🛡️ [Brig] Shields up = Heals on

As is, Brig is too dependant on Lucio speed boost to use her main healing and self heals.

Easy fix for that:

Brig activates her Inspire whenever her shield is held up.

Oh yeah, and do something that limits Healers to a max of 2 per team.

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You’d probably have to buff Brig’s shield health again if you did that.

She’d lose it pretty frequently to spam damage if she always had to keep it up to heal. Typically, you’ll keep it down unless you need it or are walking into the line of fire.

I’m good with Brig being less of an “everything hybrid”.

I already know you hate Brigitte, we’ve been through this before.

I just recommend you spend a couple hours playing Brig in Quick Play so you understand her playstyle better.

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Yah and limit dds to 2 per team.

But what if Inspire procc’d like it does now and raising shield was just a secondary proc condition? You wouldn’t have to keep it up long at all anyway, since Inspire is a heal over time that sticks on your teammates and isn’t actually restricted by the itself shutting down.

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I hate GOATs and think Brig should be balanced to be good in 2Healer comps.

I think that this is unecesary when we can upgrade her healing into her E, making it more active and less passive

Then make her Inspire heal Less on teammates

I love the idea of her shield health doubling as a sort of healing resource, but I don’t think it would be all that engaging in-game.

“Good” Brigs would be kind of forced to stay in the backline and hold down shield, like a Mercy that doesn’t have to reposition, and doesn’t have to choose between healing and damage boost. That’s the polar opposite of her “frontline support” design.

I’d rather they reduced Inspire’s healing, reduced Repair pack’s healing, and reduced Repair pack’s cooldown. Maybe make it provide stronger healing in closer ranges.

Wouldn’t that effectively make it so her Peeling/Tanking worse, instead of making her DPSing worse?

Well, they could just make it so Inspire only self-heals.

Or as Mage suggested, self heals as it does now, with a minimal aura heal.

But then you’re still left with a self-heal that requires you be within melee range of the enemy. Which is really difficult without speedboost.

Not entirely, My full suggestion is this:

Her peeling comes from her Shield Bash and Her Whipshot, And as well from her repair pack, not inspire

Having two repair packs which equate to more overall healing and more often, technically it also strenghtens her ability to peel, Because she can cycle through them to repetedly keep a target beeing attacked healed as she arrives to promptly help them, further extending the time they remain alive

As well, This helps her healing is more spread arround to make her a better healer for Squishies and less for tanks,

Her inspire beeing nerfed is to compensate a bit for the extra healing from her E, essentially “Moving” her healing from one side to the other, Because brigs healing while keeping inspire up isnt actually that bad,

And it just makes brig require to be more aware to heal her targets because her healing is no logner automatic

Also, i never mentioned making her DPSing needing to be worse

So I just thought of something.

Don’t make any changes to Brig, but give her 5hps aura heals when her shield is up.

That doesn’t stack with her Inspire.

Literally a straight buff.

But just enough heals do that she can top-off her health when out of combat.

i mean…Sure…? i guess?

I have a better idea, though

Why not give her a F ability called “Hope” In which, She manually activates inspire without the need to attack for 6 seconds, but its on a large cooldown, like, 15-20ish ?

Sure, but how about putting it on her R button instead?

yeah, i forgot R is free lol

Maybe just have her hold her mace up like her ultimate, and she’s effectively a Soldier heal station.

She can hold it for as long as she wants, but she can’t move, and when she cancels it, it goes on cooldown.

Forcing people to be stationary doesnt really work in Overwatch Imo, It would be useless in high ranks,

Bastion is struggling because of that (and the devs really keep skipping over his issues too)

i think its just better to, Press R, activate inspire, and abiltiy goes on cooldown, end of story

Something simple that requires very little coding,

think of buffing characters after 2 2 2, otherwise you are enabling abilities stack even more

Maybe then make it so she can move, but obviously can’t shield or melee when holding her mace up?