Brigitte - I found this interesting

because even in none goats related activities she was still a hard counter to dive, at least outside of the pro scene where they had to hard focus her down first before doing normal dive shenanigans.

Which they still lost game to her as she was still hard to kill when her team peeled even remotely.

Yeah those are thoughts similar to mine. I think she’d genuinely be easier to balance in that state than she currently is right now. They should have at least kept Brig as she was before reworking her. Saw how she performed. Made necessary buffs or nerfs. And then if that didn’t work out rework her. I think she’d honestly feel less oppressive in her old state than she can do now and she’d also maybe feel a bit better across lower ranks too.

You have the greater sustain. And the you wouldn’t have her over an Ana (your main healers) she’d be an off healer. So you’d have her over Lucio or Zen. Where she’s tankier than both and you’d choose her for her heavy CC abilities where she can shut down plays, ultimates and abilities a hell of a lot more than those 2 can outside of ults.

What’s bad about that? A Brig that Brig players enjoy but isn’t good enough to pester streamers and OWL.


I agree with op so much. A fun durable brig that does not pumping out crazy levels of healing.

Some changes:
150 hp 75 armor
300 shield
1 repair pack: burst heal 75 hp ( or 100 hp) 6 seconds cool down or flat 25 armor last 2 second 6 seconds cool down
Buff inspire 20 hps

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Its not about wanting 1 repair pack back, its more about wanting her to feel like a paladin again, and repair pack is hindering her ability to fulfill that hero fantasy.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Moira ain’t a burst healer.

Healin a lot over time ain’t the same as healin health instantly.

It’s why Moira’s abilities have a ‘hp/s’ stat while burst heal abilities (Like Baptiste’s secondary fire) are just flat out ‘heal for’.

Moira heals a lot, sure, but it is all sustained; she can’t outheal burst damage.

My concern with the Paladin style is the lack of healing agency since Inspire doesn’t is up all the time and pack has a CD.

Well, maybe alternatively they could change inspire to be a constant aura of healing with very short radius that gets bigger when she does damage and it reduces the radius over time if she doesn’t deal any damage. Lets say it starts with 8 meters radius, normal flail swings increase it to 14 meters and whip shot increases it to 20 meters, it decreases radius at a rate of 1.5 meters/s, so between each Whip Shot it lost 6 meters/4s decaying to 14 meters.

Also Paladin Brig has the most forgiving W+M1 style in the game because she has a passive self heal in-combat on top of the armor and barrier, the only tank that really have a self heal is Hog and it’s not continuous while engaged. The other supports’ self heal also are not on top of defensive stats. I made another thread about buffing Brig defensive stats without making her have an in-combat self heal here, so it’s a less forgiving W+M1.

Right now, she heals the same as Ana and people wonder why giving her 25hp made her broken lol. She became a better Ana (avg healing and utility), Mercy (55hps pocket),Zen (again brig could do what zen can but better that is pocketing flanker with harmony) and lucio (AOE heals and boop + a stun LOL). That’s the reason the game has been so healthy when she has been weak.

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Yeah it’s this. It’s that she’s so versatile in what she does and really good at it all too. So instead of nerfing one of these things to balance something out. They just nerf the HP to make it die quicker/easier. It’s why the higher level players perform better with her and she gets the most value there. For her to be “balanced” something has to give. You could, tank her well…tankiness/close range ability completely (her CC, AOE a mix or one of these kind of things) and make her a heal bot. Just I believe, and it’s only my opinion, that it ruins her character

Inspire has healing agency due to having to engage to activate it.

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And having to play more safe due to having that lower HP and being a melee character, it lessens the chance of having inspire procced outside of whipshotting. If you’re able to engage better it should make it easier, especially for lower rank players anyway to have inspire up, as the higher rank plays don’t necessary struggle even now to do so.

Sorry yes I misused a term, be it that the point still stands regardless if her healing is instant or not.

GOATS required such a high level of coordination that it only really saw frequent play in OWL. Even in GM, it was rarely used. Furthermore, it only worked as well as it did because it was triple support, triple tank. Even if Brig were reverted and then tweaked, that alone wouldn’t be enough to create a mini-GOATS comp.

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I think the problem people would complain about is that she’d be “unkillable” and then she’d just be able to walk into the team and 1v1 everyone.

Although I really don’t see that happening. But…

You know your the second person that couldn’t read the Mini in front of the GOATs part.

I read it, and I acknowledged it. Mini-GOATS simply wouldn’t work. If normal GOATS required such high level coordination that the only place it saw frequent play was OWL, then a miniature version of the composition would require even more coordination.

Mini goats was ran right after 2-2-2 was implemented, thus swaping out a support and tank for two very sustain heavy dps which included Mei and Reaper. Of course Mei got nerfed and both supports that were used at the time got tweeked away from that viability. Be it throwing in a very sustain heavy/ tanky support would in turn recreate such a situation.

Also Yes Goats was a very team oriented and had a lot in the way of ultimate management.

It also had such a flat skill ceiling that even between the worst and best teams in the league games were almost 50/50 in regards to who would win. Because it had very little influence in regard to players skill. Like if you knew how to cycle abilities with you team you basically had mastered Goats as a whole.

For the longest time, up until she got reworked, this was the biggest problem and nobody at the time was understanding how simple the problem was.

You have a 500hp barrier standing between you and Brig’s health pool, combine that with a 16hp/s self-heal and this allows her to deal damage, turtle and recover her own health, rinse and repeat.

So the logical solution is a two-fold one. Her barrier HP needs to come down to around 300 - 350hp and her self-heal needs to come down to about 12.50hp/s.

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I like the suggestion. I think that would definitely balance it out better.

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