Brainstorming Mercy - ideas for changes

You clearly were never around for the old mercy then cause what i posted is exactly what happened to everyone who played Mercy back then, everyone just forgot it.

Dude. I mained Mercy back then. I’m speaking from experience.


I mean, I’m not opposed to keeping Valkyrie, but I do think it would have needed more “ompf”. The biggest issue would have been leaving rez on E clogging up the power level of her base kit. I really think Mercy needs moments that are more directly her own, both for the players and the general perception of the character. Removing it is another alternative, but it would feel just as bitter as removing Genji’s blade or Hog’s hook.

I did have another suggestion for an ult I made earlier but never posted which had a half-Valkyrie in it. I can see if I can dig it up later if you are interested. :slight_smile:


Yeah, rez is problematic for that reason. It’s very ingrained into Mercy’s kit and I don’t enjoy having to slow down to rez during Valk and I can’t think of a way to keep it from clogging her kit either. I’ve never been a fan of rez. Yeah, as long as I still have the opportunity for flexibility and creativity, I’m open to potential ult changes. It’s just my favorite ult by far in its current state.

Wait… So Mercy gets two new abilities. What keybindings would they be on? E and… IDK… F? R?

Not a fan of this one. Superjump is one of the little things that distinguish the skill level between Mercy players. It shouldn’t me tied to a cooldown and it isn’t really difficult to hit a Mercy flying vertically on a predictable path.

I don’t know if a single target Rez, as an ult, would be great for Mercy. You know, due to its little generation cost you would see Mercy screaming HEROES NEVER DIE twice or even three times every fight, which would become tiring and annoying rapidly.

In my opinion it should be a nerfed version of Mass Rez, where every 1400 “points” you earn a Rez charge that would stack up up to 3 charges.
It would behave just like the old Mass Rez but with LoS checks, most likely your 0.7s cast time and no invulnerability. (PS.: If you have 3 charges available and use the ult to revive one or two players, all 3 charges will vanish). I think it would be a great motivation to do tempo rezzes and not waiting for all your team to die.

The Injection ability I had planned to put on her reload button (since she doesn’t reload her staff), the other on E. Console needs a bit of thinking for the E though…

As for even breathing multi-rez… I wouldn’t even dare. :laughing: If you can find some happy medium people could accept I would be all for it!

oof that nerf and also not sure how they’re going to implement that tbh.

also how would mercy have bother damage reduction and injection?

what I’d like to see is res being a highly arc’ed projectile (also with cast time and some movement penalty; like more arc’ed than tracer pulse bomb) tbh. then it allows skill expression with it either from purely aim or combining aim with GA maneuvers.

It’s a kind of peace offering, middle of the road, for those who think she already has enough mobility. I honestly don’t think it would be that harsh for most players, and if it is there’s always room to change it.

Imma keep saying this: mercy is fine. Her kit is fine. She is situational, like most hero’s.

Ok. Simple idea.
Using Res on alive teammate refresh the hero. Heal all hp, remove CC.
But the casting time is still there so your teammate cant move out of the range or it gets cancelled
Maybe new CD starts at 10sec after using this

Just to be clear, is this instead of a rez or an alternative to rezzing (meaning she can choose either)? Because I would be totally down with giving it more versatility. :smiley:

Edit* Stupid me, I just realized you meant this for her E. I’m still happy for versatility, but I would prefer to have rez off E so we can say goodbye to that awful cast time.

Honestly, I dislike anything, that demands Mercy to interact with enemies. As for me, that is best part of her - not having to do anything with other team.

Rest seems ok.

Do not change her, leave her alone.

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How about Mercy doesn’t need changes.

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I guess you are lucky it’s not my decision, I would change her in a heartbeat.

I feel differently, but it’s fine to disagree. It would have been more constructive to explain why she doesn’t need changes. :woman_shrugging:

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Firstly, that bunny gif at the end is adorable.

Secondly, you should mention where you are planning your new abilities in the OP. I was about to ask that but I spotted a comment where you explained where you were going to put them.

Thirdly, Injection is undertuned. I did see your post where you said you’d prefer to start undertuned… but… Baptiste’s Regen burst is a 15s CD that gives everybody in the area 30 HPS for 5 seconds and starts ticking down the CD right away. No one thinks that move is OP and Injection is worse in every conceivable way.

Fourth, I like the idea of the Damage Reduction ability. However, I think the slow projectile speed of 20 M/S might make it nearly unusable. Let’s be real, this ability would ideally be used for intercepting and dulling the effects of DPS ultimates. Depending on the ult and positions involved, an ult could be nearly over between when say… Barrage starts and Mercy has reacted, aimed the thing, fired the thing, and the thing slooooowly travels over.

All that said, I do very much like the direction you went with your Mercy changes. I do think you have some tuning to do, but I think your rework has potential to be awesome and fun. I’d reinstall Overwatch to check it out.

Thank you for the feedback! I chickened out a lot I know, but I was afraid wanting more was me being biased and I really don’t want another meta where the other supports are thrown away in favor of her. My goal is a balanced Mercy that still feels impactful to play and still retains the aspects that are essentially Mercy.

I guess you could probably upgrade the healing on Injection while lowering the CD a bit… maybe 70 hps instead of 65 with a CD of 12 seconds? (Not touching damage boost though, that things has so many breakpoints above 35%).

As for the Damage Reduction I based it on Sym’s orbs (25 m/s) but made it slightly slower since the effect is so strong. I guess you could lower the effect to 40% and increase the projectile speed as compensation? :thinking:

Still not sure how to solve the damn console issue with AD having its natural place on the same button as rez - controllers need more buttons damn it! I don’t want to give up either ability though, so I will find an alternative. Maybe pressing two buttons at the same time hmm…

To be honest, that is a noble goal. You were just being a bit too conservative. I’m biased a bit too when it comes to Mercy… but that’s why I’ll generally try to compare my ideas to other abilities in the game to get a feel for how powerful they might be.

That sounds like a good starting point to me. It may still be a little undertuned but it is less incredibly obvious that it is. (and yes… do not touch damage boost any more than that… that ability is super volatile)

Ah… so that’s where the speed came from. That does make a certain amount of sense… but I’d compare it to the other support skill shot that’s used to blunt ultimates instead of a burst damage alt fire… Sleep Dart.

Sleep Dart travels at 60 M/S and has the very large upside of being full on hard CC which will outright stop anything. Sleep Dart is smaller… but I think you could make your thing faster without weakening the % because it doesn’t outright stop ultimates. 50 M/s to match her pistol would be nice.

I thought you figured it out with Damage Reduction on E and Inject as Mercy’s reload when her staff is out?

For PC yes, doesn’t work on console because “E” on console is both AD and rez. It kinda works because for the rez to trigger there has to be an orb and you have to be targeting the soul, but that would obviously not quite work out with an “fire at will” ability like the one I have in mind. Hence why I’m considering making it an ability that demands two button presses, or make it so you fire it from your gun (that frees up a lot of buttons on the controller… would make it less instinctive and more clunky though).

right right… I just remembered the problem there.

I think I might have a solution.

If I remember correctly AD is on the button it is because it is possible to look around while holding it. Meaning it has to stay there. The Jump button isn’t on a button where that’s true, which is why AD isn’t just on the jump button.

Couldn’t console Mercy have jump move to AD, and Damage Reduction go on whatever jump is on now?

This might not work at all… I’ve never tried to play Overwatch on a controller.