Brigitte got nerfed again

Brigitte has always gotten an extra Inspire proc when an enemy dies from an environmental kill. So you’d get Inspire from hitting them and then Inspire again when they actually died from the fall.

On PTR, they “fixed” this “bug” that has been part of her kit since the PTR in 2018. Seems to me like the Devs took a deep dive into her kit looking for creative ways to nerf her and found this. Feelsbadman


It should’ve been this way honestly. AoE heals are already overpowered.


I’m fully expecting the Devs to remove the Rally animation cancel next. And maybe Mercy’s Super Jump as well. Because any tech that benefits Support heroes needs to be patched out I guess no matter how long its been in the game.


They literally said that was intended.


Oh wow I had no idea. Yeah that didn’t make sense anyway.

It’s a nerf, but a pretty minor one so it doesn’t seem to warrant much attention.


I mean it didn’t really make a lot of sense for it to happen in the first place. To proc inspire you should have to hit them with whipshot or primary, it shouldn’t be proc’ed when she gets an enviro because she already would have gotten inspire from the boop


I…am going to be honest. I’ve played a lot of Brig, and I didn’t notice it did this to begin with. I don’t feel like it’ll affect her that much. Especially given how infrequent environmental kills are in the grand scheme of matches.


Same. I didn’t notice it either. I don’t get a lot of boop kills outsife of a couple maps like Illois Well.


It’s still noticeable. In a fight where Inspire isn’t getting activated much that extra refresh is important.

Kind of like how Inspire can activate from hitting Hammond’s mines, which is awesome for farming heals (it’s not a bug. i promise)

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I guess? It wasn’t noticeable to me. I didn’t know it would re-activate once the target hit the pit.

But, I don’t think it’ll affect her that much because environmental kills aren’t (well, at least they shouldn’t be) happening frequently.


Some maps it won’t make a difference.

But on Lijang, Eichenwald, Illios, Blizzard World, Busan, Paris and Nepal. I know my Inspire healing will go down because of that change. I’m pretty good with whip shot and boop kills aren’t uncommon on the right maps I usually get 3-4 at least.

It just feels a bit rude and biased to me. The Devs keep hundreds of techs in but Brigitte gets a long standing one removed after getting a hard nerf again a couple patches ago

I guess, but that’s specific maps. I guess I don’t think it’ll affect her that much overall. On certain maps it definitely will.

I can agree with this.

OMG, the sky is falling. A boop that results in an insta-kill doesn’t proc inspire.

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It really won’t make much of a difference though. If you whipshot them off the map you trigger inspire with whipshot, all the environmental kill did was refresh it 1s later. Unless you can’t trigger inspire again in the next 5s it makes no difference

Whip Shot implies long range, which means I’m not in melee. So yeah activating Inspire is less likely to happen in the next 5 seconds

Not rocket science

While both post-rework Mercy and launch Brigitte were the most overtuned things I think I’ve ever seen in this game, they’ve both had enough of the nerf bats. It’s almost funny just how badly those two have been bludgeoned down by a near endless nerf parade.

Give these two girls a freaking break.

Im sorry that supports are able to keep their team alive


Let’s be clear.

Now, when Brigitte hits an enemy with her shift, her passive ability is activated.

And when the enemy falls from the map after that, the passive ability is activated AGAIN.

This was fixed. This is insignificant.


This has been a bug for the longest time… it’s barely impactful gameplay-wise. This not a superjump situation.

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