Brig is seriously making me go crazy

It’s really the only thing stopping him from being a viable pick. I believe that if Sombra and McCree were viable, they could be the counter to the current meta.

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Assuming it’s that easy when Pharah herself has hard counters of her own to deal with and the brig actually has decent defense against Pharah unlike Junk and Reaper.

I would absolutely love for Sombra to be viable, and to be honest I don’t think it would take much to get her there.

If they just set a minimum damage level before her stealth failed she’d be pretty awesome.

Right now she loses stealth if she breaks a nail.

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So widow is op cus she stops people from going out in the widow.

What about pharah? She forces to switch to not only range but also hitscan to counter her

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I don’t know what that means.

I’ll moan about Pharah when I’m done moaning about the 5 or 6 characters that are more annoying. Priorities…

I notice you main Winston on competitive play, or at least your profile says you do. Winston is probably in the worst position right now. That’s not Brigitte’s fault though, she’s fine. I say that as a person playing against her as Reinhardt too. She has weaknesses.

Also please bear in mind that there’s plenty of complaint/nerf threads about Brigitte at the moment, please don’t forget about the handy reply button in one or more of the existing threads to help keep the forum a bit tidier from the Brigitte spam :slight_smile:.

Brigitte is way less anoying, i like playing junkrat tho

Junkrat is ahead of Pharah on my list. I play a lot of FFA though.

yeah i wonder why she has the highest win% along with the 4th highest pick% in the game in top 500. must be because nobody in top 500 knows how to counter her ayy lmao

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I know that feel man, those and thighs and that waist? OOF! Drives me bonkers

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I see you play a lot of winston and tracer, both characters she counters, which could explain your struggle. Winston’s primary fire is reduced by 50% vs armor (10 damage per tick reduced by 5), while Tracer is just food for Brigitte, and her primary is also reduced by 25% vs her I believe (didn’t check but I think it’s 20 dmg per shot)

You gotta avoid her or swap. Hanzo Pharah Junkrat, any high ground, Grav Dragon, etc. You know the drill

I don’t play tracer or Winston into Brig. I play pharah into her and even then her abilities have a major negative impact towards my entire team and she has the mobility and defense to actually not die from pharah

Mccree doesn’t have a 6 second mobility tool and self heals and a 600 hp shield to protect her while she’s charging at you LOL? and Mccrees flashbang isn’t 6 seconds either nor does he have winstons leftclick like brigitte

Ah! You see it as well, thought it was just me.

But her pathetic shield doesn’t even protect her from spalsh damage. Even at her feet sometimes. Don’t aim for direct shots on Brigitte but the ground next to her. She can’t hit Pharah except with her Whip Shot from up to a maximum of 20 meters away. And Whip Shot is her only skill based ability lol. And it only does 75 damage and minimal boop on Pharah. Otherwise Brigitte literally can’t do anything to Pharah or ranged characters.

Think about it this way, people used to have you switch off of Hanzo, and Torb and Symmetra are still considered troll picks for the most part. Now, the same thing happens to Tracer and Winston. The truth is, you can’t play what you want to all the time. I’d like to play Doomfist more but I was stuck playing support for so long that I got used to it.

The fun in this game is meant to be the thought process of doing whatever you need to on order to win, not having fun pushing buttons on a favorite character.

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Don’t think buffs to sombra would do much the armour brig provide s makes her already low damage next to nothing it’s the main reason why widow and hanzo are the go to dps because they provide long range burst that doesn’t put them in a vunerable position.

You speak the truth.

I’d take the buffs to Sombra for their own sake, but yeah, I doubt she’d ever be viable in this meta.

Take a break drink some cool-aid and listen to some Bob Marley

(And then nerf Brigitte)