Brigitte is how the devs want her to be

The devs literally stated their opinion on Brigitte in the Support balance changes post. They want her to be hard to take down and aren’t considering weakening her defenses. She’s a TANK/SUPPORT hybrid deal with it. She’s not a DPS btw EVERY tank does more damage than Brigitte without exception

Check mate sweethearts go complain about something else


That’s not the issue. The issue is that she directly negates tanks like Reinhardt, Hammond, Roadhog and D.Va from doing their jobs. Which feels cheap because her shield bash has no risk to it.

Flashbang was balanced because placing McCree so close to tanks is a high risk gamble that can end in disaster. If Brigitte fails to capitalize on shield bash for the most part she’s fine.

So at least that’s why a lot of tank players are upset.

It’s also more difficult to protect supports from her because DM and shields don’t work. So if she sneaks up behind Mercy and stuns her then that’s GG unless you have a Zarya. Which actually makes her scarier to have in your backline than a Tracer or Reaper. Which is pretty funny to think about.


Being OP?
Telling lies?
Open your mouth.

Also I don’t think she’s OP,just unbalanced.But it didn’t rhyme.


If you let a Brigitte walk past your entire frontline with no mobility and attack your Supports it’s kinda your own fault


We need to keep complaining until they change her, or we’ll have to live with brawlcomp being the uncontested best strategy forever. And they might as well just delete Reaper and Hog.


You aren’t wrong, but it happens more often than you think, particularly on KotH maps during attack when the enemy Brigitte will wait for the enemy DPS to dive and the tanks to clash before she pops up and kills at least one of the enemy supports.


To preface this…I’m not saying she’s OP, because she isn’t. But I also think Brig shouldn’t be able to be so effective against practically any other hero, in almost any situation. She doesn’t even do badly against heroes who counter her, and she’s capable of taking on some pretty hefty targets with a good chance of coming out victorious. She’s annoyingly effective. Both to play as, and play against.

Again, I don’t think she’s OP. I just don’t like how she’s worked out in-game as opposed to on paper.


That’s just smart play though. You could theoretically do that with most heroes. Doomfist could arguably do it better than Brigitte ever could


Yeah, but Brigitte you don’t have to give up a DPS spot. So you can give the enemy tanks a hard time, protect your main healer from dive, and potentially deal with the enemy supports by yourself if you happen to find yourself next to them.


all the rally cry of the forums

“Help me Poppa Jeff. Help me.”


He can do it slightly faster if everything lines up for him, but better would suggest he could somehow do it with less risk than Brigitte does, which no one can. Not to mention she can also still heal/armor people on the side while she’s doing all this.

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If you’re playing Brigitte as a secondary support, you lose out on the defensive ult, which is a pretty big disadvantage. The pros only run the Brigitte/Lucio duo for that exact reason and its VERY situational. 9/10 times Brigitte takes a DPS slot


Please dont reference that johnny johnny thing! god!


I think Brigitte only needs a Lucio or Zenyatta if the enemy has a Zarya or Mei. Otherwise there aren’t many ultimates that would be able to threaten a competent team through Brigitte’s ultimate.

You are right though, when the enemy has Zaeya and Hanzo and you have no Zenyatta then life tends to be difficult.



You are quite fearful of another Brigitte nerf, aren’t you?


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It’s literally the only thing you can do.

Her normal movement speed with shields up simply giver her ability to play too agressively for a support/tank hybrid.

She’s supposed to be hard to kill? ok, but not leading the charge, nor getting such strong control on the battlefield.

Her shield bash is also too hard to miss compared to Mc Cree FB.

She does not negate Reinhardt or Orisa, those two tanks can deal with her with a proper teamplay. Especially Rein, who can deal with her on his own, I must laugh every time someone spreads false information that a Brig “negates” Rein. Go as Brig against someone who can actually play Rein and see what happens.