Brigitte is how the devs want her to be

You’re not more of an authority than the people who are just as adamant that it IS her damage that is the problem, or that it is her suvivability. No one can even agree on what the issue is, which says a lot about all these imaginary “problems.”

People STILL can’t figure out how to play around this character? Okay, this is what you do. You know that shield she carries that is REQUIRED for her to not only approach safely, but also Shield Bash? Yeah, that one. Here’s what you do. You take your gun, and, now stay with me here, you shoot the barrier. Because believe it or not, that thing doesn’t have infinite health. And believe it or not, she can’t shield bash without it. And believe it or not, she dies 1v6 without it.

So if you’re playing Orisa or something and you see Brig walking through your barrier at your supports, don’t just drop your hands and give up. Pick up that gun attached to your arm and shoot her. I promise you this will save your healers’ lives. The same goes for any other hero with a gun. Please stop acting like she carries around Symmetra’s ult. At the very least, breaking it will force her to retreat. So stop spreading these lies that there is nothing you can do to protect people from her. It’s blatantly untrue and this attitude is not healthy for the community.


I swear to Jeff, it’s so funny and sad, every time I play Brig, (well almost every time), I get so many ez kills because nobody shoots my shield. they see it and think it’s rein shield subconsciously. So many times I think in my head ‘please dont shoot my shield please dont do it…’ and they don’t and I am able to get into lethal range


Brig only has as much power as you give her.


Just because the company thinks so, it doesn’t mean it is correct, is it? Although they have the upper-hand decision, it doesn’t mean it’s a correct move. If the school district made everything stupid and without thinking it out first, then that’s not correct.

They need to do what is happening in-game, not what they like. It happens all around us every single day of our life, Blizzard just doesn’t apply it, and hope they do very soon.


It has 600 hp. That’s a ton to most DPS. It takes them all day to knock 600 hp off something that can’t be headshot. Even Junkrat and Pharah will try to damage Brig by shooting around her shield, not breaking it.

For reference, Storm arrow does a lot of damage, doesn’t it? Hanzo would have to unload the ENTIRE THING into her shield. And then shoot it twice more at medium-high power. By that time, she’s walked up to him and made him into mince.


You’re assuming Brigitte will simply run out into the open directly into your fire with her shield.

That’s not the smart way to play.

Tje way Brigitte works as a tank harasser is that she stays next to her rank for backup. If Brigitte has to worry about her shield breaking then something has gone awry as is general she should be hiding behind her main tank so she can shield bash the enemy tank to give her tanks an opening.

Also, she isn’t going to walk through your Orisa shield:

This more or less matches Reaper and Doomfist’s M.O. It’s suprising that Brigitte is so useful at copying it.


So by that logic they needed to hold our hands because we, the playebase, could not click on Mercy’s head. They needed to hold our hands because 35% Ironclad was balanced but nobody could pick the DPS heros to kill him? They needed to hold our Hand and give us a Tracer counter because Tracer is balanced?

You’re ignoring the major points to discredit people. You act like the 4head ways are just simply bypassed by the masses with low IQs.

Not to mention, your whole post discredits you because it shows why bash was nerfed, because it was strong. NOT Because “Waaaaaa I got killed.”

Oh lul 4head it didn’t even cross my mind.

Guys, lets revert mercy to her reworked state because all you had to do was whip out your gun and click on her head. Yall a bunch of 20 IQ plebs that don’t realize that you click on heads to counter everything.

Thus Pharah is not a counter for her. But don’t worry, I have a whole thread dedicated to that.


And how exactly does that get her to your supports so that

holds true? Because they’re going to be behind your front-line, meaning she has to pass your front line, which is where your barrier is. So unless your supports are TRYING to die, I don’t see how people are struggling to keep Brig away from them. She HAS to do what you said a Brig wouldn’t do in order to reach them.

On KotH defense she has the time to hide in a flank and wait for the attackers. She doesn’t need to get past your line because she will simply allow you to overlook her.

Then those players’ awareness needs work and it’s the fault of their flaws. Literally every character can do this, not just Brig. And many would be much better at it.


This is my biggest complaint. Her combo is fine. How easy she can do her combo with little to no risk of punishing her for it, that’s another story.

Another big problem I have with her is her default attack has slight displacement cc to it. I understand Rein’s hammer pushing people around, but brig, not so much. That knock back effect is killer for any aim intensive hero.

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Pwaise the Lowd!

Brigitte is more effective than most because of her stun. It can’t be blocked by shields or DM. If Junkrat, Tracer, Reaper or McCree get behind your line then your tanks can often use a shield or DM to stop them. That’s not the case with Brigitte, which is why she particularly dangerous.

She also counts as a support, so you can still often run two dps characters in addition to her which makes for a very powerful composition.

Essentially, instead of running a Reaper, Junkrat to deal with the tanks you can give that job to Brigitte and the main tank while your DPS are free to dive. Which is an alternative play style.

It bothers me that she lacks flaws for all the power she holds.

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What exactly would you change about her so she can’t hide on defense maps? Because apparently that’s how she gets your supports since she wouldn’t dream of walking right past your front line. So what in her kit allows her to get into position to hide and pounce? Because it hardly matters how she does the pouncing if she can’t get there in the first place. Should she be forced to stand in the open until having LoS of enemies?

Yeah, if only she didn’t have mobility or there was a way to prevent her from being able to shield and stun. The nail in the coffin is that she can hide though! No counterplay there, unbelievable Blizzard.

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She does not have a range of just 6 meters, which puts her in a disadvantage against any range char who shoots her from afar, she does not give an even less healing amount than Lucio, her shield also protects her from all sides and not only from one direction. Do we play the same game?

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It’s actually a very simple change.

Give her shield bash extra knockback while removing the stun. Remove knockback from whipshot and give it stun instead.


Any1 that thinks that she denies Reinhardt is a bad Reinhardt or has played only with bad Reinhardts. Any Reinhardt worth his name will now to alternate shield and hammer in a fight and hammer time wrecks her.

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She can also hit through shields, has 250 health and a 600 hp shield which heals at 100 hp a second after a 2 second cooldown.

Not to mention that she is a support. We are comparing her effectiveness to tank killers like Junkrat, Reaper and CC DPS like Doomfist. That in of itself says a lot.

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That’s because her heals are either gated by enourmous cd or not so reliable (needs to damage in melee to have a small lucio heal aura).

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