Brigitte 76% win rate in Masters, 68% win rate in Grandmaster

Karq a GRAND MASTER has a video on this.

She CANT kill her, he OUTHEALERS her. And his hook can 1 shot.

Rank obsessed players prove, once again, they lack obvious game sense. Her Moira is easy to kill , just pay attention.


Karq is a Zen grand master place who also plays Ana who’s one of, if not the HARDEST character to use in the game.

Again, you want to take care of Moira. Get good at projectile dps, hog, and dva. The only OP character in OW is Bri, currently.

Hold on let me talk through another players mouth to validate my own opinion.

i really dont see how you can claim shes “balanced” instant 150 heal that adds armor if already full hp? like why? INSTANT 100+ hp no aim required and same range as zen. ( better zen )
non decaying speed boosting ultimate. ( better lucio )
can insta stun and shutdown anythign with 0 aim and no skill with 5 sec cd. you can just walkup with shield/geting heals from your left click and shutdown any ult.
she can dps/heal/tank all very effective and any prior comp is now 10x stronger with her. Your only counter is to play her as well. And ontop of all of this. SHE CAN BOOP YOU. WHY ? She has a ranged stun/boop. close up stun/1 shot combo. shields and INSTANT healing with a wombo ult for 1k+ hp


She can’t DPS well, she works as an off support + off healer. The 3 support meta is because she basically turns into a DPS due to her stun and ult.

She’s extremely OP. XQC is proving it. She’s already basically S rank and without a trashmouse, pharah, or mirror comp, she steam rolls steams due to her acting as an enabler.

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It’s been a few hours. Lol

I saw this happening from a mile away and I preached from the mountain tops that the storm was coming but the only response I got was “just don’t 1v1 her”. It was blatantly clear from her release that she will do alot more than put flankers in their place. Players don’t simply solely do what the character was intended for.


Why you even bother.if they know how the game works they wouldn’t be in gold or plat. “I watched a video on youtube now I understand the game now” when they watch dafran tracer is too op pls nerf. when they watch jjonak zen is too op pls nerf. they don’t even have their own opinions.
And Blizzard don’t care about you,you are less then 1% they are over 50%. Just let it go. You have to realize It doesn’t matter to blizzard if the game broken or not. As long as Most ppl think it’s fine then they are happy. Hell,old mercy even in OWL for a whole stage,you think they care about gm players?

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Says the tracer main

How is a high winrate a problem? If both teams use the hero, then it becomes a matter of skills and teamwork again.

“But then everyone plays the same thing all the time!” Yeah, that’s what a meta means.

People aren’t gonna learn how to play against her, when over 15 heroes could counter DF when he was released I literally told people how to counter/play against him and now he’s the top 5 worse heroes to play in the game.

It’s gonna be the same thing with Brigette (sadly), Overwatch is full of skill less genji/tracer/hitscan hero mains that are so daft on playing a different hero than theirs and once a hero comes along that counters them they go “REEEE REEEE I need to be special and I don’t want to learn how to play the game”.


I don’t understand how people like you dare to complain about heroes that take so much effort and practice and time to even play DECENTLY, and defend such a low skill-high reward BRAINDEAD hero like Brigitte.
Brigitte counters ANY Tracer and Genji, no matter the rank, renders them useless. Her skill set fills every role, her healing is insane, and on top of that she gives 150 armor.
People are complaining that Symmetra doesn’t belong in the support category, well I kinda think that Brigitte doesn’t too, the way she is now at least.


It’s her ultimate, KarQ explained this in one of his tweets. Her ultimate is in loops right now.

BRIGITTE SHIELD MUST BE 300HP max if not less

I main zen and i spend 1000 ammo as if she is an REIN ridicilus

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“Zen is OP”
ah yes that’s why he’s only had minor tweaks and changes to him throughout overwatch’s history
because he’s op
seems legit

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Just because someones mechanical skill is gold does not mean they dont understand the game. Yes i am one of those people. She will get nerfed yall just need to be patient. Nerf and patchs dont just happen over night.

Her ult and shield bash need a nerf but thats it. I recomend increasing her shield bash from 5 to 8 seconds and her ult in stead of just giving armor, healing up to max health (like transcendance but not as strong) then providing armor after they are topped off to a max cap of 100.

If i see any triple healer teams either on my team or on the enemy team in my placements my friend and i already said we are quitting the game. This would ultimately kill the game for us.

Because this is what blizzard does. They are to blame. They shouldnt be making characters that are brain dead easy to play. Look at world of warcraft, they tried dumbing that game down to the point a really bad player can mash 3-4 buttons and be just as good as a really good player. It’s bad gameplay and blizzard has done this in multiple games


Oh know!!! You and your friend are threatening to quit OW??? A game you already bought and can’t get your money back? Whatever will Blizzard do?

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