Brig Repair Pack Armor odd behavior?

Did this in the practice range on PTR and I don’t think it’s an intended function.

First Oddity
If you throw a repair pack on the friendly training bot, wait until just before the decay starts, and throw on a second repair pack, the duration from the first repair pack will still be used and the second armor boost will effectively be wasted.

Second Oddity
If a friendly bot takes damage but still has armor remaining, and a second repair pack is applied once the first’s armor decay has started, the amount of armor the friendly bot had before will be retained for the second armor pack. It does not apply a full set of new armor!

The first oddity acts like Armor is exempt from the bonus 2 seconds added by the repair pack but the second oddity keeps the old armor value during the armor’s decay. If these are intended functions, they are heavily conflicting seeing as the first oddity ignores the 2 second boost but the second oddity applies it.

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I can confirm that I have the same issue as your first point.

  1. Give bot armor pack
  2. Wait until right before armor starts to decay
  3. Give bot another armor pack.
    The armor will not apply to the bot even after the first armor pack begins to decay. If you give an armor pack while the bot has less than 75 armor, then it will use the 2 seconds to get the armor to max. (Which I think is what your second point was about)

My second one is:

  1. Give bot armor
  2. Let bot take a hit of damage
  3. Wait for remaining armor on bot to start decaying
  4. Give bot second armor pack
  5. Bot will get full armor then decay to the previous armor value

So it’s like the decay isn’t stopped even if the bot gets more armor? The decay continues. (I killed the enemy damaging bot so it wasn’t involved after the hit of damage needed for this bug and I wasn’t in range to heal the friendly bot being tested.)

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Was just coming on to report this same thing

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