BREAKING NEWS: Overwatch League cancels all matches planned for South Korea for weeks 5, 6, and 7

Probably, but it was hilarious when they announced they would host in South Korea when there were already reports of the virus in SK. It all sounded relatively last minute, but who knows? All I know is they have the foresight of 222 supporters.

Honestly, the homestand model isn’t particularly the brightest of things happening for the league. Especially when you see drop in quality of matches and players’ performance. Not to mention the hero pool will make it even worse.

As for the outbreak, I think they learned about it months ago. But thought it’s not problematic and would go away.


Lol. Do you know what I do when I queue up for dps?
Make my dinner. Return and still happening.

Later after a match, have it with as much time as possible and will still be in queue.

In my country, Hong Kong, we call the virus Wuhan Virus. I am deeply saddened that the virus could not be contained within Chi :unamused: na and ended up spreading to other parts of the world. So many large scale events in the world got canceled just because (conspiracy theories)

To this point, there hasn’t been a cure for the virus.

Not like that stop the Internet from making jokes about it.

Hell 2020 just started and we got an almost WW3 situation and a virus outbreak in January, how is this year gonna unfold? An actual SkyNet is developed?

Were you playing with the wrong computer in the scp facility?

But no really, I hope everyone there satys safe.

That is no different from pretty much the rest of the world… Most humans are non-vegan, which means they harm animals for trivial reasons like palate pleasure, tradition etc. Just because humans in China exploit and kill sentient beings of species other than or in addition to or differently than those westerners are used to exploit and kill does not change the fact.

San Francisco Shock has left the game


Extremely few viruses have effective direct antiviral treatments(HIV being a particularly notable exception). Most of the time treatment is based on stabilizing the patient until the immune system can contain it.

For the SARS-CoV-2 and resultant COVID19 infection, it causes primarily respiratory failure, with known gastrointestinal and kidney complications, and potential heart involvement is currently being investigated. Current treatment therefore consists of keeping the airways open, dialysis, and preventing additional secondary bacterial infections. These symptoms and treatments are somewhat routine in medicine, but still extremely hard if there’s prior damage like smoking, etc. When scaled up to current levels, it’s extremely difficult to contain- near the epicenter, a lot of medical staff are being lost to the virus.

Realistically, it’s a race against time to get a vaccine.

SK isn’t adjacent to China. North Korea sits in the way, and they are absolutely screwed.

Probably the only thing they’re going to be allowed to leave for a while.

Hey man, I’m just relaying the news, don’t shoot the messenger.

There's a second opinion for you. -Doc

Why would we?
Some people have a dark dark humor…

Because you don’t make a joke out of 2,000 people that are currently dead and a joke about the potential people that could die. Show some respect.

I can show respect and have a good laught at the same time. If we’re serious about everything 24/7 you would have nothing to laugh anymore.
The part with the corona virus is so so tragic (I don’t say it is not) but what happens in other countries is okay and there is no need to talk about those things.

I will continue making my jokes while I feel sorry for those people. As long as I don’t throw it into their faces and the people I am joking with are okay with it - I see no point of changing.


What if the virus spreads for at least a year? With no Blizzard Arena they have to find a new place for this case.

Hey myst, when you get up, love your opinion: 🍨 Imagine if we made Mei a Support?

Poor match quality’s a multi-part issue, though:

  • ATL division is mostly bottom of the standings teams, and PAC division is now pending a “where are we going to play now?” since all the Asia homestands have been canceled
  • Teams aren’t used to being booed loud enough to hear from two blocks over (all the teams were welcome in Blizzard Arena 2018/19)
  • Travel fatigue is something new for teams to contend with

Teams that can’t adjust to this type of league format won’t survive, and the players will burn out or retire after this season. Every other big boy league that has home/away formats has no issues managing travel.

We should expect more news like that before the end of March.

But if we hear alot more after that… I hope they cancel the Olympics in Japan. (or least delay it.)

its spreading faster than any similar pandemic ever, by the way. just gonna throw that out there. it doesnt matter if it has a low mortality rate, the virus spreads fast. really really fast. and it is incredibly deadly to anyone with an immune disease, on chemo, elderly, or young. imagine what will happen when it reaches parts of the world without strong healthcare infrastructure.

Guess we all should move to Greenland