Mark my words. She has the better thighs and she is the thiCCest. She provides support and can protect you in any way possible with her shield. Plus her dad is torb so you can’t beat that.
Widow wishes she was half as thicc as Brigiggity
Also Brigitte probably bench-presses both Shimadas before helping mercy tend to the sick. How can you compete with that?
Widow used to be. Now she’s at the bottom along with nerfcy.
Zarya is more thick than Brigitte.
#thiccbuttwars in this case Moria would come out on top. Change my mind
Genji > 4Gitte
Zarya is the hottest. Moira and Brig are tied for second, Sym for third, Widow as fourth. Tracer 5th.
Yeah I’d give the nod to Brigitte. Symmetra 2nd.
Disgusting. Brigette is the best. She’s young, hot, and has a dwarf as a father.
Sounds like you really like Brigitte, judging by your other topics about her.
I just want my pelvis crushed by any of them honestly
I’m done this made my day.
Nothing beats the thickness of Mother Russia of butts. I’m probably going to get banned for saying this but worth it.
xD its not worth it because all her skins are trash, even the thicc ones
No wonder u ship her with your main which is genji cuz u think she is the greatest looking
Exactly you get my point boostio
WidowMaker number 1 girl, extra thicc, extra evil, with extra lore.
You guys are all silly; Reaper’s thighs saves lives.