Brig is back... Goodbye mercy

Here we go again, another “why Mercy should show middle finger to her team and go attacking with pistol” kind of post.

Not really, it’s fairly minor. Though it’s a bump up enough to make her semi-relevant again. The HP change is here to stay. At most, they might nerf Brig’s healing by 10% and call it a day.

Is this in response to me? Because I can assure you that you’ve got the wrong idea if so.

If it’s not my friend on Mercy, 90% of the time Mercy is pocketing duo queue Widow.

You aren’t factoring in Tracer’s accuracy stat or her reload. Her damage averages out to like 84 dps. Depending on how fast Mercy reacts (this is why battlefield awareness is an important skill) she can cut that down to 29. It will take a Tracer SEVEN whole clips to kill the Zen at full health that has a Mercy pocket from the beginning of her attack, that’s 14 seconds factoring in reload. Long enough for the team to protect backlines, or for the Zen to have more than a fighting chance to fend her off himself if they know what they are doing (Again battlefield awareness and knowing to peel for their supports.) Being a mobile dive character Tracer gets little to no healing herself at all. The best character for healing Tracer was Brig and guess what? Brig’s healing got nerfed. No more armour for that flanking Tracer anymore. Still, the fact that Brig can no longer give armour to Tracer’s target too can more than even that out.

Oh no brig got 25 hp.
Mercy is completely useless now.

Are you even looking at this week daily trends or…? Brig has climbed to over 3% and Lucio dipped under 4%. You can watch it happen day by day on the Trends section of Overbuff that shows a graph.

Yeah…and she had a 16% pickrate in GM and was a dominant hero 2 months ago even with her shield nerfs, armor pack nerfs, etc.

She only dropped in pickrate after the HP nerf. Nothing else dented her pickrate so stop listing it like they did anything.

Mercy forced a meta from season 6 to season 8 and then was apart of Double Sniper and Grav Dragon in 9 and part of 10. Season 9 and 10 were forced metas created by OP snipers and the Hanzo rework.

Seasons 6-8 is 3 seasons. Not “6-8 seasons”.

It’s becoming increasingly clear you lack knowledge of the game.

In my rank we do :slight_smile: And I had to deal with it for 2 years. So I will complain about it all I want.

Also in case you’re out of the loop the Devs said they balance around masters, GM, and OWL. So that’s what rank we talk about in balance discussions. :slight_smile:

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u are way to reasonable. What u doin here? xD

Brig is back after 1 day of a new patch?


actually you’re right i’m not factoring in crits on a zen who has a pretty generous hitbox it wouldn’t even take half a clip even with a mercy healing the zen.

that is of course the tracer is hitting all the bullets as she should because if you don’t you can’t calculate damage at all, the risk is more so the zen killing the tracer than tracer not being able to kill zen fast enough.

but yeah, high risk/high reward character in a nutshell.

Why are people so upset?

Brig is nowhere near as unfun as she used to be.

She literally deals no damage and without her armor packs she is not opressive at all.

I really like to play with her.

I checked it and for instance these past days from october 28th to november 1st:
Brig pickrates: 1.19% on the 28th to 3.10% on the 1st.
Lucio pickrates: 4.68% to 4.03% respectively.

Brig winrates: 44.44% to 53.70%.
Lucio winrates: 56.40% to 57.25%.

All of this is at GM. Again not sure where did you get he 60% winrate for Brig and pickrates are still varying a lot since the patch just went live literally less than a week ago…

Yeah, but I already debunked this one on the other post where I showed that if you check that 16% it lasted for a few days and her pickrate overall declined up until those last days before her final nerfs when she climbed to 16%. It is not fair to use that 16% as if that had been her pickrate all along.

Wait what?
No way. She literally was a must pick even beyond season “8”. Grav dragons lasted until season 10-11. And when they “nerfed” Mercy she was still more than viable to say the least up until season 11-12.

Also she has been the only hero I have knowledge of had a close to 100% pickrate so far in the game.
Not even Brig, Genji, Tracer, Ana, etc.

Besides for these past months she has been Ana’s best friend so if you consider all the time she has spent at the top 3 of the support roster, is not something that we should easily disregard.

As I said, we need more time. Less than a week worth data is not reliable at all.

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You can look day by day…her pickrate has been rising and her winrate has been at or just under 60%.

You said “forcing a meta”. She forced a meta seasons 6-8.

