Brig is not getting a Tank rework confirmed*

Brig Rework with OWL last week or the week before was kinda already confirmation.

Pretty sure they were glad with it.

But yeah was just finishing off the rest for the opposite.

Aka yes

brig reworked into Schrödinger’s cat (she already has the cat emote and everyone still wants jetpack cat, it’s all connected)

I got my wish lol nice


Also, they could absolutely scale up her character model a bit without impacting the skins. And all of the heroes are getting a remodel anyway, so the existing skins have to be converted.

The actual evidence that Brigitte is not undergoing a major rework at the moment is that she was playable as a support in the OWL playtests. A number of heroes were disabled during that playtest including Doomfist, who we know is being considered for a role change. That doesn’t mean that a major rework is out of the question, only that they felt confident enough with her state in that build to show her gameplay publicly.

At least OP’s name checks out.

This is a really good idea. Designing “defensively” like this could keep the design space more free without so much risk of unanticipatedly strong combos.

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