Brigitte 76% win rate in Masters, 68% win rate in Grandmaster

Triple support is now meta, I don’t know how Brigitte actually got past hero screening. How is Brigitte/Lucio/Moira fun for anyone?

Maybe the low ranks will be okay because coordination is non existent there, but playing in master-grandmaster right now is an awful experience. Nothing dies without ults, fights are drawn out forever. I really love Overwatch. I’ve put a lot of time into getting good at the game, but the direction it’s taken makes me upset that I’ve played it so much. I will most likely be sitting this season out until Blizzard fixes their game. This isn’t supposed to come across as a “I’m quitting qqq” post but just a player who wants the best for the game. I main tank on my other account and I just can’t see why I would want to play in a meta like this.


To be honest those winrates don’t mean anything right now. The only thing it shows is that people have trouble adapting to the new hero, nothing more. We need to wait a couple of weeks for the meta to settle, and THEN we could say if brigitte is really broken or not.


I feel like it’s worth emphasizing that it’s really early to get a solid feel for how accurate those stats are.

That disclaimer aside, they’re undeniably troubling to look at. :frowning:


Because they are trying to do two things at once.

1.) Please casuals.


2.) Further establish their game as an Esport, dumping money and developement for OWL.

They are mutually exclusive. Competitive games that are real and successful Esports like dota2 and League balance solely top down for a good reason. You don’t cater to casuals in a game balance perspective. You can give them plenty of events and “fun” things to do, but game balance is an area you keep top down always. Unless you want your game to be a joke.

Low skill high reward heroes should never ever be a thing.


Day one winrates really tell us a lot …when Moira came out I remember going like 80% Winrate on her for the first 4 days even …it’s a new hero , people aren’t used to having to counter it yet


Except there’s no “counter” to Moira atm, she’s really very frequently used, very frustrating to play against. I wouldn’t exactly say she’s “OP”, like Brigette is. But she certainly fits into the low skill high reward category. I still don’t understand why they’d give her an unavoidable damage orb ability.

When I have to explain some of the new heroes to my friends who have been away from the game, it’s pretty embarrassing sometimes so explain such stupid abilities in this game I love.


it does mean a lot dude think about people have been playing DPS since the beginning they’ve mastered that character and now Brigitte players come in with little to no experience and completely destroy yea no that’s not right buckoo it should be the other way around completely Brigitte should struggle at first not dominate the Meta Brigitte players are only gonna get better with her kit which is CRAZY to think about I for one am done with this joke of a game.


Maybe you didn’t play in quad tank days when the best counter was quad tank , obv if trip support is working well then run it yourself , it’s literally the definition of M.e.t.a

Why would you play something that isn’t the most effective if you are serious about winning ?


I did play in the quad tank days, I played the game since beta. Don’t try to insult my experience compared to your’s.

Meta has nothing to do with low skill high reward. All of the tanks required some form of mechanics, playing smart and good ulti usage. None of this is required on brigette. She is a joke to play compared to most heroes, thinking otherwise would only lower you as a player.


Frustrating is one thing, but Moira can’t cripple other characters in the same way Brigitte can. I think that’s the key difference between the two.


You must not have been in the same quad tank days when you could literally play Dva or hog with no experience and carry games left and right becuase they were so overpowered . Same thing here just different role . It happens , build comps around what’s currently OP , it’s always been that way (ahem mercy 2.0 era), y’all act like something changed lol


Perhaps at your rank, at higher ranks you would be demolished playing Hog or Dva “with no experience”. Please don’t try to base your limited rank range in a game balance discussion.

Brigette is currently incredibly broken against in a game with pro players in it. It speaks volumes.


so basically not everyone plays her or she would have a 50% win rate


“we need to wait until she’s out of PTR” True, because they need to correct obvious bugs.
“we need to wait until she’s in comp” Also true, because people need to test this character in comp.
“we need the wait until she’s been in comp for few weeks” TRUE again, because people will adapt to it’s new gameplay, counter picks and counter strategies will appear, and general skill of regarding how to play her or what’s the best way to counter/avoid her will arise.

All those statement are true, so stop acting like “people should stop saying that the game have to reach the equilibrium point before fuucking up heroes”


Uh huh. Those are also all true for their previous utter and complete failures of patches that went through PTR too. You can use your logic and exact defense for those too, I assume?

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Either way posting winrates on day one of a new hero coming out doesn’t speak to level of brokenness. If those numbers are the same 2 or 3 weeks from now , then make a post .


Thank you, at last some common sense.


Yeah this guy is really salty he probably likes Genji too much

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Most players with any kind of understanding in the game, or games in general can make a very educated guess in PTR. It’s been a long time since then, now it’s in competitive.

I think we know better than you, thanks for the heads up though.


Except his top 5 played heroes in competitive at 4300 SR are tanks…ok.