Brig rework idea

Brig has been pretty useless without her stun. What if Brig didn’t have a melee weapon in an FPS. A pistol like Cassidy’s that’s hitscan but 3 tapped head. Brig would keep her shield making her like GM from Gundam evolution. Brig could keep her whipshot, rally and healthpacks.

I’d play support way more if they reworked Brig this way. Kiriko and Ana have been so much fun.

Here’s the thing: thematically, Brigitte is inspired by Reinhardt (a knight) and she plays the role of a squire (paladin).

So unless it’s a RWBY-style weapon, I don’t think the idea of Brigitte just having a firearm would be thematically fitting?


I couldn’t care less about the lore, it’s all about gameplay.

Torb her daddy could craft her the weapon, making it a complete upgrade.

I said thematic, not lore, there’s a difference.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind a minor buff to her Rocket Flail: it fires out mini Firestrikes a short distance, dealing damage.


I’d like to see an increase to her shield size a tiny bit and maybe 350 shield