Brigitte got pushed down the gutter this patch

Remember all the nerfs for the past nine months, are done to her under the impression of a free for all composition not the forced role que. So in a sense the implementation of this forced role que should mean either reverting everything back but with adjusted numbers or complete re designing her into a backline healer.

yet you played sym as a flanker not a backline defender :slight_smile: just like brig, the only reason you guys like these two was because of their easy killing potential.

i have never played as sym, i was simply addressing the amount of reworks she had.

Sheild cant take more than 2 sniper shots.

My head can only take one sooooo.

so Tanks with the means to survive a headshot are also should go away ?

Im saying being able block a sniper shot period is a win.

I believe sniper shot was used as an example. You gonna block alot of things with a shield on short amount of time specially if you play her aggressively which will accumulate more than a single sniper shot or two.

The problem with your analysis is Brig players padded slim counts over healing and more often than not proc’d out of range for healing. The other supports don’t do that as often except maybe Moira.

We do not “ now more now than ever” need a tank Brig in 2-2-2… that nonsense is what got us to this point in the first place.

Ok, but not if you play brig in the back as a support. Like how its intended.

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A tanky healer who also has sustain to go toe to toe with almost anything with a 500 pt shield and a self heal with a no aim weapon that hits everything in front is a problem. As I predicted, 2-2-2 would usher in a more healer oriented Brig and her abusers would cry foul. Will she need further tuning? Yes, but don’t kid yourself your ever getting anything close to Brig 1.0 again ever.

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The postponing things, not be open to the change and hatred towards virtual characters and the people who play as them got us here in the first place. Also releasing Brigitte outside of the framework of 2-2-2 got us here. Because you know if she was the next hero that is supposed to be released instead of sigma, none of the ruckus we were having for the 9 months would have happened. But hey what do i know.

that is not how it is intended. She is certainly not intended that way. Even her character description suggests otherwise. Her tool kit and the way she heals suggests otherwise.

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like i said earlier

she’s a healer not a dps

We most certainly do. With the 2/2/2 lock, playing hybrid heroes is the only way for a player to help cover for a weakness in their team comp without being able to switch roles completely. Players need to have that option.

We have Roadhog and Dva for tank/damage hybrids, Soldier for damage/healer hybrid, Mei for damage/tank, Zen for healer/damage, Brigitte for healer/tank, etc. In some cases the team comp may need some adjustment to make sure there’s enough healing, enough damage mitigation, or enough damage. Other times, a player’s just having a bad day and one of the roles needs a bit more help to cover.

We need more hybrid options, not fewer. It’s important that they still fit into their primary roles in 2/2/2, but more hybrids will allow players more creativity in team comps.


Having Brig constantly running into sniper fire with her shield down sounds horrible. A better idea would be to have inspire proc off barriers and turrets. This way the inspire and whipshot buffs would actually be meaningful, and let her hang further back, which seems to be the devs’ intent.

if only i had a dollar for everyone who says that. Good god i would be rich. I am not even gonna explain that she is not. But go up there somewhere there 10+ different people who explains why she is not a dps with different examples and different wording take the one you like the most.

She would be just as much a problem but GOATs would not be. Unbalanced and a poor design to stop a meta plagued Brig. If she were released now as she is on PTR she would have been fairly well received like Bap was with subsequent buffs which Blizzard sees now the wisdom of instead of overly powerful designs up front that are disruptive.

A tank that needs self-sustain because she’s a brawler in a shooter game, and thus needs time and health (and probably more mobility) to even get into range to start being effective.

It’s not that you don’t get part of it, I’m sure. I’m getting the distinct feeling that you just don’t care. A no-aim weapon? That does very little damage and only within melee range. You can’t skirt around or avoid that. And the shield in a game were dozens of characters have stun attacks, most characters can headshot, and other negative status effects like “slow”/“on fire” exist.

Yeah, I can’t fathom why a character with anemic dps, no range, and no mobility would get some self-sustain and a small shield that only barely protects the front.


i’m sure you’ve heard this alot so enjoy playing her as a support now.
have a good day