Brig rant, I h8 this hero

I figure start with “Being fun for a much wider audience, and not ruining Tank meta”.

She herself doesn’t need to be meta.

  1. having a purpose != making or being meta. bap, moira and lucio clearly have a purpose of being good for grouped up comps but aren’t trash outside of that. mercy, ana and zen are good for spread out comps. and all of them further spread out in terms of pros and cons to make them better for situations or comps than other supports. yet you provided nothing for brig.
  2. “Being fun for a much wider audience, and not ruining Tank meta” isn’t a purpose to design a hero around because it has nothing to do with the said hero you’re making i.e. if you’re making a new hero and you had that goal, you can simply not make the new hero and focus on changes on existing ones to meet that goal.
  3. again like I was saying before, your claim of it being “fun for a much wider audience” is seriously an out of touch notion because you’re:
  • making brig’s design inherently weak in not having anything reasonable to actually compensate for being melee in an FPS
  • and heavily lacking factors to make it worth picking brig (winning is positively correlated to fun)
    • esp when we’re talking about brig being a support and you want to make her into a pure brawler (because people are definitely going to love playing 2-2.5-1 if brig is picked /s)

Well that’s the thing, I’d figure she’d get plenty of durability, barrier hp, and a bit more damage and mobility, with lower cooldowns.

What she wouldn’t have is Utility that scales well in GM.

At least until probably months after OW2 launches, or they randomly try something in an experimental card like they did with Moira.

As-is, Brig is a roadblock to fixing the game overall.

So removing her as a roadblock, and fixing what needs fixed is priority #1.

Ideally devs would be launching OW2 by May 2021. And that’s not a huge amount of time for high side effects changes to Brig.

What you’re essentially proposing is she’s deleted, for the sake of higher tier overwatch. Shield stun isn’t going anywhere. It’s a core part of her kit and Blizzard knows this. Unlike you, I assume they play the heroes they intend to balance.


I’m actually more concerned with what it would take to make it so Plat and below doesn’t have to deal with “Rein or Lose”.

Can’t have stronger barriers on Orisa or Sigma, as long as you can put a ton of AntiDive peel behind those DoubleBarriers.

you and I both know the kind of sustain that one can reasonably put on a support is nowhere near the level that can make a hero have lower mobility have much uptime in melee range of the enemy. we can see that through rein as a baseline.

and if blizz actually does, everyone, especially the flankers, would flip at how hard it’d be to take down brig.

she’d legit have like little-to-no utility at all. like her only utility is like a boop and an occasional armor ult. why play brig over lucio at that point (in all ranks)? esp when lucio further has speed boost, more consistent heals, higher capacity to flank (i.e. option to counter snipers or other enemy backline threats if needed), has access to high ground, capable of damage from range and an ult more capable of denying enemy ults.

again, what will she be picked for?
if you’re designing a hero to not be picked, then you defeat the purpose.

is she the roadblock or the lack of inherent mechanics to punish spammability of heals, shields and cc alongside powercrept damage and heavily skewed balancing in damage heroes?

even if you got your way and practically deleted brig, the problem is still there and will likely eventually bubble up again as blizz adds more heroes that are diverse (which is the point of adding heroes) e.g. what if they introduce a damage hero with high amount of cc that makes them a good peeler? what if they make a shield tank that’s also a good peeler? what if they made a support that can heal well and deploy a barrier on cd (I don’t mean a tiny self barrier like brig’s btw)? etc.


I figure all of devs actions should be geared towards a successful OW2 launch, with good queue times, fun tanks, and a meta that Pros and Streamers can market as “wow Overwatch feels so good to play”

If they run into problems later, they can address those later.

And in the grand scheme of things, making Masters/GM Brig players happy, is pretty low down on that priority list.

  1. deleting brig != fixing all problems regarding double shield esp when it opens up more problems for the support role.
  2. the “if they run into problems later, fix it later” excuse is :poop: considering there already is one about tracer lacking counters and flankers’ overdominance on the support role esp if brig is deleted, and not to mention they’ve already announced a few new heroes to be released simultaneously with OW2 —> for all we know one of them provides equivalent value brig brings and what’s your solution then? delete them too?

this is about ALL brig players. lucio would simply outclass brig in pretty much every rank with your proposal. deleting a hero’s purpose isn’t a thing that just effects higher ranks. it effects all of them. not to mention this effecting possibly a lot of support players in general depending on what precedent this gives for how much self peel a support can have

please stop using “good of the game” as a facade for your bias.


I kinda agree in lowish ranks she is considered terrible but as you go up she gets more value because of really good coordinated teams. Packs amount should be reduced or the value of each one cuz right now it’s suuchhhh a good enabler. I think the thought process is good help defend people that are getting dived or flanked. But the execution of brig was TERRIBLE. I do think brig should be a DEFENSIVE and help the backline and not a enabler because brig should not enable but defend becuase every dos shouldnt insta kill a support

Is it still 2018 where you live? Or are you somehow playing a version of the game which hasn’t been updated in years?

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Press X to doubt :thinking:

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It would be a pretty bad support ult if it couldn’t be used to survive a Widow headshot lmao

As a Tracer main, Tracer is not hard to play, I dont know where this idea that Tracer is a high skill hero came from but she really isnt, shes easy, hell I find playing Brigitte is harder than Tracer

Technically she has 1 ability to heal that is activated by her abilities

If 200hp, 50 of which being armour is a tank now then what does that make Torb and Bastion?

The idea that Brig does as much damage as a DPS hero… laughable. Also there are other supports with CC, Lucio had his boop Ana has sleep, the best CC ability in the game

In short: Genji player icon


you are joking right

She’s not bad at all. She’s still really good, it’s just a lot of people suck with her

Are you complaining that she can tank a widow headshot after using her ultimate? Like oh IDK, zen. And Lucio. and Baptistes E. Not mentioning the fact she doesn’t have her ultimate 24/7 whereas widows ability to 1 shot most of the roster is available to her 24/7?

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This is true for most support ults in the game though. If Lucio beats and your team has no way to prevent it you disengage, if Zen trans’ the same thing happens. Why is it so different for Brig than those 2?

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“I hate Brig”
“She can survive a Widow headshot with an ultimate, which is unfun”

mfw a Hero’s Ultimate allowing them to survive against the biggest plague on this game’s existence is ‘unfun’


So can soldier 76. The balance is what keeps them in check. She does everything inconsistently or with low numerical output or with low uptime.

I think that’s fine. I don’t see why widow is a bad thing either when it’s brigs ultimate… So can lucio’s :unamused: sounds like blatant bias tbh.

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Are you talking about Rally? The support ultimate? Do you also complain that Beat drop and transcendence also do that? And it only stops widow’s scoped fire when she’s at full armour.

Tracer can easily play outside of all of her range except whip shot (and if you’re getting hit by whip shot at full range that’s your fault).

200 hp and shield isn’t exactly comparable to any tank lol
Damage and stun of a DPS? which dps does literally melee damage on their primary fire? and CC isn’t only a DPS ability.

Ah so you don’t know anything about the numbers OWL pulls in lol.

You don’t really have anything valid to say against one of the worst supports in the game right now.

True, but there’s not much more they would need to do.

Just greatly weaken/remove the AntiDive on Brig/Bap/Sigma.
Maybe reduce the selfpeel on Orisa/Sigma, in trade for lower cooldowns, and more utility.
Move Mei to the Tank role with minimal changes (I.e. +75hp).

And roll back knockbacks to how they were in 2018, besides melee knockbacks like Winston Ult, Rein Charge/Hammer, Boop, And Hammond Boop.