Brig has become the baby of Overwatch

Well, then you got the status quo, right now.

Explains why I’m also the only person that mostly likes current Brig.

She has. At ultimates launch she was absolutely awful.

hol’up…ain’t lucio all 3? :thinking:

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If Lucio had stuns and 70hps through barriers, then that might actually be a problem.

but he IS a healer, a peeler (boop and his ult) and IS durable due to his self heal alongside his mobility.

Realistically, if Lucio is close enough to attempt to save another healer from death, he’s probably dead himself.

Heck, if Lucio had 200hp+50armor, he’d be too strong

I mean… 1st result on youtube:


not sure why you’re bringing that up…

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More like the red-headed stepchild.

No, the issues is that she is blamed for anything some players dont like, while missing the real issues.

The devs have talked about this, how “forum Brig” is a version of her that is not in the game, and that she countered popular heroes and that is not allowed to some.

So what you’re saying is… Blizzard yet again is ignoring the obvious issue of cramming so much healing into one boring and easy to use ability instead of balancing her based on her actual design?

(Yes that was a rhetorical question this is what we’re all saying)

Brig has never been weak, her play style changes with every nerf, but she is not weak.

And no before you bring your mace to my face im not a dps main, i play everything

Who the heck is Bayo?