable of. I am not saying she is an unkillable God, sure, you can kill her but that doesn’t make her balanced.

I don’t think she’s any worse than Moira. She is capable of setting up kills or killing herself, but she has to line up everything in her kit and dispose it in order to do it.

Moira can do it similarly only she has much more self-sustain and healing output to her team. The only thing that Brigitte has that Moira doesn’t is a stun.

I don’t think Moira is particularly unbalanced. And given how…subpar Brigitte’s healing is, I think her kit is fair.


I understand what youre saying and I agree that if you look at it like that, she would seem to be balanced. But what I am saying is that as she is right now, she doesn’t even belong in the Support section. She is more Tank/Offense that has a S:76 healing pod.

She doesn’t fit the role she is suppose to be playing atm. She is suppose to be a healer. Her #1 focus, should be healing. (As with all other supports…since ya know, that IS the reason you pick a healer) She is a support that has some utility with boops, stuns and shields. (Which is fine, Im not saying she should lose those thing)

However, Brigitte relies too heavily on the utility in her kit and can spend 0 time thinking about healing her team. I know she isn’t a main healer, and she wont replace any main healer, but she should still be focused on healing first, and her utility second.

This is why I suggested the fixes I listed. (Again, not losing the utility, just putting it more in line with her role as an off healer)

Its totally cool if you dont agree. Again…discussions like this is how people learn and grow. I just happen to think about Brigitte and her role differently than you do.

I also dont think Moira is unbalanced because she has 0 utility. Moira brings nothing to the table. You could argue that Moira’s utility IS the fact that she has good self sustain, so in that case, I am okay with her balance.

It’s not Brigitte so much as the inevitable power creep that all MOBAs suffer from. New champs have more and more active abilities, passive effects, dual purpose utility within their abilities, and self-peel tools, while old champs end up having to be buffed/reworked/remade after a while because they no longer have the kit to compete.

For a quick comparison we can look at one of the first “new” support characters, Ana. She has 3 active abilities, zero passives, and one ultimate if we include scoping for hitscan but exclude LMB as Autoattack. Grenade has dual purpose utility, but you would also need to factor in how restrictive in use it is due to Ana’s inability to heal/sustain herself without it. Ultimate cannot be used solo as well, if we’re going to be really granular about it. Brigitte has 4 actives, one passive, and an ultimate if we exclude LMB as the Autoattack. There’s a similar deal with Moira but the power creep is in the dual purpose utility of all her abilities. This doesn’t quite double her ability count, but comes close due to how it affects the usability/scope of situations where all the abilities have an appreciable effect on outcome.

This post isn’t meant to be a complaint or criticism about individual character balance. Just an observation on history repeating itself.


Ya got 3 hours on her, on Playstation. 0 on PC.

C’mon dude. :confused: Don’t you feel like you need a little bit more time on her, in a competitive setting, before you can make well educated remarks about her kit?

I certainly think there is some truth to what your saying and I think it is also part of the problem. However, with Brigitte, I think she is just balanced more around the utility part of her kit and they lost focus on what she is suppose to be: a healer.

Power creep is also partly due to balance changes. For example: I personally feel like Tracer is the strongest she has ever been due to some heroes balance changes.

What the profile doesn’t tell you is how many hours I have logged since the release of Brigitte. Which is a lot. I have played many many games in many different maps and team comps. I have played against Briggite and I have played with Briggite. (I spend about 15 hours a week in Overwatch, maybe more)

Also, as a support player myself, I have good game sense. I am always watching everyone on my team and everyone on the other team.

Sure…maybe I dont have as many hours on her as some people, but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand her kit, or what she is and isn’t capable of.

Sure. Maybe wait until she lands in comp. Wait to see more stats. But that isn’t going to change how I feel about her. I have a very good grasp on Briggite.

It does only show QP and Comp, I dunno about Arcade. But those modes are…meh, for balancing–but that’s personal opinion. Not a game engineer, so I dunno how that stuff works.

Thanks for not taking it as a personal attack, I worry about that cause it’s hard to tell tone in text! D:

I’d say Brigitte is annoying but not overtly overpowered. There are still some characters that are so perfectly balanced they have no solid counters…

Her low CC CD
Her high hp
Her huge bash hitbox

Have you tried to kill her while she’s ultin?? not an easy task I’ll tell ya that.

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Im not offended. I understand what you are saying. It nice to see people have some decent amount of time on a hero before you hear them out BUT to be fair, I have a lot of hours on Mercy and still no one listens to me about Mercy either so Im used to it.

Same goes for all the supports actually.

But hit me up in 6 months when they finally decide to change her and then I can say I told ya so. LOL

(I also have been yelling about Junkrat and DVa and they finally nerfed both of them even though everyone said they were balanced and they were not going to get nerfed…however, neither of those nerfs even came close to what they needed and they are so small that you dont even notice the impact of the nerfs. The recent Zen nerf was a harder hit that Junk/DVa nerfs lol)