Because Zen isn’t standing still, he’s moving around irregularly with WASD and shooting the discorded Tracer who can die in a few shots and has to play carefully.
There is also usually a backline DPS or peel off tank to help him out if he REALLY needs it, which he usually won’t because Mercy beam is enough.
Brig can do it because she can Repair pack from 30m away…which is also 55 HPS too. 6 seconds of Mercy pocket, from range.
And if she’s next to him she can drive off the flankers with her CCs and damage and inspire healing too. Hence why the original commenter said she’s a better peel support than Mercy when she’s strong.
Mercy Zen is also meta right now in Contenders (and so is Brig Zen) and in OWL finals. They are running dive mirrors and Echo mirrors etc.
Not quite, Brig is actually really good in split comps. The strongest situation to play her is actually the dive mirror, where she can heal her flankers from across the map while keeping the glass cannon of a flex support alive. Brig is outclassed fairly convincingly by Lucio in brawl comps, but she’s nuts in the fast chaos that is dive.
I’m so tired of Mercy being hard meta. It feels like the game is built around times when Mercy falls into meta, now. Ana being meta feels a lot different than Mercy…And while I think Ana’s nade could be toned down to make her a bit more balanced, Mercy is dominant just for pocketing someone, which feels like garbage to play with and against. Just rework damage boost…she’s so boring to play. I love playing Overwatch, but I’m a support main and being asked to pretty much ‘play Mercy or lose’, when playing Mercy is just spectating the game…it’s like, I want to play the game too.
Currently in contenders, they have tended to run Brig Zen, even without the buffs in dive mirrors, because brig can both enable and shut down dive while peeling for zen, whereas mercy has been played in basically all other situations, especially when Ashe, Pharah or Echo is played. Or sometimes snipers.
I could be wrong because I haven’t exactly watched it, but glanced across to see whats happening to see if they play someone i like then going back to ignoring it lol
ah yes. another mercy main who’s crying because they won’t be able to climb through the ranks playing mercy anymore. Brig is more fun to play and to watch than Mercy, but even then she isn’t very strong. Both Brig and Mercy should be equally trash.
Mercy hasn’t been play mercy or lose since the moth meta. Even in Hog/Zarya Zen and Ana still could’ve worked. You can get away with running other heroes than Mercy. Mercy isn’t at a 100% pickrate anymore because she’s not the most powerful support. Mercy has just been known as an off meta but can work pick for a while. Mercy is boring to play and to watch others play, more so than Brig, but you never need to play Mercy or lose and you haven’t needed to since Valkyrie became her ultimate during the Moth Meta.
I know that but I’m just talking about what I’ve seen and what is used. It’s not necessarily a meta but it definitely shows what is viable and when (or did since it might be on an older patch now). But overall it can show characters in their niche such as sym on lijiang control centre.
During the finals (It was an older patch) Ana and Mercy was meta. Zen wasn’t half as meta as Ana. The reason shock played Zenyatta is primarily due to the fact Viol2t is insanely good on the hero. The best version of that comp would be Ana and Mercy, but that just shows meta won’t always hand you the win and sometimes adjustments work better than playing meta.
Why are you comparing Brig and Mercy to one another? Brig doesn’t affect Mercy whatsoever. This happens literally every single time a meta shifts. During brawl you don’t play Mercy, so I guess that means Moira makes Mercy unplayable during brawl meta right? Your favourite hero isn’t meta. That’s what this whole post is about. People thinking their favourite hero has to be meta for the game to be good. You can still play Mercy. You can play any hero in the game. Will you lose? Maybe. But can you still play that hero? Yes. Learn new heroes. Why don’t you give Brigitte a shot instead of crying because Mercy isn’t meta anymore? Who even cares! That’s the way this game has been for as long as I can remember. So many heroes have been unplayable for so long because the meta shifted against them, but you’re not talking about them, you’re just talking about Mercy. Mercy has got to be one of the least entertaining heroes to watch and play. Praise Jeff you don’t need to play her anymore.
Sorry but I can’t see Brig being back right now. Sure, she is a lot better now but this meta really favors damage boost and rez over Brigs defend potential.
There are no shields around and everything Mercy pockets right now can pretty much insta kill, additionally, she can peel for Ana too, while being even less vulnerable to focus fire than Brig is.
Brig might be back for countering Reaper and Hammond and stuff, but I doubt she’ll replace Mercy.
Even if she does, they can just decrease Repair Packs to 2 and increase the heals back to 60, so she will will have a harder time healing simular number as Mercy.
And if that’s not enough, they can perhaps decrease ally inspire to 10hps and double it for Brig or something. But I doubt that will be needed.