Brigitte is probably the best addition to the game

I think you mean D.mon. She’s truly a gift from the heavens that we should be honored to even stand in her presence.


That certainly explains why the entire meta after Brigitte’s release was Brigitte Reinhardt Hanzo Zarya Zenyatta Mercy, and nothing else. It’s almost as if Brigitte forced out an entire meta with only 6 heroes being viable.

But hey, let’s switch and counter her! Her counters consists of Widow, Pharah, Junkrat. And…that’s it. Meanwhile, she counters the heck out of anything with small ticks of damage (Winston, DVa, Tracer, Reaper), anyone who has to fight in close range (Roadhog, Genji), as well as heroes who are stationary and vulnerable to her stun (Reinhardt)

Good addition though, #sarcasm


I really like Brigitte, she is fun to play and super cute


And that is a problem because? Do you realize that healers are forced to run 1/2 characters in every game. Same with tanks. What makes you special? First Brigitte is not in an every game, far from it. And second you have several options to deal with her. So learn how to use them.

So start learning how to have fun with Brigitte in the game.


the hero that killed the game


She was designed to counter dive. But they went overboard. Her kit counters almost everything, and anything that could potentially counter her, is not strong enough to do so.
Bad design.


Disagree. Ana has just as much lore and character and is nowhere near as cancerous to play against, nor has Ana boosted people from Plat to GM in the span of 1-2 seasons.

Brig has to be one of the worst changes made to the game since launch because of the extremely low effort required to counter other heroes who take high effort to utilize properly & master, as well as extremely limiting team comps. All you have to do to counter dive is swap to her. One hero should not hold that much power. Blizzard’s goal of pushing dive out of the #1 team comp spot worked, but they did so in a terrible way.

Now I won’t deny that Brig has her counters like every hero, I’m fine with (and love to) playing Pharah or sometimes DF into her. But she counters more than what she’s countered by, which is unfair.

E: Noticing your other posts in this thread: you cannot force people to have fun or even to adapt. It’s not something to get worked up over, coming from someone who uses to frequently attempt it. If you think Brig is the best addition to the game and that everyone that doesn’t like her is bad, that’s fine. But don’t expect everyone else to agree with that idea, because they’re free not to.


Ew.No.Ana got way more Lore.She was Overwatch’s second in command.Friends with Soldier and Reaper.Friends with Rein,mother of Pharah.An aquaintance of Widowmaker that shot her thru the eye.
Brigitte-daughter of Torb,and Rein is her godfather.Also she likes cats and eating pie


Nice bait. Why are you welcoming a character that has been ruining the game for fully six months already?


i like brigitte too. she’s counter-able by a lot of heroes but teams refuse to switch or focus brigitte.

she doesn’t counter rein. i get killed a lot by reins. only in a team fight she’s sometimes useful against a rein.

she has no counter to tjorbs turrents and her shield is down pretty fast.

if a widow has the high ground you have a issue too.

zarya is really good against brig. you just shoot your exploding balls next to her and she takes damage. if she attacks you walk back and use the beam.

and of course junkrat and phara.


well, gg that’s how it feels playing ana/zen vs doomfist/genji/tracer/widow at times.


And why do you think that this is a bait? Do not assume that everyone are as lazy and unadaptable as you are. A lot of people likes Brigitte as she is.


It wasn’t.
Desperate much ?
Brigitte was not even amongst the top 8 after 1 week.
It was Mercy, Zen, Rein, Honza, Zarya, Widow and nothing else.


1: Bold of you to assume I onetrick a specific class of heroes. I play everything.

2: there are only 6 healers in the entire game, only 3 of which can solo heal. Of course you’re gonna be running the same comp. Thats like playing tanks and crying about “I HAVE TO BE ORISA OR REINHARDT WHENEVER WE NEED A SHIELD” – duh?? Theres only 2 shield tanks that can protect the team???

3: Its a problem because Brigette punishes every single hero except the ones she was made for funnily enough. I have less of a problem with her as Tracer and Genji than I do on anyone else.

4: I dont like spammy heroes. At all. I can only have so much fun holding one button all match; but thats what Brigette demands because thats pretty much her only strong counter.

5: If you want your dps to actually be able to do their jobs, then the dps heroes need to be able to kill things. Brig’s burst heal is the strongest in the game. Brig’s ult has no real counterplay, can be used anytime, and the armor lasts forever.

This not only makes her hard to kill, but makes it hard to kill her team when shes stunning and deleting you with her bash-combo, then turns around, hits a button, and the Genji’s back to full HP-- which she doesnt even need to aim unlike Ana’s grenade.

Sorry to dump on your kween, but she’s a problem. And I’m not going to onetrick Pharah to solve it. I got this game because I wanted to play 20something different heroes whenever I wanted, not turned into a spambot because the Brig wont die any other way


I know :weary: but I still have enough fun on Ana that it outweighs the annoyance.

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Moira is the best addition to the game, the title of this thread is confusing me -



It’s been half a year, and people still think Brigitte was a good addition to the game? lol yikes


Any hero that triggers so many flanker mains is a great addition to the game as far as I am concerned.


Brig was worst edition for me, double sniper meta happen because of her since all tracer mains and genji mains moved on playing widow and hanzo, so fun being one shooted
I have no hate against snipers since it takes aim but in high ranks there are times when u cant leave the spown because widow.
So yeah for me brig is worse edition I don’t like junk and phara just to counter her