Season 9 was Double Sniper. She was meta with the snipers like she was the past 2 months, she wasn’t the one forcing it.

Season 10 was Grav Dragon. Brig also was added in Season 10. GOATs later ensued after she’d been in comp for a while.

Mercy was NOT at all “more than viable” during GOATs in seasons 11-12 so idk what you’re on right now but it’s a rewritten version of history. She was probs the worst support in GOATs. No, she WAS the worst support in the game during GOATs.

Again. I did but that is two days so far… That is way less than reliable.

You are right if we talk about GM only, but back then GOATS were only being played at top 500 not even at high masters was that played, so OVERALL (across all ranks), she was far more than a decent pick.

Take Brig for instance, even when she was “meta” during these past few months, she was basically only played at GM. Pickrates showed that.

She was considered a sub par healer below GM, and we can debate all we want but numbers told us that.

Even right now, she is a subpar healer across every rank , getting only attention at ranks with far more coordination, a problem that healers like Mercy, Ana, Moira, Lucio do not suffer from :man_shrugging:

Literally only Zen, and specially Bapt and Brig have this “problem” that is actually not a problem per se but the fact that they work in certain situations/ranks and on the right hands.

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No she wasn’t she was outpicked by Ana and Moira etc.

I can do this all day, I spent 2 years watching Mercy’s stats after her HPS nerf. She was a bad healer even in low ranks.

But yet again…none of that matters!

Because the Devs balance. around. masters. GM. and OWL.

Hog and Genji and Brig both reached near 100% pickrate in GM, Hog statistically surpassed 100% during his meta which doesn’t make sense unless different players were swapping onto him between rounds I guess.

Yet she had the highest winrate of other supports in those ranks and people were one tricking her from gold to GM.

Low ranks never know what’s strong. Winston was the least picked tank in low ranks in dive. Tracer was picked less than Soldier and Junk etc. back when she was OP in dive. They didn’t run Bunker or GOATs or Double sniper. The pickrates and perceptions from those ranks hold very little meaning.

I mean those healers were being picked more often than Mercy in high ranks but again not across every single one.

We can debate all day but you are acting as if all the players below GM have never even existed.

Just GM and OWL. Masters is and can be quite different from GM.
Also, they have just started to balance around GM because if you take out the last 5-6 months the game was clearly being balanced around OWL only.

True but for such short amount of time compared to that of Mercy.

I mean we cannot selectively pick only winrates or pickrates, we need to see both.
Zen had really high winrates on lower ranks, DF too, Sym as well, among others, that is not indicative of anything if they are being played by a minuscule portion of the player base.

We can agree on lower ranks being a mess when it comes to picks and such but still we can’t just omit all that info or opinions because reasons. After all that is the large majority of the player base.

Heck, I can mention multiple GM, streamers, etc who have literally said the most stupid things when it comes to balance because they are extremely biased.

That is why, back then when I was still playing on season 20 I came to realize there was not real incentive to keep doing it (at least competitive mode). The game was so messed up by then that it was more than clear a lot of people did not deserve to be masters let alone GM, but they were there due to the massive wave of players who left the game, including streamers, pros, etc.

So I joined the leaving train as well.
It is only after the recent patches that I am considering coming back, and even then I am unsure to do it so due to the obnoxious waiting times as healer :man_shrugging:
DPS is even worse and almost all my friends have left the game so I don’t have a second tank to play with.

Not necessarily. The majority of Overwatch’s player base are DPS players. Why wouldn’t they want to appeal to the majority of their players before all else?

I don’t think the devs even balance at just GM. They probably balance around 4.2k+ low GM and mid-high GM/OWL is completely different from 4k and 4.1k. Masters is not consistent enough for it to be reliable on which heroes are dominating the meta. Some players in Masters play heroes completely off meta, and still win games. It’s just not a good place to look when trying to balance the game. Low GM up until around 4200 feels like Masters players if they got better gaming chairs. If I’m being honest, I wish they’d only stick to balancing the game off of players from the OWL and ignore GM completely. There have been instances where players playing off meta heroes have climbed fairly high past mid GM despite not playing meta. Because an individual is good at the game doesn’t mean the hero necessarily is, and the best way to determine which heroes are the strongest and not which players are the strongest is going straight to those who play this game at the highest level and see it as their job.

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Good, I’d rather have a Brig meta, than Mercy’s leeching off hitscans.