Brig rework attempt 2

yeah but DR is hard capped at 50% when stacking is involved anyways

plus it doesnt hurt to make bastion more viable lol

im a bastion main so it sounds very pleasant to me :wink:

True. But what other forms of damage resistance can be applied except bastion’s passive? Either way if she had anywhere between 10-20% she could grant, that would effectively increase his HP to 428-500, then she can not only heal him but increase his max armour. But the damage resistance would also boost the healing and the armour granted. While also boosting the damage resistance of the armour.

then bastion and brig are both bunker heroes so the available tank and suppor synergies are there. This comp would be a NOOB stomper lmao.

In conclusion I’m not sure the mixing of damage resistance, healing and armour granting on one support would end well lol

I’m currently a brig main, let’s push this all through and get to Top 500 lmao

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Let me wrap my head around this, so the repair pack won’t actually do anything unless you trigger Inspire and the minimum CD you can have is 8 with a maximum of around 11? Also if your teammate drops to 100 HP, if they have the Courage buff you can’t actually heal them until the 6 second Courage buff goes away?

thats the idea im working with for now,

people suggested to make the repair pack have an effect, or atleast a minor heal, so i might throw that.

probably make it increased healing.

I just don’t understand why she cant have a single tossable heal pack. Bash, whip, and barrier are all plenty good utilities.

it could work with a single one, im just suggesting another version.

the single throweable health pack was another rework attempt that i tried right here

its just that id rather have it be an armor pack rather than a heal to increase characters skill ceeling.

I guess I just always thought brig with a barrier and heal…that ceiling is already some of the highest in the game. I don’t feel she needs more. I do think armor is fine personally, but I also think I can’t convince others of such.

Oh lordy…

Are you trying to keep Brigitte useless for the general playerbase? Because this rework would accomplish that perfectly.

I think some heroes are useless for most people anyway. Sombra, baptiste, winston, symm, torb…

Some heroes just aren’t for everyone. Hell even launch brig wasn’t used to like, solo heal prior to 222. She wasn’t even in 222. She was sooooo op and easy to use that she had to be used with a specific comp, and never anywhere else :woman_shrugging:t5:

I think there pack stack is the most user friendly brig. She’s just also the most boring and problematic. I’m fine with a return to hard for most users brig because most users don’t like her at all.

Well sure, everyone has different tastes and skills.

What I’m more referring to is the fact that ever since her rework she’s been hyper reliant on her team to enable her to do anything. At most ranks, that simply doesn’t happen. Then in OWL where that can and does happen, she literally breaks everything.

This rework gives her more HP which is good, but it gives her significantly less independent strength than she has right now.

i feel like atleast the current brig is probably one of the least ceelings in the game.

pre 2-2-2 brig was an okay

i wanted to throw that up higher, i like characters to have high skill ceelings and ways to express that. thats why i went with this design idea.

as for the armor thing, a lot of people dislike it due to it messing up with breakpoints, but they miss the fact that, thats the point

if extra HP doesnt change breakpoints then its not that useful

thats an extremely false exageration.

this is simply not true, ever since her rework she has been by far the best healer in the entire game with not only pretty decent healing output both single-target and AoE, good range, a shield, CC, etc

she is by far most independant support ever designed in her current state. there is literally nothing she can do in this state

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At the Pro level… sure.

However… there’s a really good reason that Overbuff has her the least picked support overall for the last 6 months. Simply put… she sucks to play because if your team isn’t good, you can’t make her work.

Inspire requires she slap something in the face to activate. That requires that either she get within 7m of an enemy or she hit a 20m skill shot on a hero who isn’t behind a shield. For her to do either of those consistently, she needs help from her tanks. Her 250 shield is simply not thick enough for her to get herself within 7m or to consistently be in a position to snipe people with whip shot. To make matters worse, inspire has a max range of 20m. That’s not that bad, but in average teams… are they taking your inspire range into account when they position themselves? No. No way are they doing that.

Now, she does have healing that isn’t inherently inconsistent because it requires dealing damage. Her armor packs. However, they are pretty heavily limited by their cool downs and your rework is literally deleting it.

Also ever wondered why Repair Pack has a 30m range? It is precisely so Brigitte isn’t helpless when her teammates have yeeted themselves to the 4 corners of the map. Pro teams won’t do that so they don’t really need that 30m range. Pug QP games though? Yeah… Brig’s gonna need that.

Now… what are you giving in return? 15 armor per second stacking and +25% healing from other sources. Both of those utilities are far far better exploited with pro level communication and coordination.

How about damage? How good is she at contributing damage output to her team without help? The answer again is… absolutely terrible. 7m range primary fire without either the tankiness or the mobility to get there on her own. There really should be no surprise that the 2 main comps that run Brig are designed in part to get enemies inside that range. Goats did it by being a fast impossible to kill blob that brought Brigitte along for the ride. Double Shield does it by being practically impossible to kill from range so their enemies have to get close… at which point Brigitte can bonk them.

She’s not. She’s actually by far the support who’s the most dependent on her team. Brig 1.5(ish) was quite self sufficient, but most of that evaporated when her shield strength got nerfed by 60%.

No she was least picked support for the last 6 months because blizzard nerfed her to hell.

she had the same issue as sigma, she can do too much so she gets nerfed so that everything she can do is mediocre.

I mean… yes but she also has pretty much always been significantly more broken in OWL than anywhere else in the game.

She can do a lot of things but there’s also a lot of things she just straight up cannot do.

I agree. I just… Was alone in that boat.

I just think bash and barrier are some great things that set her fairly high since shes pretty independent for their use.

But that’s always been the case.

Even “meta” brig 1.0 was bottom of the barrel sometimes even lower than baptiste

True but they made the issue significantly more pronounced when they cut her shield strength by 60%. She lost a lot of her ability to get and stay where she needed to be on her own when that happened.

I think they need to get away from Inspire and Armor. They obviously don’t want her to be a backline defender so there is no point in having those.

that would basically be deleting the characters identity. thats her whole shtick

what doesnt fit her is to be a backline healer. as we have seen that just makes her OP

Her identity is more of a shield maiden and to a lesser degree, a technician. Inspire is basically a simplified version of Moira’s mechanic and Armor packs were ripped from Torb, also a simplified version.

Also it’s entirely possible to replace an identity as long as there is justification for it.

im against replacing any characters identity until you have tried every solution and failed.