Brigitte doesn't need any more nerfs


remove the damage from shield bash or remove the stun.

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Those who think she is OP should just try playing her for at least 5 games. They will see that she has a lot of counters and weaknesses. There are many ways to play around her (as already discussed on this forum so I won’t go into that).

I think she is pretty balanced right now. Fyi, I’m not a Brig main, although I do enjoy playing her.

not…not really. If you stand back and take a look at her, she has single handedly broken the meta, which could be explained away as something a new hero should do, but the way she did it was so sudden and irrevocable that I don’t think anyone could have predicted the chaos she would bring.
She’s an off-healer…sort of? She is used more as a mini-tank than a hero, and her kit is one of the more ridiculous by far…
Honestly, when it comes down to it I personally think the devs are better at throwing a wrench in the game and wondering why it isn’t working than they are at getting down and dirty to fix it

Her average damage per game at best is equivalant to Lucio, and people call his weapon a tickle gun. Only meaningful form of damage she’s got is her burst combo.

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Right. And even the combo cannot kill anyone with full health (other than maybe tracer if she doesn’t dodge away). There are plenty of other characters who can kill with one shot.

She does too much for the amount of skill she takes, Blizz focused too much on her countering dive without worrying about the rest of the cast.

Than we remove all the stuns in the game which isn’t happening.

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Okay let’s call brig a dps and compare her to dps. She has the lowest on avereage elimnnation of any dps. She deals the least amount of damage of any dps. Zen a actually dps healer hybrid deals dps level damage and can get picks like Hanzo and Widowmaker. Brig is an off tank off support brawler she isn’t a dps.

Brigs healing output is similar to zen and Lucio. Yes Lucio dose more healing but it’s not a huge difference. And if we included armour pack she out performs Lucio and zen.

A niche hero is like bastion, sym, torb, their bad in most siuation and only good in certain maps, defsense.

As a Reaper/Tracer/Soldier 76/Reinhardt main I just want her nerfed into F tier, I honestly don’t care if she’s “balanced” all I care about is that she’s too easy to use and get results with. Atleast I have Hanzo so I can Insta delete her.

I feel like she shouldn’t have an easy time killing characters who have to put in more work than her

I hope they remove Brigitte entirely.

It’s easy to kill anyone with Mei.

You’re right. She needs to be removed from the game.

Wow so much brig hate I agree she doesn’t need a nerf she might need a buff tbh

I agree. I’m actually pretty ok to play against Brigitte now.

I think she just needs one more nerf: she gets half the healing from Inspire. Her damage output isn’t the problem. Her Shield Bash isn’t. Her survivability is.

Unless you can one-hit kill her or break her barrier before she reaches you (which is harder than it sounds when you have all the aim of a anthropomorphic Pepsi can) it’s hard to outdamage the 16 health per second while getting stunned and whipped around by her shift. Add in that she can just put up her barrier after hitting you and you have to break it all over again while she heals up.

OFC she doesn’t need nerfs.
She needs a complete rework, either completely deleted from game.

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She is honestly the only hero I’d be content with being F tier forever. Terrible character. She is one of the biggest reasons Overwatch is on the decline currently imo.