Brig is not getting a Tank rework confirmed*

They talked in the past how easy it is to make certain reworks. (like only a few days is what Geoff said.)

But we will have to see what happens.

Personally, I really like being able to interrupt ults with her bash and if they aren’t going to give us a stun, I’d like a silence on the bash to accomplish the same thing. Nobody loses the ability to fight back but it does let you still make team saving plays which are very rewarding and it makes people still have to think twice about ulting in her face.

A post being silent for a couple hours doesn’t mean people can’t respond to it, especially considering time zones.

And a “light necro” makes 0 sense considering necro is used to describe bringing back long deceased threads. That’s where the name “‘necro” comes from.

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Hmm? Bastion skin? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top

Let’s discuss a better term later.

It doesn’t need a term. It’s just called a reply.

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Reply is instant response.

This has an obvious delay, on a topic that was about to “sleep with the others”.

Plus there were other topics about Bastion I am sure.

Shield gen’s base is the same as the teleporter’s, which wasn’t being removed. Not that the devs are necessarily unwilling to remodel an ability that’s about to go, but shield gen would require minimal work (if any, it might even use the same model file as the teleporter).

Anyway, have to go afk.

This isn’t a chatroom, it’s a forum. Replies can come in minutes or hours.

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^ definitely this. And even via chatroom, text, or email. Responding to a person 8-9 hours later is still considered a reply.

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Just to manage expectations: no, that is not confirmed, alluded to, or even coyly winked about in my post.


Okay, good to know.

(20 not confirms)


I know this is a little off topic but I try my luck every time you’re around…

Is there ANY plans for Pharah changes in ow2? Maybe a new/reworked ult that isn’t a suicide bombing button and that you don’t gotta pre-plan to die before using? :pleading_face:


I think we saw some Pharah OW2 rework changes already.

They were just not announced what they were.

It’s a sad reflection of the forums when it’s necessary for a community manager to tell us a ridiculous leap of logic and a satirical follow up is not the same thing as an official confirmation.

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More of a reflection of past developer forum interactions.

I’m glad AndyB is around to add clarity to what was once a hub of somewhart cryptic and vague comments from certain devs.

Was this thread just a trap for the staff to confirm the opposite? :thinking:

I mean not like anyone was expecting brig rework as a tank but still…

So am I but you cannot deny the forum has a history of simple taking what they would like from devs comments rather than taking what was actually said.

You think overhealing isn’t a thing in Overwatch 2? I expect the archetype to be expanded upon.