Brigitte is a necessary evil

She didn’t.

Thank god we can remove Brigitte.


I was inclined to agree with your post until you wrote this.

There is no universe in which a SILVER player could magically one trick Brig into GM. Not even a goldie.


Thank again, because it’s not going to happen.

I checked the pick rates for the World Cup. She’s not even in the top 10.

Um… OK?

Thank god we can remove Brigitte.

You somehow still manage to not make any sense with that claim.

I’ve actually seen onetrick-brigs in Master that were gold the last 2-3 seasons before brigitte came out. Most of them were flexing before onetricking brig. Not many, just 2 or 3 times. But I never saw such ridiculous jumps in raiting before brigitte.

Edit: But I saw a lot coming from platinum to master with onetricking brigitte, that’s for sure.

The claim that Tracer didn’t dominate everyone? Makes perfect sense to me.

She didn’t. Saying she did is fictitious fallacy.


Back then people said - Just keep your distance

4Gitte //clap

you have every reason to lie.
Lets say I have a blank account that i posted with.
I am now a top 500 with 100+ hours on each hero.
My informed opinion is better than yours. Even if I can’t debate.

On top of which posting from a blank account shows that you don’t want people to see what you play. Just incase you aren’t as good or don’t do as much as you want people to think.

The reason i question it, is because most of the Genji / tracer mains that I saw complaining are doing so because they got their first hard counter. Which made maintaining their rank harder.


And how much is because other players enabled them by refusing to switch tactics?
Because unless roughtly 20% of all GM players main Brig, there is something very fishy about these claims.

For example: If Brig is so easy there should be two Brigs on the field at all times. Totally Pwning everyone. And that would mean that the winrate would be… balanced. Because they would neutralize each other.

On the other hand, if some people play Brig, gets good at her, and her opposition are either unskilled or stubborn enough to refuse to try to learn how to counter her…


In theory. In practice, almost anyone in master despises playing her. And also, noone denies that brigitte has weaknesses.

Let’s say there is a lot of truth to this. Still doesn’t justify getting dominated by someone from 1000 raiting below you to counter you, simply by picking another hero.
Brigitte is just the biggest failure of design I’ve ever witnessed in a “competitive” game.

So there were like, 2 or 3 people who managed to do that? How many other play Brigitte and do not experience these rises? Also, as I mentioned it before, playing one hero mostly and learning him well does give you a chance to rise faster until you reach a plateau of your performance with that particular hero, you can read people talking about it in the Competitive forums. There are Symmetra one-tricks who climbed with her up to Masters, so where does that bring us. You can’t put a good argument with some cases you saw climbing and forgetting about all the others who did not. Such is the state with any hero, as it should be.

Also, Brigg’s counterplay was still learned by the playerbase when she came out. Those, who bothered enough to learn to counter and outplay her, did so already, in addition to her receiving five nerfs with the last even more reducing her survivability.

Yet this is how many Genji mains climbed back when he was God tier.
Or McCree mains…
Or Hog mains…
Its just a new hero that caters to a playstyle.

So many people play smurfs because “their play on other heroes isn’t up to the play of their main”. Same with Brigitte mains.


This is a matter of perspective, for those who liked dive and flankers, yes, she came in to counter that as she should. But for everyone else, she is a god send, the game is much better since she is in the game. Btw that thing about Tracer is a lie, i’ve played in gold, plat and diamond, and Tracer was oppressive in every single of those ranks, people forget that the skill level restrictions go to everyone not just the Tracers, just like Tracers are not super skilled, the others aren’t either, and Tracer being fundamentally too strong makes her very powerful. Oh and Rein is the most picked hero in the game post Brig btw, Brig hasn’t been the doom of tanks that some people think.


Why not?
If I go up against Widow or Hanzo as Junkrat? I mean I’m a lousy player, I admit, but even i was in theory Plat or something I would surely lose against a Bronze widow, at least a Bronze widow that had a few games under the belt and knew basic aiming.

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You know whats funny and ironic about this statement? A lot of people here would agree that balancing should be from the top, almost like the pros.

In OWL, it was mostly dive, and while yes, it shouldnt be balanced for only the pros but the ladder because of skill differences, the devs thought it was unhealthy that it was always just dive. Because no matter what buffs were given to other heroes, the mobility ones still took their place. They knew that nerfing all dive heroes would be a terrible idea, so they came with an alternate solution.

And while it took sometime to balance things, out, it became more diverse at the top. People here dont tend to look at the bigger picture with these things and always opt for the easy and fast solutions because from the top it would trickle down to ladder.



So my question is:

  1. Do these people have such short memory they don’t remember how the game was early 2017?
  2. Or are they all new?
  3. Or are they aware of how it was, but since they PLAY one of the heroes now countered, they decide to howl to the moon instead of practice?

This argument is not believable nor logical.

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When you watch a Stylosa video and you decide to make a thread about what was said in the video.

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