Brigitte is saving Competititve

Hello dear Blizzard Forum,

I expect to probably get alot of hate for this, but ill do it anyways.
I love the Brigitte Meta. Im part of the minority, that plays competitive in primarily in organised 6-Stacks and to us, Brigitte is exactly what the Game currently needed.

The new stun and CC-based Meta invites to have interesting new compositions and counterstrategies, especially on offense. Strategies that, even in our Gold-Diamon tier of play do not translate to “who has the better Tracer smurf”?

The accusation, Brigitte could easily defeat enemy tanks is just ridiculous. Im a Main-Tank player and i win every single confrontation with her as Reinhardt or Orisa easily. I have literally not even once been threatened by a Brigitte as theese characters, as long as her ult wasnt in full swing, and even then i would usually grind her armor down faster then she recharged it. Especially Orisa is a to deal with as Brigitte, because she can deny Brigittes healing 90% of the Time and the other 10% she uses fortify to make swedish Cheese of her.

Of course, winston does have some problems with her, but surprise, surprise this is elementary part of who and what she hardcounters. According to the other players on my team, all Roadhog, Dva and Zarya have an easy time dealing with her.

We played several days with, without and against Brigitte and we find her meta defining, but pretty balanced. Triple-Support meta is now a good strategy to play against Brgitte Deathball combs, since Brigitte needs a lack of healing in the enemy team to even deal damage. Orisa-Road has proven the most succesful combo in dealing with her CC-Abilitys, even though a pocketed Reinhardt/Dva comb usually works just as well. Phara and Junkrat both have pretty dominant DPS roles now, along with Hanzo, Solider, Reaper and McCree. Especially the latter has now become a Smurf favorite, as we were playing against level 25-100 McCree gods in 2 of our ten placement matches. Tracers and Genjis have become rarer, and especially in organised play, they switch pretty quickly now, if the enemy has a Brigitte, which I find absolutely beautiful in itself already.

Brigitte is designed to replace Dive meta with a CC-Meta and i absolutely love it. Suddenly the Ranked matches are not anymore “who has the better Tracer/Genji”, but “who has the better Team composition?”. We spend alot of time 6-Stacking in quickplay the past month to be able to predict strategies for the upcoming Brigitte Meta and were rewarded with relatively easy 8/10 placement match win, as we were one of the few teams who knew how to play and how to counter this character. The variations, in which combs appear and dominate other teams have changed drastically. For example, a Brigitte-Comb looses insanely badly against Quad-Tank on defense and looses against Spam-Comb on offense. Spam comb on the other hand still looses against Dive on most maps, while Brigitte deathball takes down Dive.

this has led to some interesting paper-rock-scissor games, in which we completly overhauled a teamcomposition sometimes 2-3 times in a match, playing almost all Tanks and Supports at some point and playing many different DPS.

Conclusion: Brigitte did something, that the Community hates, she changed the game, which is, according to my humble opinion, something great. Just 3 days ago, there were 2 mobility Heros in the game who could theoretically eliminate every single opposing heros without ANY repercussions, while now Overwatch has entered a state of almost absolute counter-play and composition switching. “invincible” high-skill cieling characters are finally a thing of the past, which allows for other, pretty underappreciated DPS to be played more often.

Brigitte highly enhanced by gameplay experience for overwatch.

Thank you for this Hero, Blizzard.

And to everyone who doesnt want Dive to go away, doesnt want the game to change at all and doesnt like that a healer can defend herself:
This is the game now. Adapt to it or die out.


Brigitte’s addition is like the little hammer the doctor hits your knee with. They know what they’re doing but it’s still going to cause a knee jerk reaction.


You know, I’ve heard plenty of people call Brigitte “anti-fun”. And while it is true that nobody likes being stunned, I have a question for those people.

How fun is it to go up against a good Tracer or Genji and know that out of all the 26 heroes in the game, not one will allow you to counter them and put an end to their kill streaks? Your chosen hero has to deal with counters that they simply can’t win against unless your opponent screws up, but Tracer/Genji are exempt from this rule because “muh skillcap”.

That was my experience before Brigitte came out.


At rank gold, your rank, games were not, are not, and will never ever be decided by “who has the better Genji/Tracer?”

It’s a popular alternative fact, right up there with “so sick of seeing dive all the time in my rank gold matches.”

Also blaming loss on “who has the better Tracer smurf?” is not admitting being outplayed, but whatever makes you feel better.

Hard to take the post seriously because of that.


At rank gold, your rank, games were not, are not, and will never ever be decided by “who has the better Genji/Tracer?”

Err… if both teams have a Genji/Tracer and all other variables are equal between the two teams, then yes, the game will be decided by which Genji/Tracer is better.

Hard to take your reply seriously when you dismiss basic logic as “alternative facts”.


I thought this thread was a joke for a minute. IMO she has trashed competitive for a good portion of players. She needs tweaks, and tweaks are on the way, if ever so slowly.


How fun is it standing behind a shield only for a hero to disable that shield and you while behind their own shield.


Ah yes ,which is why both Genji and Tracer have a 48 and 47% winrate ,right ? (in gold)


If both teams have a Brigitte and all other variables are equal between the two teams, the game will be decided by which Brigitte is better.

Any more brilliant argument?


When Brigitte approaches, just drop your barrier and bash her skull in with your hammer.

The number of Reinhardt’s that simply hold right-click and somehow expect a different result is telling of the player’s capabilities. Also, team game: somebody should be shooting her shield so long as they’re safe behind Reinhardt’s, aye? I mean, this shouldn’t even require coordination and communication, just common sense.

Reinhardt could use buffs, but he’s not absolutely destroyed by Brigitte (quite the opposite actually,) and if the 6-stack OP isn’t getting deleted for that one second the shield comes down, then no way in hell randoms are deleting him in that one second in anywhere near the frequency people suggest.


i would appreciate it if you stopped using facts it’s all about how i feel.


How fun is it to have to deal with a cyborg ninja poking you with shurikens, dashing behind you, throwing another 3 shurikens in your face, reflecting your CC back at you, finishing you with another 3 shurikens, then pulling out a sword to massacre your team while you wait to respawn, knowing that there was nothing you could do?

Or how about being a Reinhardt who starts getting shot in the back by Tracer and knowing that you can’t turn around to hit her because you have to keep the shield up and even if you did turn around, she’d just Blink away from you; and even if you did land a hit on her, she’d just Recall. So you have to just sit there, letting Tracer whale on you, hoping one of the DPS on your team will drive her away, then you get stuck by a Pulse Bomb and die.

Getting hit by a brief stun every few seconds would seem so pleasant by comparison.

Ah yes ,which is why both Genji and Tracer have a 48 and 47% winrate ,right ? (in gold)

Where are you getting that number from? And yes, my hatred of Genji and Tracer is not based on something as rational as winrates, but why should I have to use strictly objective facts and evidence when half of the anti-Brigitte arguments seem to be based on how she makes the game “boring” or “unfun” or “frustrating”?


That is absolutely not true. Gold genjis and tracers are absolutely easy to kill and as long as they arent smurfs they will probably never carry a game as long as they are playing like a gold or plat genji or tracer


jeez you make it seem like you’re 1v6’ing.


That’s quite a lot of text for saying you have no idea about game balance.


that almost always leads to your death ?

no thanks id rather have something called counterplay


counter play to dps :ok_hand:
counter play to support :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: how dare you.


i assume you are not trolling so tell me. do you have bg in your team?

its in the post i wrote.

he actually does get decimated by brigitte his picking numbers just go up because even though he gets hardcountered by brigitte Zarya and Him still pair the best with her

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