Brigitte description is outdated

On the PlayOverwatch website, it says:

”Brigitte throws a Repair Pack that can heal an ally. Any healing over that ally’s maximum health provides them with armor instead.”

The video clip is also of old Repair Pack, which was an instant heal and had an overheal. Why do you have to tease us :sob:


“I will be your shield!”

Even roadhog is a better shield


“I will be your- HWUAHHH!”


They should just remove her from the game cause she’s just a filler on the support select screen anyway

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Temporarily unselectable…
Until they reveal their latest creation! Brig revamed and reworked as the ultimate support. The most perfectly balanced hero in the game and usable in any comp. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean she quite literally has a chance of becoming meta dominant again if Exp Card goes through but go off

I will laugh (and then cry) if Orisa Sig Bap Brig or Brig Zen becomes meta


The brig change will quite literally do nothing cause she’s so useless and I doubt orisa will ever become meta again unless they let her climb walls or something ridiculous cause they nerfed her so hard and sigma is a joke rn so more likely a rein zarya Ana zen meta persists if the experimental goes through lmao.



Yet before the HP nerf she was a must pick with a 16% pickrate

Now she has half of that missing HP back PLUS her self heal has basically been doubled

And they are buffing the other components of double shield, and you don’t think she will be useful at all? lol

He’s actually not. He has double Rein and’s pickrates and I’d consider both of them to be rather strong so idk what that says about Sigma. He certainly doesn’t seem weak in my ranked games and wasn’t weak in OWL finals

This isn’t the meta right now so idk how it would “persist”. Rein is the second least picked tank.


Are you sure cause from what I remeber rein is better than hog, I’m not being sarcastic I genuinely thought/think he has a higher pick rate but I could be wrong. But brig needs a full on rework. They should have different parts of her flail do differing levels of damage/healing so a brig can’t just mindlessly hold down one button, then have her repair packs gives armor scaled based off the ally’s health, reduce shield bash stun to 0.65 seconds cause CC = bad and then give her 250 health again and half inspire heals for her again and boom she’s balanced. As for GM just leave her in her current pitiful state in that tier and put those changes in for all other tiers cause virtually no one is in GM so it’s counterintuitive to balance solely towards them

Hog is kind of, really good rn. Like he’s the #1 most picked tank. Hog’s pickrate is the same as Ana’s pretty much. And Rein is the second to last picked. So idk. It was Winston at the top for a while, but Rein hasn’t been there for a while.

I agree though tbh


I kinda doubt it.
Sigma may become meta again, But orisa has just been nerfed too much, IMO. Brigs been nerfed a lot as well, and although the health buff will help, I doubt she’ll become meta. Sigmas been nerfed a lot too, so I don’t see how it would become meta again without massive buffs.

I could be wrong definitely, but that is just what I think.


Idk I think on their own they won’t be the strognest but the comp synnergy might be strong enough to be meta. Newly buffed Brig + Mcree + Bap and Orisa and Sigma…throw in an Ashe for second DPS idk. That’d be pretty hard to dive

Or even Bap Zen or Brig Zen


Agreed, sigma has no chance for being viable until they at least humor the idea of giving him a 800 health shield at least and oh boy orisa and brig are in a very sad state but orisa is getting slightly better but still pretty awful


That’s insane to me that hog has that high of a pick rate cause he really only has been nerfed since his plot buff was reverted but he needs a rework too cause he’s not a tank he’s just a glorified DPS and that’s just dumb

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Just wondering, since you’re playing in GM, is dive the “meta comp”? or is it brawl?

If it’s brawl, then I think a brawl comp could do really well against a double shield brig mcree comp.

It’s map dependent tbh

Lots of games by default are stuff like Hog Ball, Hog Zarya, Hog Sigma, Sigma Zarya, Ball Zarya

Rein Zarya is popular on specific maps like Kings Row, Lijang Tower Control Center

Winston Dva or Winston Zarya dive is popular on any maps with highground and is viable overall, I see it quite a bit but it requires more coordination than double offtank comps so :man_shrugging:


Honestly apart from Orisa it seems like tank balance is sounding pretty good right now! Well, at least compared to what it has been.

Would you suggest any buffs for her? If so, what would they be?
(Personally id love resource meter fortify!)


Resource meter fortify would be cool, I think I might make it a little lower damage resistance and also let it block stuff like Earthshatter and remove headshot mulipliers on her? Idk

I also think some extra barrier health would be a big help for her and would take a hit to her projectile speed in exchange. Partially roll back that buff and give her barrier HP instead idk

I always enjoyed Orisa more than Rein but her shield just feels a lil too squishy. Even just 100-150 more HP would make a big difference I think


Completely agree with everything you said!!!
I’ve always been an advocate for an extra 100 barrier HP, It’s always good not to go overboard with these kinds of things. Like the 25hp changes were great because they weren’t insane changes. I love orisa as well! She’s actually such a fun hero!

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Her entire ability showcase is misleading. 600 shield, 150 Rally armor, old Bash damage, armor from Repair pack, even her M1 damage seems to be higher in showcase video. She needs an overhaul in that department.

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