Branching out challenge forces players to soft throw

By forcing players to play heroes that are not in their top 3 list, you are basically forcing them to soft throw.


Some of us have been playing a while now and can play 4/40 heroes just fine.

Either it’s trying to help you learn, or you can skip the challenge.


Maybe attempt the challenge, and then switch if you’re getting your butt kicked too hard?
Attempt the challenge again later.

I like it when players let their team know in advance “Never played [hero] before. Sorry if I suck. Swear I’m not throwing lol”.
It gives us the opportunity to give advice, and lets the supports know that they might need to do a bit more babysitting. It also gives us the opportunity to switch to heroes that can help you out. At least, that’s what I do when I see someone struggling with a new hero.

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Turns out, a challenge is a challenge.


I can see how it can be difficult if you only play one role.

But if you play even 2 roles consistently it’s really easy and no where near throwing.


This strikes me as a gaslighting post. Op can’t be serious, thats such a narrow-minded view.

Variety is one of the most appealing aspects of this game to me. Fun fact about my profile: there are only 2 supports in it that are below lvl 20, moira + lucio. Everyone else is 20+. Cuz I love being flexible and mixing up who I play.

But Op says I’m actually throwing :rofl:


I can see it being hard for newer players, but

A: It doesn’t mean it’s throwing, we were all newbies on a hero once

And B: If your not like, brand new to this game you should have more than 3 hero’s your decent at by now.

I mean hell, I hate playing DPS with a burning passion but I can still play Tracer or Sombra from my time practicing with them.

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This is why I suggest planning, preparing and practicing.

The weekly challenges encourage to play different heroes. There is also the challenge that asks to progress 8 heroes, which is easier if you play lower leveled heroes.

First plan which heroes to progress/practice. Then go to practice VS AI to learn, and then go play them on QP. Then it won’t be throwing because you learned the heroes.

Don’t underestimate your own capacity to learn. There are also YouTube hero guides to help in learning.

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Maybe for new players? The challenge counts OW1 playtime so it’s not necessarily the case for old hands.

I have a hundred hours or so before my Zarya playtime overtakes my playtime on Orisa and Sigma from OW1. Ram will take even longer.

It’s even better on supports because my playtime wasn’t as diluted, it was mostly Bap. Kiriko and Illari will need several hundred hours to overtake Bap.

None of my DPS characters have ever been in my top three characters played, so I’m free to pick whoever.

This challenge has always been a freebie for me.

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My top 3 hero’s are Kiri, Moira, and Brig, followed by DVA and Junker Queen.

I’ve literally no DPS heros even in my top 5 and I manage. So as you said, it’s pretty much a freebie.


Challenges aren’t as difficult as achievements

Play mystery heroes. If you only play 3 heroes, it’s more likely that you don’t get them. And no one can blame you for a throw pick because you didn’t choose ypur hero.

U also get to practise heroes that you never play, against people who play heroes they never play.

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my most played heroes:

what I currently mainly play:

I can play ball until overwatch 3 and won’t have him in my top 3.

Have barely played widow or hanzo since ow2
Kiriko is just recently surpassing my soldier which is I believe top5 or top 4.

“OT problems”, Why do bad things happen to inept people?

notice how no one in this topic mentioned one-tricks and yet you still froth at the mouth for a chance to insult people who find playing one character fun

I’m sorry but if you aren’t able to play at least 4 heroes that’s kind of a you problem


If you’re grossly incompetent on every hero except 3 heroes, you’re an OT, and should be laughed out of the community.

I really cannot fault the game that expects you to play several different heroes, having a “challenge” to play the game as intended with different heroes.

It’s not against the rules to play only a few characters, but it’s not really part of what was intended or balanced for.

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This attitude is only present in salty overwatch gamers and it’s a very funny, terrible mindset.

Flex main master race. When adaptability is rightly rewarded.