Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

But who punishes the out of position Brigitte?

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It’s a twitch emote.

If you have the required 2-3 people to punish her, sure. Why is it okay that it requires multipile people and 2-3 to take down Brig and not a flanker again?


Yet she does it better then the main tanks…

it takes 3-4 people to take roadhog down yet people want buffs to him. why should it take 1 person to take out brig??

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In what universe does it take 3-4 people to take down a Roadhog? Especially if you throw in a Brig in there to stun him out of his heal?

Brigitte is designed in a way that requires the player to truely display an impresive form of idiocy to actually mess up with her which is probably the worst thing about her combined with her being the lowest skill floor hero.

So again, why is it okay for a hero like Brigitte to be able to do whatever she wants and get away with it if flankers aren’t?


“Who’s ready to take some punishment?”


Be smart about where you stand.
Points are 20 meters wide. Her range is 6.

If you’re a DPS, stop running in front of your tanks. Let them actually tank the damage.

And tanks, you can easily outlast her, especially if you have a healer with you.

Fact of the matter is if you’re constantly dying to her, you’re screwing up. She’s annoying, sure, but she isn’t deadly.


no, you can be in a good position and she’ll go out of the way to flank you, at least hog could be punished with a shield,

also, junk profile pic, private profile, lvl 65, opinion invalid

doesnt matter if she comes for you tho

Ah yes.

The classic “Brig can move but I’m somehow rooted to this singular place” argument.


simple, you stand 20 meters away, she comes for you, in order to stay out of range you have to A: leave the point, B: engage her, C: get closer to get behind her and you’re back to square one

Say you get 5 meters closer to her as you skirt around her.

You’re still 11 meters out of her range.

Play it smart and you can literally run circles around her. Especially if you shoot her while doing so, so she constantly has that 30% movement reduction from her shield.

Even then, I go back to the rest of my post:


Just about anyone, dps, tank, battle mercy, free meat essentially for the team.

The correct answer was ‘Another Brigette’

Or a junkrat, a hanzo, a widowmaker, a pharah, a orisa, a bastion, a torbjorn, a doomfist, a sombra, or a little bit of team fire because they are out of position.


considering pros have an entire flanking playstyle for brig, and she can easily push into your backlines with ult, that’s a hard “this aint it chief”


this is still putting this as brig vs you and a tank, this is 6v6, to skirt around her could mean a widow headshot

a brig is never out of position unless she’s at your spawn