Brigitte fix idea

Only allow her to shield bash if people are half the distance it currently goes. To compensate for her only being able to stun in a shorter distance, she would gain 50hp (NOT armor) and her inspire would heal 10hp/s faster. If you think this will destroy her, keep in mind she’s a Tank/Support hybrid, and currently Brigitte is taking over a DPS slot, which a Tank or Support alone could never do

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It’s funny that you’re trying to compare GOATs (3-3) to a traditional 2-2-2 comp. The way they work is fundamentally different.

Zen, Lucio and Brigitte all heal and deal damage simultaneously there’s not one that is filling the “DPS” slot (if you’re running Moira/Ana this still applies). There’s a reason Mercy isn’t used in GOATs, the three Supports combined cover eachother’s weaknesses and have great peel so they don’t need a DPS to protect them

The Tanks are the highest Damage dealers in GOATs btw not the Supports btw.

…I never said anything about goats…?

So you’re not referring to GOATs when you say that?

She’s been in a dps slot since she was released

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Brigitte does alot of healing for a “DPS”. I regularly get 10-15k heals per match. I’ve out healed every other Support with her before. If you’re consistent with Inspire uptime, she’s a Lúcio with an 150 burst heal every 6 seconds.

Lúcio, Zen and Moira all have higher average Damage then Brigitte btw

Inspire is only up with damage. Just saying. Also, I’m not saying she does too much damage. I’m saying she is used in a dps slot. If she could only stun people if they’re close to her and gain another 50hp, she’d feel more like a tank/support hybrid just due to the fact both can’t win 1v1s without some kind of help

I don’t think you understand how Brigitte works. She’s basically a harder to kill Winston. Once she gets on you she basically smothers you unless you have the mobility to get away.

Raising her sustain would probably give her even more kill potential lol. She’s on the objective and because you have to contest you’ll face her anyway even with nerfed mobility

Isn’t this too short for no mobility her.

Thats sound bad. Brigitte could so never catch a Tracer/Genji with this kind of “fix.”

The breaking point for Brigitte is that she can stun without getting punished. See it like old Mc Cree befor he got the FtH buff. If the old cree missed his flash he was in an disadvantage. Why don’t try to do the same with Brigitte?

Revert the bash nerfs and make it like that that she generate less shild, when it is broken and that her shild lose equal HP to the target that she bash. If she bash a tank, she will lose all her shild, what make her an easy pick for DPS, as long those DPS can see that Brigitte don’t have a shild.

In this game the powercreep in the DPS class is so great, it isn’t a bad think that there is 1 HEALER that can challange them. Brigitte hold DPS in check that don’t played as a team OR where to near to them. And with the “Fix” that I wrote, DPS would have the chance to fight back, IF they stay near there team.

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I like this idea a lot too. I just think her bash and shield are still too powerful for her kit. She shouldn’t be able to free roam and go after whoever she wants. She should have to think carefully about it. With my idea, Tracer and Genji would still have to be careful because they’re only effective close up, but she’d also have to be more alert and would have less mobility. Any healer can challenge dps, they just take a lot more skill than bashing them