Brigitte got pushed down the gutter this patch

Thank you for your contribution but i liked my version better. It is funnier XD

Yes, actually. It helps when you know how to structure a sentence and use proper grammar.

Shields are designed to protect onself. If they didn’t, they’d be pretty pointless. By your logic, Rein, Winston and Orisa do exactly the same thing. They counter the entire DPS roster because shields.


I think it’s more accurate to say that she was pushed down the Niagara falls

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I’m calling it, she will never get 500hp shield back.
There are 3 options:
more speed to close distance for herself
more healing
more close up damage
Or a combination of all but 100% she will get no 500hp shield back ever again.

Me laughing at all Brig Mains SR going down to where they belong! :rofl:


I mean… she should, but you are probably right because Blizzard is super stubborn when it comes to reverting balance changes.

Actually it’s really really weird. They almost never do reverts… except when it is the absolute last thing they should do… then the revert comes stupidly quickly.

I guess they’d rather go through an systematically shatter any and all interesting play styles.

I think Brig is suffering of being double-nerfed on the same area. Both the self heal AND the shield went down, and that means a double nerf to her survivability, and applying two fixes for one problem is never a good idea.
I think they should have picked one nerf or the other. Considering Brig is pretty much harmless as long as her shield is up (besides the stun, which already got massively nerfed in damage), I think her weakness should have been her self healing.
There are many times when Brig’s in your face and it’s hard to push her away because she can heal a little bit less than what you can harm her, meaning she has the upper hand in duels and she has a lot of leeway to leave the team and do her thing. Considering her kit seems to be screaming “stay with the team”, she should have a disadvantage when she’s separated from the group, which is why I agree with her self healing nerf.
However, nerfing the shield at the same time means Brig is pretty much useless unless she’s surrounded by her team mates and the fight comes to them. The shield should have remained untouched so she could leave the group a bit, smack someone a few times to activate Inspire, then fall back with her shield. Brig would remain as a mostly harmless target with the reduced healing, so you won’t get that heavily damaged by the time she has to fall back due to her being on low health, but at least she would have enough safety to keep Inspire going even if the fight doesn’t break right on top of her team.

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??? Her self heal and Healing went both up !!!

at best they might increase it to 300 but either that will happen or the self healing will be reverted. If there will be any reverts at all.

Have you played her on the ptr at all…?


If you arent effective with brig, you switch support heroes. Yea the shield is only 200 HP, but other heroes done even have a second chance to react to a sniper. Giving her three packs helps and like you said, so she just stands there and cant proc inspire? its the same before the patch so whats the difference. At least you have three now so you can literally use one and save the two when needed. And her whipshot got a huge buff so it is more viable to use in a fight to proc inspire and inspire does more healing. I am all for this change and it makes her more of a support.

her self heal cut down by 50%

Did I get it wrong? I could swear Inspire now healed her less but more to her team mates.

You know, Brig with a 200hp shield and all current nerfs/reworks could work if they changed her inspire healing to when she takes damage (shield excluded of course), rather than when she deals damage.

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OMEGALUL sorry yeah true but the healing to others is increased by a lot. From passive and her other heals as well!

Brigitte’s live inspire does 100 HP over 6 seconds for 16.67 HPS.
PTR inspire does 130 HP over 6 seconds for 21.67 HPS BUT Brigitte only gets half of it… or 10.83

16.67 > 10.83.

Brigitte’s self healing got dropped pretty significantly. PTR’s self heal is now about 65% of what it is on live.


Yeah true I forgot read the patchnotes when they dropped once.

  1. Other heroes does not have the most sluggish movement speed. also they can actually function from the backline where as brigitte cannot.
  1. the difference is that 3 armor packs combined is equal to 1 armor pack from the live server. Meaning tracer from another continent with spread that she has can out damage all 3 stacked up together.

You cannot. Because the healing overtime it provides less than every other thing.

  1. I posted a chart up there somewhere it shows the performance of Brigitte in ptr. Check that out to see if the whip shot inspire proc is a good reliable source of healing.

No these changes are not making her into support. She is still the same character but with much less in it. Actually scratch that taking her as a support is a detrimental to your team specially to your second healer.